I Tried Dance Parties to Work Out As a New Mom + Here’s What Happened

When you’re a new mom juggling life with a newborn (or in my case, two newborns), working out can take a back seat to sleep, feeding, and changing diapers. But once you emerge from that fog of sleep deprivation and want to get back into the swing of things, what’s a busy mom to do? You can ask other moms for creative ways to work out with your kids, try our 12-week guide to postpartum exercise, or get your groove back using a chair (no gym membership required!).

Pre-kids, I really loved taking Dance It Out classes with Billy Blanks, Jr. It was an intense cardio workout, but I had a blast shaking my booty to pop hits and learning dance routines. I’m not a great dancer, but I love it. It doesn’t feel like working out at all. After having twin girls, I struggled to make it through my old dance classes. I got winded, and my body felt very different postpartum.

Once my girls got older and I had childcare, I wanted to get back to working out because it’s such a great stress reliever for me and I missed it. I heard about Fat Kid Dance Party after watching a PopSugar video about it, and it looked so fun that I signed up for it at Everybody, a gym that’s all about embracing every single body — no judgments. I chatted with Bevin Brandlandingham, the creator and teacher of Fat Kid Dance Party, who has been a body liberation activist for 15 years. When she moved to Los Angeles a year and a half ago, she was searching for a gym, and when she heard that Everybody was opening, she proposed teaching a Fat Kid Dance Party aerobics class. She loved throwing dance parties in Brooklyn where she used to live, so she thought it was a great way to party and work out. Now, the class meets twice a week.

Before class, I spoke with Bevin about accepting our bodies as women, and how we can embrace the Fat Kid Dance Party philosophy even if we don’t live in LA. Her advice: “Health at every size is basically saying, find movement that’s fun for you and do it. Find foods that make you feel good and eat those. Meet your body where it’s at.”

Brandlandingham has three rules in her class: 1) There’s no wrong way to do Fat Kid Dance Party. 2) If anyone feels awkward, you can shout out, “I feel awkward,” and the rest of the class will cheer for you. 3) High-fives for self-care. If you grab a drink of water or take a moment to catch your breath, your fellow dancers will high-five you.

I joined the class one night with a friend. Brandlandingham led the class in a warmup stretch, then we got down to business. We did some pop star diva moves to Britney and Mariah. We did some country line dancing. We shook our booties. At one point, we gathered in a circle and danced around the room like a conga line, high-fiving anyone who was taking a break. It was so much fun, and I felt great. I’ll definitely go back!

A few weeks later, a friend invited me to Dance Dance Party Party LA, a girls-only dance party. It’s hosted on late Sunday afternoons at a yoga studio called The Sweat Spot. We went and joined a group of about 20 other women. There’s no teacher and there’s no choreography to learn, and the main rules are no boys, no lights, and no judgments. (There are dozens of DDPPs across the United States so check here for where they’re hosted.) The DJs are anyone who has been to a DDPP before and wants to curate an hour-long playlist.

Admittedly, it was a little awkward dancing “solo” around a bunch of strangers (cue Bevin’s cheer for awkward!), but with only a string of lights on the floor, I soon forgot about my awkward and let loose. I busted a move to Paula Abdul’s “Opposites Attract” and stood in front of a fan to cool down during “Zero” by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I watched other ladies dance with abandon. It was super fun. After the hour was over, I gave the DJ a high-five, and I’m planning on requesting to be a DJ myself!

What I loved about both dance parties was that I channeled my inner dancer, had a blast, and got my sweat on. No one looked at me weird or expected me to be good at dancing; I just had fun, and that’s the best workout of all.

What’s your go-to post-baby workout? Let us know @BritandCo!

(Photos via Jennifer Chen)

Even if you weren’t exactly in line for the Olympic gymnastics team as a kid (another reason Simone Biles is so impressive, honestly), chances are, you look back on those days as ones of your peak flexibility. Like running, remembering things, and making new friends, bending gradually gets harder as you age. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to keep your flex! Here’s why you lose your bendiness — and how to get it back.

