This Photo Series Reveals What People Who Work from Home REALLY Wear
There are lots of perks when it comes from working from home, but we’re going to go ahead and say that one of the top is… casual Friday every day. The freedom of working from home and the freedom to wear whatever we’re most comfortable in is what inspired “Work From Home,” a photo series by the artist Sarah Deragon, featuring some of the Bay Area’s most creative female entrepreneurs. You won’t find any photos of these entrepreneurs sitting in a perfectly organized artist’s studio or at an Insta-perfect desk. These are playfully honest photos of women wearing what they really wear when they work from home. From robes to beanies and leggings, you won’t find any pencil skirts here.
Sarah told us the idea started as a joke. “The project came out of a conversation I was having with a few other lady entrepreneurs at Alt Summit about how funny it would be to have a photo project showing the world what we REALLY wear when we work from home.” But then, she realized that it actually might make a really fun and interesting project, “I put a call out to my favorite lady entrepreneur friends to see who wanted to be part of the project and folks showed up so beautifully for this project. I told them to wear whatever they wear when they work from home, and we got everything from some amazingly cool patterned leggings to a red onesie.”
When it comes to embarking on your own photography project, Sarah tips, “Find something intensely personal to you that you want to explore, and just start shooting. A lot of people spend too much time thinking about how the project will end up, but you’ll never know that until you start shooting. The best thing about a personal photo project is that you’re 100% in charge of it, and you can change the direction, re-edit the photos, re-shoot the photos, find new people to photograph, travel to a different place to photograph people. You are in charge, and whatever resonates with you will probably resonate with other people as well.”
Feeling inspired by Sarah? You can take one of her super helpful classes like iPhoneography 101 and How To Use Instagram to Build Your Business. Check her website and make sure you follow her on Instagram to get all the latest updates on all her amazing photography projects.
Know of any other cool personal projects that we just need to feature? Let us know in the comments below!
(Photos via Sarah Deragon)