9 Healthy Ways to Cope If You’re an Anxious Traveler

how to travel with anxiety

Love everything about travel except the actualtraveling? If you're like a lot of us, there's one major drawback to our trips: A lot of us really (like, really) don't like to fly. A significant number of Americans feel increased stress — or outright fear — about air travel. About 18 percent of adults report being “anxious" about flying, and 12 percent say they're actually fearful. And with the added stress from COVID, we can understand if you'd rather have a summer staycation.

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Often, these feelings have to do with placing our bodily safety in others' hands: “It's a lack of control and having to trust someone else to get you where you need to go in a safe and secure manner," says therapist Heidi McBain, MA, LMFT, LPC. But it's not just the time wheels are up that stresses us out. The headache of schedule changes, the yo-yo of hurry-up-and-wait, and the embarrassment of the dreaded security pat-down can all contribute to our heightened tension in airports.

Perhaps it's not surprising, then, that a new survey found that one in 10 airline passengers have snuck illegal substances (including marijuana, illicit prescription drugs, and even cocaine) aboard a flight — often to relieve anxiety. But you don't have to resort to trippy gummy bears just to keep your cool in the air. Instead, try some healthier coping methods. Here are nine techniques to consider before you hop on your next flight.

1. Take your meds. First, if you have a diagnosed anxiety (or other mental health) condition, don't let the hustle and bustle of travel get in the way of remembering any prescribed medications you regularly take. Hurtling through the sky in a metal bird is the last place you want to be without this critical component of your mental health self-care. Add “take meds" to your pre-flight to-do list or packing list to be sure you don't accidentally forget.

2. Allow plenty of time. The sneaking fear of missing the flight underlies many travelers' stress. Not making it to your destination and losing out on the money you paid for your ticket is seriously not cool. Giving yourself more wiggle room by arriving extra early at the airport early might allow you to breathe easier throughout your travel day.

3. Walk before you fly. Exercise is a well-known stress reliever, but when you're waiting to board, you might feel a bit self-conscious jogging through the concourse or busting out a downward dog. A better option (if time allows — see the previous entry) is to go for a walk. “Walking around before you get on the plane can be helpful to get rid of some of your pent-up energy," notes McBain.

4. Try aromatherapy. Okay, so maybe you can't run your aromatherapy diffuser while squeezed in the middle seat in coach class, but that's not to say you can't carry on a discreetly sized vial of an essential oil you find soothing. Hold a calming lavender scent to your nose when anxiety hits, or dab a few drops on your wrists or temples before heading to the airport. For other passengers' comfort, just stay mindful of the strength of any scents you plan to pack.

5. Bring a comfort object. A comfort object doesn't have to be a grubby old teddy bear from when you were five. (Though research indicates that hanging on to beloved childhood toys into adulthood can actually ease certain mental health difficulties.) Bringing along any object that makes you feel at home — your pillow, perhaps, or a favorite blanket — can help establish an environment that feels safe, even on a plane.

6. Journal. Not all journaling is created equal. When turbulence starts up, it's probably best not to put your freakout on paper. (So not just writing “OMG I'm gonna DIE!" over and over.) Instead, probe a little deeper. Why is the bumpy ride scaring you? Compare any fears with the facts. Write about all the times you've traveled before and have been just fine, or that 2.6 million other Americans fly on any given day.

7. Meditate. Nearly every kind of meditation has been shown to reduce anxiety, from mindful breathing to visualization. Fire up a meditation app or listen to a quick guided talkdown on YouTube while sitting in the terminal. “One easy grounding technique is to focus on your five senses," says McBain. Take a few moments to tune in all you're seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting, and see if it doesn't help anchor you peacefully in the moment.

8. Get educated. For those whose flying fears have to do with all that could go wrong from takeoff to landing, getting educated about the safety of air travel can allay these concerns. According to FlyFright.com, a site devoted to helping people overcome fear of air travel, the chance of being involved in an airplane accident is one in 11 million. And though turbulence can certainly be uncomfortable, it's extremely rare for it to cause any damage more devastating than coffee spilled in your lap. Stay buckled up to ensure safety and let your fears just… fly away.

9. Get help. Finally, don't be afraid to seek help from a mental health pro for your feelings around flying. Says McBain: “If severe travel anxiety is keeping you from going on the trips and vacations of your dreams, a therapist who specializes in anxiety might be able to help you work through your anxiety at a deeper level to make these dreams a reality in your life."

How do you cope with travel anxiety? Tell us your tips on Twitter at @BritandCo and check out our Travel page for more ideas.