Why Your Flexibility Stalls

Brit + Co

As though going through puberty weren’t enough of a struggle, it’s also the time when you start to lose your natural flexibility. “No one is more flexible in their life than they are as a child,” says Dr. Leython Williams, a doctor of physical therapy at Athletico Physical Therapy. “However, during puberty, children often become temporarily less flexible. Some children have slow growth spurts, while others grow very quickly. This temporary decrease in muscle length/flexibility is a result of their bones growing faster than their muscles and tendons can stretch.”

Note that Dr. Williams refers to this particular loss of flexibility as temporary — meaning we can’t blame puberty for the fact our toes seem to be getting farther away every time we try to touch them.

Brit + Co

“There is no specific age when we wake up and our flexibility has ‘officially declined.’ However, it is a fact that as we age our flexibility decreases, which leads to decreased functional ability and mobility,” he explains. “As our bodies get older, we lose a small amount of flexibility as a result of the normal aging processes. There is loss of water in our tissues and intervertebral discs, increased stiffness in our joints, and a loss of elasticity in muscles and tendons. In our 20s and 30s, it is important that we develop a consistent static and dynamic stretching regimen to establish and maintain flexibility and range of motion more easily into our older years.”

That’s right: What you do now matters later. And this isn’t just about keeping up in yoga, Dr. Williams cautions. “It becomes imperative that we stretch regularly to decrease our likelihood of various injuries.” Jill Belland, co-founder of Barre Belle, agrees. “It’s easy to feel invincible if you’re young and injury free! Flexibility will reduce your risk of injury: What doesn’t bend will break. Increased range of motion, balance, and mobility are all linked to flexibility and contribute to overall strength and fitness.”

How to Get It Back

Brit + Co

When you’re a kid, flexibility comes naturally; when you’re an adult, you have to take responsibility for improving and maintaining it. “Peak flexibility age for adults can differ person to person and depends largely on their physical activity habits,” says Dr. Rachelle Reed, PhD, Pure Barre’s manager of training development and barre kinesiologist. “Notably, flexibility can be improved at any age when flexibility training is incorporated into a regular exercise routine. It’s important for adults to be strategic about including flexibility training into their workouts, because maintaining flexibility and physical function as we move into middle and older adulthood is associated with better quality of life and independent living.”

There’s no one flexibility standard everyone has to meet, Belland reassures: “There is no golden rule for what perfect flexibility is person to person, but there are simple markers such as touching your toes from a forward fold for hamstrings/lower back, or reaching for your hands behind your back, with one hand behind the head and the other behind the waist, for shoulder mobility. You don’t need to be a contortionist; moving around with fluidity in your everyday life and having good range of motion in your favorite activities without feeling pain or tension is a better way to gauge your own personal goals.”

Brit + Co

But where do you start if you want to improve your flexibility? Dr. Reed explains, “There are two main types of flexibility training that you should aim to incorporate into your routine: Dynamic stretching, where a stretch is performed by moving through a challenging but attainable range of motion several times in a row, and static stretching, where a stretch is held in a challenging but attainable position for a longer period of time (at least 10-30 seconds).”

How do you know how far to go? “Our muscles have a natural stretch reflex that prevents us from going too far into a stretch, which can also cause injury,” Belland tells us. “Aim to gently stretch through this reflex. The key to increasing flexibility is about time under tension: It takes around 20 seconds to ease through the stretch reflex. Reintroduce the stretch and hold it for 10 seconds longer, working up to one minute. The second time you introduce a stretch, the stretch reflex will diminish, allowing your body to get deeper into your stretch and also building better muscle memory.”

Brit + Co

If you’re still worried about injuring yourself — especially if you’ve been injured in the past — Dr. Williams recommends seeing a physical therapist for guided stretches. Belland reminds us that you don’t have to go to the gym or spend hours on stretching. “Stretch a little bit every day when you can fit it in after a workout or in front of the TV. If you just don’t think you’ll stretch on your own, getting to a yoga or a barre class is helpful if you need the accountability of a dedicated time and space.”

Speaking of the gym, just as your phys ed teacher told you, stretching is especially important before and after a workout. “Far too often active individuals begin their workouts without a dynamic stretch,” Dr. Williams says. “Dynamic stretching increases one’s range of movement and blood flow to soft tissues prior to physical exertion and/or sport performance. This type of stretching is vital in improving performance and reducing the risk for injury.”

