The Real Reason Your Skin Breaks Out in Fall
The indisputable pros of fall: knit sweaters! Yummy, warm beverages! The season premiere of our favorite TV shows! Pumpkin-flavored everything! An unfortunate side effect of the incoming cozy, breezy days: breakouts. It’s true! Acne is most common in the fall, thanks to particular weather shifts. That’s why we’re teaming up with Alba Botanica® to explain how our skin changes with the season, the reason we’re particularly vulnerable to blemishes in fall months, and what we can do to curb the damage. Scroll on for a breakdown of those pesky breakouts.
You’ve totally, totally got this.
Do you have any tips for battling breakouts in the fall? We want to hear ‘em! Share with us on Twitter @BritandCo.
Production + Styling: Maddie Bachelder
Design: Marisa Kumtong
Photography: Kurt Andre