(Photo via Jack Finnigan/Unsplash)

This post has been updated.

For those of us who have dry skin, the time is here for us to triple our moisturizing efforts unless we want to deal with inevitable patches or itchiness. I've already noticed my combination skin is embracing its flaky and textured era, so I've been slowly stocking up on my favorite thick moisturizers to help calm things down.

Since I'm a busy mom, I've been relying on Amazon Prime delivery to get them shipped straight to my front door. Right now I only have three facial moisturizers I swear by, but I'm also sharing two body products that keep my eczema-prone extremities hydrated.

Keep reading for the luxuriously thick moisturizers you need to add to cart ASAP.

My Favorite Face Moisturizers For Dry Skin

Jasmine Williams/Brit + Co

Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream

I've been using Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream for the past 3 years and it's been a miracle for my confused skin. IMO, it's not greasy despite having a richer texture than I'm used to. It actually feels soothing to me and I think that has everything to do with the 4.5 percent Squalene and Glacial Glycoprotein that's in it.

I typically use a hyaluronic acid serum in addition to this, but this facial cream is my go-to moisturizer.

Why Other Customers Love It


Other customers have a lot to say about this thick moisturizer, but the standout Amazon reviews are:

  • "By profession I'm a cosmetologist so have decades of experience not only with hair products, but also with those concerning skin care. I've tried almost every item on the market and this is my favorite. It isn't heavy, yet provides plenty of moisturization. My face feels so soft! I'm a senior citizen and my skin tends to be dry, but just a little of this smoothes and hydrates it. You don't even need a primer. Makeup glides on."
  • "This is the only moisturizer that doesn’t break out my extremely sensitive skin. I have rosacea and other products burn my skin and make my face even more red. I’ve been using this and it’s the only thing I can use."
  • "This moisturizer feels great on the skin! I have mixed oily and dry skin and it has done so well. I recently switched from Tula to this brand and I have not regretted it. It does not cause breakouts and I feel like my face is hydrated the whole day. i would definitely recommend."
  • "Nice product that gives some sun protection. A little thicker consistency than regular moisturizer but the convenience of not using sunscreen for daily errands. My DIL gave me this once for a birthday & I have been using ever since."


La Roche-Posay Triple Repair Moisturizing Cream

Okay, this moisturizer is a little pricier than the others I've mentioned, but it's La Roche-Posay! If you're looking at me with a blank stare, I'll do my best to explain. This is hands-down one of the best skincare brands I've come across in my 30s because a handful of their products have a seal of approval from the National Eczema Association.

It has shea butter and niacinamide in it, which are double threats against icky environmental elements that cling to dry skin. Plus, you can use it on your face, body and hands!

Why Other Customers Love It


Here are some of the best reviews on Amazon about this luxurious moisturizer:

  • "This lotion has literally no fragrance. It leaves my skin feeling soft with a subtle glow without being greasy. It is also extremely hydrating. I have very sensitive skin, and the fact that babies can use it too is what made me decide to try it."
  • "The first application was wild. It’s thick and feels pretty slippery on the surface. But the next morning, I didn’t want to stop touching my face. The flakes became way more manageable and allowed me to continue the retinitis treatment. I’ve been using this for a few weeks, and my skin texture has improved tremendously. It is great that you can use it on your body as well. I lather it on at night and then put a very light layer on under my sunscreen in the morning. It doesn’t make me look greasy if I let it soak in before applying makeup."
  • "It instantly alleviated my dryness, leaving my skin radiant, glowy, and remarkably hydrated. As we transition into the winter months, I’m confident this cream will be a lifesaver against the harsh, windy weather we often experience in the Midwest."
  • "As someone with sensitive and acne-prone skin, this has been a game changer. I can't imagine going without this product since starting tretinoin and tazarotene. I use it as a final step in my routine to seal in moisture and any active ingredients. La Roche-Posay has consistently made sensitive-skin-friendly products. I'm not sure how you may react to the high shea butter content, but my skin doesn't seem to have any issues with it. The thickness is unlike any lotion I've tried. 10/10 would recommend."


Olay Complete+ Rich Moisturizing Cream

Having sensitive skin isn't a death sentence for your face. It just means your skin is picky and only wants the best products to touch it, so technically it's like having a superpower. If you're still not convinced, let Olay's Complete+ Rich Moisturizing Cream persuade you.

It has vitamin B3, vitamin E, and ceramides in it that work together to provide all day hydration. Also, these powerhouse ingredients work together to promote healthy cell turnover so your gorgeous moisture barrier is in tip-top shape. P.S. It's recommended by the Skin Health Alliance.

