There's no better way kick off March's NEON theme than with an ode to old school neon. Any child of the 80s and 90s has a deeply rooted fondness for fluorescence, and we're all pretty pumped that the neon trend is back in full force. And, thanks to our bestie the Internet, we can find […]
Zack Morris Called. He Wants His Neon Back.

There's no better way kick off March's NEON theme than with an ode to old school neon. Any child of the 80s and 90s has a deeply rooted fondness for fluorescence, and we're all pretty pumped that the neon trend is back in full force. And, thanks to our bestie the Internet, we can find a good number of those throwback threads on eBay, Etsy, Amazon and Body Glove. (Yes, Body Glove.)
Some of these pieces are vintage finds so they are likely one of a kind, but should serve as good fodder for constructing a vintage neon look. Wearing all of these pieces at once might be a bit much, but adding a daily dose of neon flair to your wardrobe is the perfect way to usher in a little spring sunshine.
1. Nike Get In Shape Flight Lite ACGs ($75): This pair of brightly-colored Nikes is a prototype that never actually came out. They're a cross between hiking boots and basketball sneakers, and would look mighty festive coupled with a pair of teeny tiny 80s running shorts.
3. Catchit Neon Caution Tape Surf Culture Volleyball Shorts 80s ($50): Had to include the full eBay product title here because what could be more 80s than a pair of shorts that combines neon, caution tape, surf culture, and volleyball?
4. Glow-in-the-Dark Neon Gimp 4-Pack ($9): Also known as boondoggle, scoubidou and lanyard, we just might have this 4-pack of gimp lying around the office desperately seeking a brand new use.
Body Glove Time Warp Vest
6. Vintage Troll ($8): It's impossible to kick it old school without referencing a troll. Ok, maybe not impossible, but how happy are you that this 80s troll exists and is staring you in the face right now?
Sorel Vintage Neon Moon Boots
9. Rainbow Sundae Sunglasses with Built-in Visor ($10): Another one where the title really tells the story. The built-in visor with rainbow sundae print just screams I was a huge fan of Andre Agassi and ice cream in the early 90s.
10. 1980s Pink Triangles Cropped Sweater ($64): We love this! It's bright, cropped and knitted with love. This would look awesome with a pair of skinny jeans and a chunky agate necklace.
11. Vintage Skateboard Neon Duffle Bag ($8): Here's the scene. You're in 6th grade. You've got braces and a penchant for Princess Leia braided buns. 8th grader Tommy Swanhouse is just too dreamy for words and rocks a skateboard (and skateboard duffle) like nobody's business.