Oh, Yeezy.
WTF?! Kanye West Met Up With Trump This Morning

It’s pretty hard — if not downright impossible — to predict what Kanye West will be up to from one day to the next. The last we heard, he was supposedly taking time off while recovering from his recent hospital stay (though, honestly, this doesn’t sound like the rest he needs), but then Kanye turned up somewhere totally unexpected this morning: Trump Tower. He was there to meet with the President-Elect himself, and fans and foes are definitely unsure about this latest move by Yeezy.
Here's video of Kanye West, fresh off his hospitalization, arriving at Trump Tower and going up the elevator. pic.twitter.com/Y46MhYd7Se
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) December 13, 2016
As soon as Kanye showed up at Trump Tower with his security entourage in tow, the cameras started snapping and updates about the visit started flooding social media.
No words. #KanyeTrump pic.twitter.com/guu2NEjs2I
— Dan Linden (@DanLinden) December 13, 2016
When Kanye showed up and headed straight to the elevators, Trump was there to shake his hand and pose for the cameras. When Trump was asked what they were discussing, his answer was, “Life.” Um, okay.
When West was asked questions, he continued to smile (kinda weirdly) and said he just wanted to take a picture. Um, okay.
"We've been friends for a long time": Kanye West and President-elect Trump appear together at Trump Tower https://t.co/QoofBJzY1x pic.twitter.com/DK6z1P9LhG
— CNN (@CNN) December 13, 2016
Whatever his reason for being there, folks are not impressed (for plenty of reasons)…
@andylassner @NBCNews @MSNBC i lost all my respect to Kanye. How can he do this to his community?
— aylinka pfefferminza (@aylinka_95) December 13, 2016
Might just have to mute Kanye's name. I've had him blocked for a good while now. It's time.
— Katrina, RN (@SoKattastic) December 13, 2016
Trump and Kanye working together = The two buttcheeks of Satan
— Ramoan Bruce (@OyajiHikikomori) December 13, 2016
@Gator_Bell to Trump. It seems opportunistic to meet with Kanye after his mental health crisis
— E.Nicole (@erikastruth) December 13, 2016
Two of America’s greatest scowlers and tantrum throwers, together at last. pic.twitter.com/1O327C2Ojm
— Christina Wilkie (@christinawilkie) December 13, 2016
Oh sure Kanye West is BFF with Trump! Both bullies, both losers whining when don't get what they want n both share same views about women 😐
— Archana (@ArchisticMind) December 13, 2016
Listening to the La La Land soundtrack and trying to ignore Trump/Kanye
— Trey Williams (@Trey3Williams) December 13, 2016
Will we be hearing that Kanye’s been added to Trump’s team next? You never know these days.
Kanye West is at Trump Tower, hanging out with Trump. Peak 2016.
— Yung Twilight (@PascaleM93) December 13, 2016
Or perhaps a performance?
Kanye gonna perform at the inauguration. Watch.
— Kyle Bella (@quixoticblazes) December 13, 2016
"What a long, strange trip it's been" pic.twitter.com/4NjvK9pikP
— A Quavo Christmas (@MeelzTV) December 13, 2016
What do you think about Kanye’s visit with Trump? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(Photo via Drew Angerer/Getty)