Why Other Customers Love This Facial Moisturizer


Check out what these Amazon customers had to say:

  • "I have extremely sensitive skin and this doesn't irritate my skin. I've tried and given up using many products (I'm 71). This cream makes my skin (face and neck) soft and hydrated. I use it several hours before bed and again in the morning. I alternate using it with another face skin care product."
  • "I find this to be every bit as moisturizing, creamy, and long-lasting as any of the more expensive face creams that are all the rage these days. I have tried many of the face serums, creams, and lotions and do not think any of them work any better than this Olay Face Cream."
  • "My mom used Olay products and her skin was immaculate! I started using it in my 30s and switched to other more popular, more expensive brands. I should have never stopped using it. I love this new moisturizer too! It feels amazing and makes my face look so smooth! I'm back Olay!"
  • "Tried this because my husband’s dermatologist has the most beautiful skin. I asked the dr what he used and this was it. After using so many different moisturizers for years I always had red rough skin. Now after all these years the redness is gone!! Its definitely worth giving it a try."

My #1 Favorite Body Moisturizer For Dry Skin 

Jasmine Williams/Brit + Co

Palmer's Shea Formula Body Lotion

Since it's a little colder, I need something that's going to keep my skin moisturized without triggering eczema flareups. One of the top moisturizers that gets the job done is Palmer's Shea Formula Body Lotion.

I personally opt to get the value size of this because it lasts a little over a month for me. Why? Well, a little goes a long way because this dermatologist-approved formula is thick. But once I rub it into my skin, it provides the silkiest shine I've ever seen. Besides shea butter, it has Marula, oatmeal, grapeseed oil, and vitamin E in it to provide the radiance I love so much.

It's usually $16 on Amazon, but it's currently on sale for $13!

Why Other Customers Love It


According to Amazon, over 5,000 customers have purchased Palmer's Shea Formula body lotion this month. Also, it has a 4.6 rating which means I'm not the only one who loves using it. Here's my favorite 5-star reviews:

  • "As someone who battles dry skin year-round, finding a reliable moisturizer has always been a challenge—until I discovered Palmer's Shea Formula Raw Shea Body Lotion. This lotion has been a game-changer for me, and I'm thrilled to share my experience."
  • "The smell of this is amazing, makes my skin silky and smooth. great everyday lotion & the smell is subtle enough that it doesn’t overwhelm when I put my perfume on. My skin is plenty hydrated using this and I don’t notice any stickiness once it dries down."
  • "So we are on our 4th bottle now. Loving the product? Yassss!"
  • "We live in far Southern Az, where it is extremely dry (except during the monsoon). So we have had to start using skin lotions to make our skin feel better. This stuff is really great! And it lasts quite awhile."

Another Body Moisturizer I Love Using For Dry Skin


Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion

If I feel like switching things up, I'll buy Aveeno's Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion. It has a triple oat (oat flour, extract, and oil) and shea formula that work wonders for anyone who knows how it feels to have dry skin you suddenly have to scratch all the time. It's basically tough on things that cause dry skin, but gentle on the sensitivity of it!

Why Other Customers Love It


This lotion actually has a slightly higher rating than Palmer's and has been purchased over 6,000 times this month. The only reason it's not my first go-to is because I have fond childhood memories of Palmer's. Aside from that, Aveeno is pretty d—n amazing!

Customers are saying:

  • "My derm recommended it, my skin is now so soft, not dry anymore as long as I keep applying daily."
  • "Love this lotion. I am super sensitive with lifelong relatively dry skin, and also super picky about my lotion quality and what I need."
  • "I've tried high end lotions and they have nothing on this stuff! This lotion is incredibly soothing, providing instant relief and long-lasting hydration that keeps my skin feeling soft and smooth all day. The formula is gentle, fragrance-free, and absorbs quickly without leaving any greasy residue, making it perfect for daily use. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my skin’s texture and overall comfort since I started using it."
  • "I’ve tried so many - This is the Only lotion that keeps the moisture in my skin. I put it on in the morning and my skin is still soft and dewy at night and even the next morning."

Need recommendations for the best face wash to use? We have 10 geared towards each skin type!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Our favorite dancing queens (Meryl Streep included) might be returning to the big screen for a third encore of Mamma Mia! and we’re already rewatching the first two movie musicals in preparation.

In an interview with Deadline in May of 2023, Mamma Mia! franchise creator and producer Judy Craymer said a third movie musical is in "earliest stages." She also shared that she has come up with a way to bring Meryl Streep back again.

