Your very own personal shopper is now just a hashtag away thanks to Zappos’ new Instagram-based styling service called NEXT OOTD. And unlike other digital style recommendation services, the program doesn’t require you to fill out customization surveys or share a highly curated Pinterest board: instead, just take a selfie. Seriously, can online shopping get any easier?
Now Getting Personalized Shopping Recs Is as Easy as Snapping a Selfie

Your very own personal shopper is now just a hashtag away thanks to Zappos’ new Instagram-based styling service called NEXT OOTD. And unlike other digital style recommendation services, the program doesn’t require you to fill out customization surveys or share a highly-curated Pinterest board: instead, just take a selfie. Seriously, can online shopping get any easier?
We have to give props to Zappos for such stealthy integration. Not only for positioning itself merely a post away from some of the most style-minded people in the world — Fast Co. Design reported that Zappos has slated personal shopping via Instagram to be “the future of business,” so hold onto your hats… and your smartphones! But we also applaud the e-comm giant for piloting a ground-breaking shopping service that’s so seamlessly integrated into, what is for many of us, as much of a daily routine as brewing coffee in the morning. Plus, for someone with newsletter overload, this kind of marketing integration feels easy and unobtrusive: Opt-in to the service if you want, otherwise, rest easy that no one is creepin’ on your feed without your permission (probably).
Since Zappos has such a sharp and extensive inventory, we’re way interested to see how specialized these recs can get, especially since in the program’s infancy, it’s currently being manned by one person (though it has been reported that that number may grow to match the program’s success). Our hope is that Zappos can pick up on more than just the garments in our selfies — it’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it, right? — so our fingers are crossed for playful sunnies, color blocked shoes, patterned totes, and maybe even a 3D printed accessory thrown in for good measure ;)
Are you pumped about Zappos’ new personalized styling service? Would you tag your next selfie with #nextootd? Tell us in the comments below.