But you don’t have to be an athlete to benefit — in fact, stretching is an important antidote to all that sitting those of us with desk-based jobs tend to do. “Sitting at your desk all day can lead to decreased flexibility in hip flexors and hamstrings by keeping them in a shortened position for a prolonged period of time,” Dr. Williams warns. “Consider a standing desk or work station or taking several breaks throughout your work day to stand up and stretch.”

Instead of looking back on your kid-level flexibility as a long-ago dream, mix in a little bit of stretching into your new daily routine — especially if you work at a desk! You might never get your legs behind your head, but your older self will thank you for it. Check out The Best Time to Stretch During Your Workout for more!

Lead image via Brit + Co.

This post has been updated.

Numerous rumors about potentially-contaminated Girl Scout cookies have been floating around, and Girl Scouts of the USA is finally addressing them.

Sources reported the presence of toxic metals and glyphosate in the popular cookies and noted that it poses “profound ethical and public health concerns.” Here’s what Girl Scouts had to say.

Scroll on to learn more about what’s going on with the latest Girl Scout cookie contamination news.

Girl Scouts of the USA

The idea that Girl Scout cookies might be contaminated first arose in December 2024 when GMOScience and Moms Across America released a joint-commissioned reporttitled “Danger in the Dough: Unveiling the Toxic Contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies.”

The report found that 100% of the Girl Scout cookie samples they tested were positive for glyphosate and toxic metals and 88% of samples were positive for all 5 toxic metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury), with significant percentages of the samples testing positive for cadmium and lead.

Girl Scouts of the USA

In the report, both groups said that the continual sale of Girl Scout cookies poses “profound ethical and public health concerns,” and slightly called out Girl Scouts of the USA for not allocating more money towards “better ingredients."

The GMOScience and Moms Across America report also cited a lack of government oversight when it comes to food safety and that entities like the FDA and EPA “have not fulfilled their commitment.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

Despite the reports about contamination, Girl Scouts of the USA says Girl Scout Cookies are “safe to consume.” In an official statement, they assured the public that their cookies comply with FDA and EPA food safety standards. They also noted that heavy metals are not purposefully added to their cookies.

Girl Scouts of the USA

Girl Scouts of the USA made sure to note that “environmental contaminants” like heavy metals and glyphosate can occur naturally in soil, though in very small, trace amounts.

The FDA verified this, saying naturally-occurring heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury are just a “reality about our food supply.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

Girl Scouts of the USA highlighted that their cookie suppliers “continue to ensure the integrity of [their] recipes and the safety of all Girl Scout Cookie products in accordance with federal regulations and Global Food Safety initiative standards.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

The real issue at hand is not just Girl Scout cookies – it’s that our frameworks for food safety have plenty of wiggle room for toxic metals and chemicals to be present in our food.

In fact, it’s become so common that we tend to forget all about it – likely why cookie lovers were up in arms about the contamination news.

Girl Scouts of the USA

GMOScience and Moms Across America echoed this exact sentiment in their report, calling for the development of organic and regenerative farming to eradicate potential contamination altogether.

They also called on Girl Scouts of the USA to play a larger role in “transforming our food and farming system.”

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I’m a fairly active person. I enjoy hiking in the mountains, hot girl walks, dripping sweat at pilates, and working on my defense skills in boxing. I have yet to find runningincredibly enjoyable, like the people my age rapidly signing up for marathons, but I’ll indulge in a solid 3-mile jog about once a week. So when I was asked to join a wellness weekend in the Bahamas with actress Gwenyth Paltrow’s media brand, Goop, I thought it’d be a breeze. For the most part, it was. Emphasis on ‘for the most part.

Olivia Bria

Goop's wellness retreat in the Bahamas.

Wellness is an umbrella term — it looks and feels different to each individual person. Despite the fact that I just named five exercises I attempt to partake in weekly — life gets busy! — I really try to branch out of my usual workouts, due to both the need for a challenge and a general interest in looking for new ways to move my body. What are my most recent exercise acquisitions? Breakdancing, hot yoga, and, well, getting TORCH’D. Goop booked us with celebrity trainer, Isaac Boots, to add the last workout to that list.