"I don't want to over-egg it," she said of the unofficial news, "but I know there's a trilogy there…and I do think Meryl should come back, and if the script is right, she would, I think, because she really loved playing Donna."

"Of course I want to do it," Streep said during the 2024 Cannes Film Festival (via Deadline). Sounds promising to us!

Is Mamma Mia 3 happening?

Universal Pictures

Yes, Mamma Mia 3 is in its early planning stages! Christine Baranski just told The Hollywood Reporter that she's met with producer Judy Kramer, and that Kramer has plans for the third movie. "She gave me the narrative plotline of how it’s going to happen," Baranski says. "That’s all I can say! But, it’s not like, 'Oh, I wish it could happen!' Judy Kramer makes things happen. She made number two happen, and it was a phenomenal hit. I wouldn’t put it past Judy Kramer to get everybody back together."

Universal Pictures

A third installation was first mentioned way back in 2020, during a Collider interview with Mamma Mia! star Amanda Seyfried. Seyfried said she was on board — and at the time, she thought the rest of the star-studded cast would be too.

"Listen, every single person in that movie would say yes in a heartbeat because we want to hang out with each other," Seyfried told Collider at the time. "That's what we talked about last time, like did we ever think that we'd end up here again on an Island in Croatia?"

When will Mamma Mia 3 come out?

Universal Pictures

We don't have an official answer about when to expect this highly anticipated sequel. The project is in the "earliest stages," according to creator and producer, Judy Craymer. Cher also revealed to Entertainment Weekly that everyone is "talking about it," but she doesn't "know when they're going to do it."

Has casting information been shared about Mamma Mia 3?

Jonathan Prime/Universal Studios

While nothing's been made official, Amanda Seyfried just said something that made my heart skip a beat. She told ABC News she loves Sabrina Carpenter's music and dropped this admission: "If Sabrina Carpenter wants to play my daughter, I’ll make it happen."

But before she admitted that, the actress said something else that made me raise my eyebrows. "Everybody says it’s gonna happen, but I mean, I haven’t seen a script."

Cher is also eager to return to the beloved franchise and is rooting for Meryl to make an appearance again. "I keep saying, 'Meryl, you've got to come back,'" she said (via Entertainment Weekly). She also said she's told her, "'It'll be fun. You'll have a good time. You'll be able to sing.'"

I don't know what it'll take, but hope someone gets a script in Amanda Seyfried, Cher, and Meryl Streep's hands ASAP!

What is the first Mamma Mia about?

Universal Pictures

The first film follows Donna (Streep) and Sophie (Seyfried) as mother and daughter living on a remote Greek island. When Sophie is about to marry Sky (Dominic Cooper), she sets out to learn who her real father is after discovering it could be one of three men (played by Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgard, and Colin Firth).

Who does the second Mamma Mia follow?

Universal Pictures / NBCUniversal

Mamma Mia 2takes viewers back to 1979, where young Donna (Lily James) embarks on a series of adventures throughout Europe following her Oxford University graduation. On her journeys, she makes the acquaintances of Harry, Bill and Sam – the latter whom she falls in love with. In the present day, pregnant Sophie dreams of renovating a taverna while reuniting with her mother's old friends and boyfriends on a Greek island island.

TBH, we’re pretty happy that Mamma Mia! is far from over, and we can’t wait to see what the franchise has in store for us next. Stay updated on all the latest entertainment news with Brit + Co.

This post has been updated.

You and your friends have likely spent countless hours together, decoding everything from imaginationships to the best comfort shows to watch when you're sad. You've probably even settled into a designated role within the group. Maybe you're the super adventurous one, always suggesting friend date ideas for the group to try, while someone else always knows how to comfort everyone when life gets rough. But, have you ever wondered if you're the most empathetic friend in the group? That's easy, just ask Brianna Paruolo, LCMCH. She's the founder and clinical director of On Par Therapyso she knows how to recognize signs you're an empath, plus how to take care of yourself!

How To Know If You're An Empath

  • Empathy is when "you feel what others are feeling."
  • There are physical, emotional, social, and mental signs that you're an empath.
  • You may be an empath if you get physically exhausted after being in crowds, feel anxious or overwhelmed in emotionally charged environments, feel responsible for other people's happiness, or you find it hard to distinguish your own feelings from someone else's.

Are there really assigned roles in friend groups or am I just imagining things?

Gary Barnes

Like I said before, it can seem like you and your friends unintentionally gravitate toward certain 'roles.' It's not like anyone woke up one day and decided, "I'm going to be the 'mother hen' of the group," but it tends to happen. Why?

