Make this happen NOW.
Woo! Justin Timberlake Says He Would “Absolutely” Work with Britney Spears

In the ‘This Totally Needs to Happen’ category, we have a duet, collab, performance, whatever between Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. Though we’ve been hearing rumors of a reunion for a while now and though the two have been battling it out on the charts, Justin himself is giving us reason to believe this could actually happen and soon.
Currently in Toronto to promote his Netflix concert film, Justin Timberlake and the Tennessee Kids, he was asked on the red carpet about a recent interview Brit did with E!, where she said he was on her list of producers she love to possibly work with. Though the two could reasonably keep their distance after their late ‘90s / early ‘00s relationship ended on not-so-great terms, it looks like it’s all water under the bridge. Seems apt, since after the breakup Justin asked Britney to “cry me a river.”
Blaming the fact that he missed this particular tidbit because of the fact that he has a toddler at home (justifiable), his response was definitely positive. “Sure! Absolutely, absolutely.” Way to put the past behind you, Justin. And we’ll say it again: This NEEDS to happen.
Would you love to see (or rather, hear) Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears working together? Tweet us @britandco!
(h/t Exclaim!; photos via Vince Bucci, Kevin Winter/Getty)