Boots has a long roster of celeb clients: Vanessa Hudgens, Kelly Ripa, Jessica Chastain, Gwenyth Paltrow (of course!) and more. I’ve always been a bit envious of how the celebrities of today are able to build at-home gyms and call for private sessions in a flash. Yet, beyond the affordability aspect, I’ve been more curious on how they become so fit — diet and personal chefs aside — with such busy schedules.

I found out in the Bahamas. And the workout is not as easy as it looks.

Isaac Boots

Isaac Boots, Gwenyth Paltrow's celebrity trainer.

Boots first created virtual at-home sessions to teach TORCH’D classes during the pandemic, with the main premise of the workout focusing on the flow of body resistance, dance conditioning, and targeted repetition with the intention of burning fat. We — the other gal pal journalists and influencers on the trip — were set to complete two morning classes, both Saturday and Sunday. I, unfortunately, missed my connecting flight on Friday and wasn’t able to make it to the Saturday class due to a series of unfortunate travel events (let’s not rehash it, for my sake). But, after talking to the girls who were able to attend that morning session, it seems that the only thing I missed was waking up really sore on Sunday. My quads thanked me for that missed flight.

Olivia Bria

The group Torch'd workout class at Goop's Bahamas retreat.

Group fitness is also something I’ve gotten used to over the years, especially when moving to LA where it's common practice, but going into workouts that I’ve never done before is intimidating. Exercising in front of others, especially when you aren’t familiar with the form of exercise, can be a particularly vulnerable activity.

Therefore, before attending the 45-minute TORCH’D session, I searched for the workouts online to study them a little. I’ll admit, I didn’t think they looked that difficult. But boy, was I absolutely proved wrong. Keep in mind that the Sunday session was outdoors, and although on a shaded rooftop with a stunning ocean view, the Bahamas was in the middle of a heat wave. I already didn’t stand a chance against my already innately sweaty and red-faced self during any form of physical movement.

Isaac Boots

Isaac Boots, Gwenyth Paltrow's celebrity trainer.

Boots started the music — an upbeat, EDM like tune — to get us moving to the rhythm.

We began with small movements like arm circles and donkey kicks, pulsed for a bit, and then went ‘double time’ (AKA we picked up our speed). Those rotations would continue throughout the workout. It was during the pulsing portions of the workout where I really felt it target my biceps, triceps, and glutes. A burning sensation formed in my upper arms and legs several times, making it hard to keep going. There were a few instances when I had to take a quick break to get back into it. It was during those breaks when I noticed I wasn’t the only one taking a breather.

As I’ve grown sick of my mundane daily gym routine, I’ve noticed that having fun while I workout is a priority. Boots’ liveliness and charisma matched with his eagerness to teach really helped me get out of my own head (I have the tendency to become frustrated and want to quit during certain moves.)

I now understand now how a lot of celeb women — like Gwenyth — exercise with time constraints. Workouts like Torch'd are simple and tough, but effective at toning all the right places. While I would 10/10 recommend this class to anyone, I (and my sore muscles) definitely encourage you to take a rest day (or two) afterwards. 😉

Looking for more exercise tips? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a thing!

Header image via Olivia Bria

The Kansas City Chiefs suffered a Super Bowl tough loss on February 9, 2025, and there's one major thing on everyone's mind now — is Travis Kelce retiring? The subject's come up multiple times throughout the 2024-2025 NFL season, but much like his brother Jason the previous year, Travis hasn't given a definitive answer on the matter. Amid everything from Taylor Swift wedding rumors to starring TV roles (anyone else watch Grotequerie?!), the Chiefs tight end definitely has a lot going on right now. Could all this — plus an overall great football season, sans the Super Bowl loss — add up to the end of his NFL career? Here's what we know so far.

Scroll to find out everything we know about if Travis Kelce's retiring.

On February 12, 2025, Travis Kelce opened up about his potential retirement on the New Heights podcast. "I know everybody wants to know whether or not I'm playing next year, and right now, I'm just kicking everything down the road," he said. "I'm not making any crazy decisions."

Travis shared that the Super Bowl loss a "tough pill to swallow" and a "tough reality," but also noted that the Chiefs team is focused on "being there" for each other in the aftermath.

"I'm gonna take some time to figure it out. And, I think I owe it to my teammates that if I do come back, it's a wholehearted decision," he said. "I'm not half-a--ing it, and I'm fully here for them."