Paruolo says, "In my clinical work, I've consistently observed that our friendship roles often mirror our early family dynamics. These patterns show up naturally — think about who in your friend group gets the first crisis call, who plans all the gatherings, or who everyone turns to for emotional support." I'm willing to bet you thought of a name for each scenario — including yours — because I know I did!

"Like in families, we each fall into specific roles that feel familiar to us," Paruolo further explains.

What actually makes someone an empathetic person?

cottonbro studio

There's so many definitions for empathy, but I thought it would be wise to ask a licensed professional for her opinion on the matter. "Empathy means to feel what others are feeling. You do not have to have a personal direct experience with something to feel empathy for another person," shares Paruolo.

For example, your friend could call to tell you she has to have fibroid removal surgery and is feeling scared. You may have never had surgery, but you could find yourself feeling the need to comfort her in spite of this. Paruolo says, "The cool thing about our brains is that we have mirror neurons, which means part of our brain is set up to feel what others feel. The ability to attune to others' emotional states comes naturally to some people, while others may need to develop this capacity more consciously."

Yaroslav Shuraev

To break it down even further, here's signs that Paruolo says point to your empathetic nature.

Physical Signs:

  • Getting physically exhausted after being in crowds
  • Feeling drained after social interactions, even enjoyable ones (OMG I feel so seen!)
  • Needing extra time alone to recharge

Emotional Signs:

  • Absorbing other people's emotions like a sponge
  • Feeling anxious or overwhelmed in emotionally charged environments
  • Finding it hard to watch violence or cruelty in movies/TV

Social Signs:

  • Feeling responsible for others' happiness
  • Having trouble saying "no" to people who need help

Mental Signs:

  • Picking up on subtle changes in others' moods
  • Being highly attuned to body language and tone
  • Finding it hard to distinguish your feelings from others' feelings

It sounds like I'm the empathetic friend, but are there any downsides to this?

Mikhail Nilov

I've been an empath for as long as I can remember and I've found that I have to 'recharge' my social batteries at times. I thought it was because I was trying to be superwoman by fixing others' problems, but it turns out theres more to it than that. Paruolo says, "Empathetic friends and people have an uncanny ability to sense others' emotional states even when unspoken, and frequently need recovery time after intense social interactions. They tend to be deeply affected by others' experiences and naturally consider situations from multiple perspectives."

In the long run, she says it can be "distressing" for some people to always feel the feelings of others. Over time, she says, "it can cause you to shut down and retract." This can look like not being as quick to respond to the funny memes your friends send you or not even answering their phone calls right away.

cottonbro studio

But, this doesn't mean you're the only person who tends to go through this. "Many empaths struggle with maintaining boundaries due to their deep emotional attunement," she says. Color me guilty because this sounds so much like me. It got so bad at one point that my sister nicknamed me 'Captain Save-A-Lot,' which is actually the clean version of what she truly meant. Still, empathy fatigue is no laughing matter nor does it mean you're defected. You just have the natural ability to show people their feelings are important to you.

How can I protect my peace as the empathetic friend?


You know you need to set boundaries, but what does that mean? Paruolo says, "The key is understanding that empathy needs to be balanced with compassion - it's not just about feeling others' emotions but also knowing how to help without depleting yourself."

One of the things she loves to do is "encourage empaths to set clear boundaries around their emotional availability and make time for regular grounding exercises." As with gratitude journaling, try to focus on an activity that calls for you to be present. Focus on what you can hear, see, touch, taste, and smell.

"Self-care isn't just a luxury; it's essential maintenance for empaths. This might mean scheduling alone time, finding a supportive therapist, or joining communities where you can process your experiences," Paruolo implores.

I know how to be there for others, but how do I ask for emotional support when I need it?

Vitaly Gariev

You may feel like it's impossible to ask others for help since your shoulders are the ones people cry on, but you're only doing yourself a disservice by not speaking up. No one's super resilient or able to handle all of their distressing feelings alone. We're not meant to.

It's the reason Paruolo wants you to speak up about what you need. "The most effective approach I've seen is being direct about your needs rather than hoping others will figure them out," she says. I made this mistake during postpartum and found myself expecting my family & friends to know exactly how I felt, but they're not mind readers. The more I verbally asked for help with little or big tasks, the more my mental and emotional load lightened.

Paruolo wants you to look at "asking for support as strengthening your friendships through trust and vulnerability, instead of waiting until you're overwhelmed." By the time you reach that point, you'll be ready to enter rage or full-blown shut down mode and they're not fun.

Avoid unlocking their proverbial doors by scheduling "regular check-ins with trusted friends," suggests Paruolo. "This creates a sustainable support system and helps prevent emotional crisis points.

We have even more self-care stories for you to dive into if you need a mental and emotional boost!

There's nothing ~normal~ about how much we love Normal People's Paul Mescal & Daisy Edgar-Jones. While it turns out we're not getting a Normal People season 2 (yet), the two actors are starring in some of 2024's biggest blockbusters (Twisters and Gladiator II, namely), and we've been soaking up their presences ever since.

Paul recently exhibited his ongoing friendship with Daisy at the Gladiator II premiere in Los Angeles. While he approached Brittany Broski on the red carpet for an interview, he recognized her from her recent 'Royal Court' interview with Daisy:

"You were with Daisy!" he chimed in excitingly. We just love this power duo!

Enda Bowe/Hulu

Daisy Edgar-Jones also revealed that she's remained incredibly close to Paul Mescal after their time on Hulu's Normal People. "Paul is one of my lifetime best friends," she says. "He’s an incredibly grounded person and I am too, I think, so it’s nice to be able to have those touchstones and those people you can laugh about it with and be lighthearted with. We met when I was 20 and Paul was 22; I’m so excited to see where we’ll be at 32, 42, and what life will bring us."

But the coolest thing is that not only is Normal People special for Paul and Daisy, but they've also been able to see the effect of the show on its fans.

"The thing I love people saying the most is, 'It made me contact my ex,'" Daisy continues. "Especially when much older people say, 'I just wanted to reach out to the person I was with when I was 17 just to say you were a big part of my history and thanks for being part of who I am, the tapestry of my life.' And that I really love, because I’m a massive romantic."

Daisy recently revealed they bonded over their training for Twisters and Gladiator II.

"I did running lessons — isn’t that crazy?" she told Variety. "Actually, Paul [Mescal] and I were laughing about it, because he was training for 'Gladiator II' and I was training for 'Twisters,' and obviously he had to be huge and I was like, 'Don’t worry, I’m going to be right up there with you.'"

Let us know your favorite Normal People moment in the comments and check out 5 Leading Ladies We'd Love To See In A Paul Mescal Rom-Com.

This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.

Winter is all about showing off frosty finishes and cozy shades while adding a touch of glamour to your everyday look. From cinnamon roll makeup to frosted finishes and pink hues, this list of 44 beauty finds will provide you with everything you need to achieve the hottest looks of the season. Colorful eyeshadow palettes, matte primers, and luxe setting sprays are all waiting down below, providing you with the flawless finish you deserve this winter. Ensure your makeup is on point for every festive event and fireside gathering this season with these Amazon gems that create the most stunning looks.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

This Makeup Palette With Waterproof Shades


The winter pink trend is circulating around the internet, and this makeup palette is a must-have for achieving the look. With nine different shades to choose from, this palette offers intense pigmentation and a smudge-resistant formula that you will swear by.

See it on Amazon

This Lipstick That Stays Put All Day


You can always count on this lipstick to keep your look in place through all your summer fun. The high-impact color works to stay put through any activity.

See it on Amazon

Peel Off This Lip Liner Stain for Long-Lasting Color


This long-lasting lip liner stain will keep your pout perfectly defined all day and night. It uses hyaluronic acid and vitamin E to nourish your lips. You put the liner on and leave it on for 20 minutes, then remove it for a smudge-proof color.

See it on Amazon

This Bronzer Brings a Natural Glow


This bronzer is the secret to looking like a Bridgerton duchess. The buildable liquid formula brings a natural finish, while the creamy formula melts into your skin. Whether you plan on spending your summer in the garden or by the lake, this gem is guaranteed to make a statement.

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This Face Primer Made With Hyaluronic Acid


This face primer has been a TikTok favorite for years. With each use, it provides your skin with a luminous glow and dewy finish. This must-have beauty gem is infused with hyaluronic acid and agave extract, allowing it to double as a skincare find.

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This Lipstick With a Velvety Touch


Follow the matte trend with this lipstick that has a velvety finish and lightweight design. This product can stay in place for up to 12 hours, providing you with a highly augmented look that effortlessly glides across your pout.

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This Brow Gel Infused With Peptides


Not only does this brow gel assist in sculpting your brows, but it also doubles as a brow-enhancing serum that will promote hair growth. The tinted formula fills in your brows, creating a voluminous, full look that will also hold your winter brows in place.

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This Finishing Powder Made With Anti-Aging Ingredients


That flawless winter finish is easy to achieve with this finishing powder, which blurs pores and creates a matte complexion without drying out the skin. This product includes skin-loving ingredients like hydrolyzed collagen, perfect for all skin types.