- YouTube

During the 2025 Super Bowl, Travis only made four catches, resulting in a gain of 39 yards — his "lowest postseason output since 2019" according to The Athletic. Still, USA Todayreported that he broke Jerry Rice's record of 35 career Super Bowl catches. However, it was pretty clear that even a record-breaking performance wasn't enough to bolster Travis's mood.

The football star didn't hold a larger post-game conference, but he noted that they "haven't played that bad all year" and said that the Chiefs "couldn’t get it going offensively" to a few reporters. He acknowledged, "You don't lose like that without everything going bad," before leaving for the night.


Still, Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes was asked about what comes next for Travis's career. "I'll let Travis make that decision on his own," Patrick said. "He's given so much to this team and to the NFL, and he's been such a joy, not only for me to work with, but for people to watch."

Mahomes notes Travis "still has a lot of football left in him" and that he "always makes plays in the biggest moments." He said, "But I know he still has a love for the game, and he’ll get to spend some time with his family and make that decision on his own."

Patrick reassured everyone, "He knows he’ll come back here with open arms. We love that guy not only for the football player, but for who he is every single day."


Travis made his way to the suite with Taylor and his family after the tough Chiefs loss. It was a stark contrast from his "fight for your right to party" vibes of last year, so we hope we was able to find some comfort among his loved ones. And as for if Travis is actually retiring, we'll definitely keep an eye out for what he says and does next. 👀

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We can always count on our favorite streamers to give us the best content, like, ever. In addition to The Best New TV Shows Coming To Netflix In February, there are some truly stellar titles on Max this month — including a few you can already watch! We might have to wait a few more months for The Last of Us season 2, but these new TV shows make that wait a little easier.

Here are the 8 best TV shows on Max in February 2025.

1. The White Lotus Season 3 — Stream on Max February 16, 2025

Fabio Lovino/HBO

Start your spring break early by joining the new White Lotus cast in Thailand. This season, which debuts new episodes every week at 9PM EST, explores all things pleasure and pain, and trust me: you'll be on the edge of your seat the whole time.

The White Lotus season 3 stars Leslie Bibb, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Carrie Coon, Parker Posey, Patrick Schwarzenegger and Blackpink’s Lisa Manobal.

2. Eyes on the Prize III: We Who Believe In Freedom Cannot Rest — Stream on Max February 25, 2025

Daily Express/Pictorial Parade/Archive Photos/Getty Images

This 6-episode docuseries tells the story of the racial justice communities and leaders working today, following the birth of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s.

3.The Pitt — Stream new episodes on Max every Thursday

Warrick Page/Max

This entire 15-episode drama takes place over the course of a single shift at Pittsburgh Trauma Medical Hospital’s emergency room, broken down into 15 one-hour segments. I'm hooked!

The Pitt stars Noah Wyle, Tracey Ifeachor, Patrick Ball, Supriya Ganesh, Fiona Dourif, Taylor Dearden, Isa Briones, Gerran Howell, Shabana Azeez, and Katherine LaNasa.

4. Baylen Out Loud — Stream new episodes on Max every Monday


This new TV show follows Baylen Dupree, who's making her way through love and life in West Virginia with extreme Tourette Syndrome.

Baylen Out Loud stars Baylen Dupree.

5. 90 Day: The Last Resort — Stream all episodes on Max now


These 90 Day duos are facing reality while at a group couples retreat — and they have to figure out if they're going to continue their happily ever after or go home on their own.

90 Day: The Last Resort stars Ed Brown, Yara Zaya, Angela Deem, Jovi Dufren, and Kalani Faagata.

6. The Takedown: American Aryans — Stream all episodes on Max now


This documentary show follows the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas over the last 20+ years — and the murder of a young woman that changes everything.

The Takedown: American Aryans is directed and produced by Neil Rawles.

7. The Fall of Diddy — Stream all episodes on Max now


True crime fans will want to tune into this series, which examines the allegations against rapper and executive Sean Combs.

8. The West Wing — Stream on Max now


Get your old school TV kick with the OG political drama, which follows the lives of the people working inside the White House.

The West Wing stars Martin Sheen, Rob Lowe, Allison Janney, John Spencer, Bradley Whitford, Janel Moloney, and Richard Schiff.

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