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Add a Touch of Radiance With This Glowy Illuminator


Meet this glowy illuminator, a versatile luminizer that gives you a dewy, glass skin look. Wear it alone, mix it with foundation or tinted SPF, or apply it over makeup for a radiant glow. Infused with Plant-Derived Glycerin, Vitamin C, and Rose Hip Seed Oil, it effortlessly hydrates, brightens, and moisturizes your skin.

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This Face Mask With an Irresistible Scent


This iconic face mask is a viral pick amongst beauty enthusiasts. The hydrating formula is made with rose petals and restorative oils, working to exfoliate the skin while keeping it hydrated and plump. It's a must-have for achieving the viral dewy look that everyone loves in the winter.

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This Concealer With Skincare Ingredients


This concealer can brighten your skin, even after a long winter night. The lightweight, hydrating formula feels invisible on the skin, while the hyaluronic acid adds moisture to your face. It's known to blur fine lines and create a natural, well-rested look each morning.

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This Foundation Is Smudge-Proof


Indulge in the viral vampy look with this foundation, which has a matte finish and transfer-proof formula. It can stay in place for up to 24 hours and offers a smooth, even finish that feels invisible on your skin.

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These Eye Masks for Winter Self-Care


Revitalize your under-eyes with these eye masks that are packed with a potent niacinamide serum. Whether you're struggling with dark circles or puffiness, these masks can deliver intense hydration that also leaves the skin looking plump and bright.

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This Eyeliner Pencil for a Smokey Eye


The viral smokey eye is a timeless look, and thiseyeliner pencil makes it easy to achieve. The creamy formula seamlessly glides across the skin, creating a bold look that can last up to 24 hours. Plus, it's infused with vitamin E and jojoba oil for hydrating results.

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This Water Cream Creates a Radiant Complexion


Dewy skin is the name of the game, and this water cream is your answer. This water-based skincare gem is made with squalane and other nourishing ingredients, offering a silky finish that your skin will fall in love with.

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This Mascara for Fluttery Lashes


Whether you're looking to create the viral frosted look or you just want to step out of your comfort zone, this mascara is a staple this season. Its waterproof design makes it practical, while the white, fast-drying formula offers an eye-catching look that will garner a ton of compliments.

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This Luminizer Blends in Seamlessly


Add a frosty shimmer to your cheeks, brow bones, and inner eye corners with this luminizer. The creamy, bendable formula makes it easy to add to your makeup routine, adding a subtle glow that will last all day and night.

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This Cleansing Oil Melts Off Your Makeup


Makeup wipes are so last season. Winter is all about using this cleansing oil that can melt away your makeup in seconds. It's formulated with nourishing ingredients, leaving your skin refreshed and radiant with each use.

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This Eyebrow Pencil for Precise Application


The best part about this eyebrow pencil is that it has a dual-sided design that includes a spoolie brush for blending. This waterproof pencil allows for precise application, making it easy to customize the fullness of your brows each day.

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This Waterproof Eyeliner Comes in Vibrant Shades


Follow the colorful winter trend with this waterproof eyeliner that comes in a vibrant blue shade. This pencil offers up to 36 hours of wear, creating a pop of color that is perfect for this season's colorful eyeliner trend. It creates a dramatic look that will complement your makeup this season.

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This Eyeshadow Palette With Shimmers and Mattes


Influencers are raving about this eyeshadow palette, which is a must-have for creating the viral frosted makeup look. With nine shades ranging from silver to midnight blues, this waterproof palette offers highly pigmented options that will stay fresh from day to night.

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This Eyeshadow With a Touch of Shimmer


A sultry smokey eye is one step away with this eyeshadow by Urban Decay. The highly pigmented formula and intense color offer a one-of-a-kind look that you can always count on. With various shades to choose from, it's easy to find your favorite match.

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This Primer Potion for Crease-Free Eyeshadow


That frosty look is easy to create, thanks to this primer potion that serves as an eyeshadow primer for the winter. This product can enhance your favorite eye looks, ensuring crease-free wear that is essential for all of your frosted looks.

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This Setting Powder Creates a Soft-Focus Look


Lock in your favorite winter looks with this setting powder, essential for blurring out your pores and imperfections. This powder is known for its soft-focus finish, perfect for adding a touch of winter magic to your favorite makeup looks.

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These Bronzing Drops Infused With Vitamins


Show off that bronzy look in the wintertime with these bronzing drops, essential for following the cinnamon roll makeup trend. The drops are infused with vitamin E, offering a sun-kissed finish that will bring warmth to all of your favorite makeup looks.

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This Face Primer for That Coveted Dewy Look


Believe it or not, this face primer will boost your skin's radiance like never before. The lightweight formula serves as the perfect base for the rest of your products, offering a gentle glow that is a must-have for the dry months of the year.

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This Lipstick With a Satin Finish


There's nothing as timeless as a red lip, and this lipstick is a long-lasting option you won't want to scroll past. The satin-matte finish has a subtle shine, allowing you to show off your pout while making a statement all day and night.

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This Lipstick With a Bold Statement


TikTokers have been raving about the vampy makeup trend, and this lipstick is a must-have for following the look. This creamy, richly pigmented lipstick offers a bold color that lasts, with a luxurious feel that won’t dry out your lips.

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This Setting Spray With Raving Reviewers


Infused with skin-loving ingredients like hyaluronic acid, this setting spray remains at the top of must-have beauty products on Amazon. The lightweight design adds a ton of dewiness to your face, while the hydrating ingredients work their magic all day long.

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This Eyeshadow Doubles as a Highlighter


Add an icy touch to your everyday makeup routine, starting with this eyeshadow that doubles as a highlighter. The moisturizing formula is a must-have for the dry weather, while the shimmering shade creates an ethereal look that is striking and stunning.

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This Mascara With a Pop of Pink


Perfect the pink trend with this mascara, which has the most stunning rose finish. This mascara will not only define your lashes but curl and lengthen them with each use. It's smudge-proof and long-lasting, perfect for any winter look.

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This Lip Liner Seamlessly Glides On


With this lip liner from Anastasia Beverly Hill, the perfect matte lip is one step away. The thin design allows for precise application, while the long-wearing formula makes it a staple for a busy day around town.

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This Eyeshadow With a Liquid Formula


Chrome is back and this eyeshadow is a must-have for creating the most iconic winter monochrome looks. With a long-lasting, glittery finish, this liquid eyeshadow creates a futuristic finish that blends in with all of your favorite products.

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This Concealer Is Waterproof


If you struggle with tired eyes, this concealer is the answer to your winter struggles. Not only does it provide you with a full-coverage finish, but it also hides dark circles, fine lines, and redness. It's a must-have for anyone who struggles with dull skin.

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This Toner With a Milky Formula


Soothe your skin with this toner that has a milky formula and lightweight design. This product can lock in moisture, calm redness, and strengthen the skin, serving as the perfect solution for sensitive skin in the wintertime.

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This Highlighter Enhances Your High Points


Glow from morning to night with this highlighter with a soft matte finish and subtle shimmer. The bendable formula is perfect for applying on top of other products, reflecting the light perfectly to enhance the high points of your face.

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This Eyeshadow Stick Makes a Statement


There's nothing more icy than this eyeshadow stick that is creamy and long-lasting. The highly pigmented color creates a bold statement, while the creamy design makes it easy to blend and combine with your other favorite products.

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This Eyeliner Pencil for a Defined Look


Achieve a warm, cinnamon-inspired eye with this eyeliner pencil, which is infused with caffeine for a smooth application. This eyeliner is bendable and rich in color, bringing warmth and depth to all of your favorite looks.

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This Face Powder Comes With a Puff


The best part about this face powder is that it has an extra-fluffy puff accessory that makes it easy to apply and blend into the skin. This product is a must-have for setting the makeup in place and evening out the skin tone with each use.

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This Lipstick for the Matte Lip Trend


When in doubt, you can always count on this lipstick to create a luxurious look that your lips will love. The silky matte finish is creamy and nourishing, while the hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid work to prevent dryness.

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This Bronzer Powder Lights Up Your Look


Bronze your skin like never before with this bronzer powder that adds the perfect touch of warmth. The lightweight powder adds a sunlit finish to your skin, perfect for bringing life to your winter makeup.

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This Blush Tint With a Buildable Formula


Dark blush is trending all season, and this blush tint is the perfect place to start. This weightless beauty gem has a watercolor finish that is sheer and buildable, allowing you to customize your look each day. Plus, it has a ton of dark hues to choose from.

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This Eyeshadow Palette With 12 Shades


With 12 different mattes and shimmers to choose from, this eyeshadow palette is a must-have for the viral smokey eye look. Whether you use these highly pigmented shades to create soft day looks or intense evening looks, they will gain compliments everywhere you go.

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Try a Vegan Beauty Item With This Saie Dew Blush


This Saie dew blush gives cheeks a natural flush with a lightweight formula that can be built up for a deeper wash of color. The cream blush is easily blendable for streak-free application.

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