8 Financial Tips All Newlyweds Should Know

You found the perfect wedding dress (you may have even given Pippa Middleton’s glam bridal look a run for its money). You said “I do” and kissed your new spouse for the appropriate, not-too-short-not-too-long amount of time after making it official. You danced the night away with your BFFs (and a little liquid courage, thanks to your signature cocktails). Your honeymoon was perfect too, and now you’re feeling tan, well-rested, and ready to take on life as a newlywed. Could life be any more perfect? Probably not.

Newlywed life might feel totally fab and carefree at first, but these early days are also key for having tough conversations and laying a healthy foundation for the way that you and your partner are going to handle serious issues in your long and prosperous future together. Husband and wife team Chris and Marlow Felton are the authors of Couples Money and The Prosperity Factor, and they offer these eight tips for newlyweds who are working on getting more financially compatible in the early days of marriage.

1. Start looking at money as “ours.” You’ve been out there killin’ it on the job and paying your own way for all of those single months and years, and we’re willing to bet that adjusting to the idea of a shared financial pool is going to be slightly uncomfortable at best. Even if you and your spouse aren’t joining your bank accounts, the fact that you’re now officially sharing a home and life means that you’re in it (like, all of it) together — and it’s time to start thinking accordingly. Take baby steps toward looking at money as a shared asset. Cut back on conversations about “I’ll pay this” or “you’ll pay that” as much as possible to avoid unnecessary financial tension and to begin shifting your mindset.

2. Use separate funds as “fun money.” According to the Feltons, “The only time funds should be separated is for fun.” They recommend establishing a “fun fund” made up of a predetermined percentage of your joint income. Each partner can take their half of that cash and use it for anything, well, fun! Manicures, anyone?

3. Work on understanding each other’s priorities. Like so many aspects of relationships, ensuring financial success in your marriage comes down to communication and compromise. “While some may think they shouldn’t spend money on anything short of a life-threatening emergency, others may feel like they’re not living unless they invest in interior decorating,” the Feltons say. “Have a discussion and draw up a realistic set of what you need and what you can do without.”

4. Consider the psychology of money. We all relate to money differently, and only a lucky few of us have an uncomplicated relationship with our finances. Early on in your marriage, work with your spouse to understand the similarities and differences in your approaches — and think about how you can help each other get more comfortable with cash. “Whether you have the same outlook about money as your spouse, or if you’re living on different financial planets, try to focus on improving your money mindsets,” the Feltons say. “Quite often, people who have a negative outlook about money struggle with it. Couples who see the good in money and hold positive beliefs about it tend to be better off financially.”

5. Communicate about big purchases. This one should probably go without saying, but please, please, PLEASE don’t forget to consult with your partner about big-ticket items — even if you feel like they’re must-haves. Consider setting a specific threshold. When an items costs more than that particular dollar amount, you should get in the habit of running the purchase by your spouse (and vice versa, of course) before you swipe the ole credit card.

6. Budget for the fun stuff. “It’s important to live within your means, but it’s also important to let loose once in a while and have fun, especially as a newly married couple,” the Feltons say. All the praise hand emojis for that! According to the experts, the best way to make this happen is (drumroll please)… planning in advance! Be clear with your budget so you can quantify your expenses and then have realistic expectations for spending on vacations, entertainment, and date nights. This will allow you and your spouse to be on the same page about the kind of fun you can afford to have at each stage of your financial life, eliminating plenty of disappointment along the way.

7. Plan for the worst. We hate to bring the doomsday vibes to your blissful newlywed la la land, so just think of us as the voice of reason (or blame it on the Feltons!). At some point in the long and happy life we’re sure that you and your spouse are going to live together, the odds are good that you’ll need to have some money stashed away to fund a medical crisis or other emergency. Financially speaking, how can you get ahead of a situation like this? Check in with experts and start talking to your partner now about how you’ll be able to manage your money amid scary situations down the road. As unromantic as this might sound, it will assure that you and your family are taken care of in the face of unforeseen circumstances, and those conversations will be easier to have in the early days of your marriage than when crisis strikes later on.

8. Start thinking about your family financial philosophy. Even if you don’t have kids now (or aren’t planning to have them at all), it’s helpful to think of your joint finances in terms of a shared philosophy that you would one day want to teach your children (or nieces, nephews, and BFF’s offspring). Considering finances like this — instead of as a long list of scary-looking numbers on your account statement — should give you and your partner a fresh perspective on what you’re trying to achieve with your hard-earned money.

Do you have other tips for getting financially compatible with your partner? Tweet us @BritandCo!

(Photos via Getty)

Everyone deals with family issues, but some people had more dysfunctional childhoods than others. Are there ways to tell? According to family psychologist Caitlin Slavens of Mamapsychologistsand therapist Rachel D. Miller, Ph.D., LMFT of Hold The Vision Therapy, yes!

Slavens says, "As a family psychologist, I’ve seen how growing up in a dysfunctional family leaves its mark. Sometimes the signs are glaring, like obvious chaos or neglect." However, she said the signs can also be "more subtle" being that they're "things you don’t even realize were 'off' until you’re older." You may even "start noticing patterns in yourself or your relationships" if you've become retrospective, according to her.

Here are all the subtle signs you grew up in a dysfunctional family

1. You're never sure what kind of mood your parents will be in before you walk in the living room or kitchen.

Emma Bauso

Let's put this on record: parenting is tough — especially on top of trying to maintain a work-life balance. But, this doesn't mean you're meant to be unsure of what to expect every time you come around your parents. If you have to "'read the room'" a lot "before speaking," Slavens indicates this is one of the more subtle signs of dysfunction.

This is where you may have learned how to become passive-aggressive if that's something you struggle with. The reason for this is because "clear and direct communication is avoided and/or seen as bad or aggressive," according to Dr. Miller.

2. You tend to feel like you're constantly compared to and in competition with your siblings.

August de Richelieu

My heart truly wants to believe this isn't intentional behavior from parents, but I can't say I haven't heard people talk about feeling like they'd never measure up to the 'golden child' of their family. You may have felt insecure about your grades, the college you chose to go to, your career goals, or even your physical appearance. Slavens says this "struggle with self-worth or second-guessing yourself constantly" is yet another sign that your family's dynamic wasn't the healthiest.

Also, Dr. Miller says this could've caused you to learn to "shrink yourself in the presence of loved ones." Even worse, you may "feel the need to hide pieces of yourself in order to be loved and accepted."

3. There was constant yelling and screaming during arguments, making you fearful of disagreements or hardships.


If you grew up in a home where arguments always led to screaming and yelling, chances are you're not a fan of loud voices or hard moments. Honestly, Slavens says it's not hard to believe that "conflict make you anxious, even when it’s minor." Unsurprisingly, you may have become a referee during these arguments and currently find yourself being a mediator in your platonic or romantic relationships. Why?

Dr. Miller says, "You constantly feel the need to manage everyone else’s emotions often at the cost of your own needs and wellbeing." You know, to keep the peace.

Here are some more obvious signs you grew up in a dysfunctional family

4. You had to take on a parental role when one of your parents decided to stop being an adult.

cottonbro studio

I imagine that having an emotionally immature parent is one of the most aggravating and stressful things to deal with. Not only that, but you may have had to help keep the household afloat. You may have had to get a job or two to help pay bills, listening to an adult conversation as your mom or dad laid their problems at your young feet, and more!

If you "family roles were flipped" and you "maybe had to parent your own parents," Slavens says this is a form of emotional dysfunction.

5. You weren't allowed to go anywhere with your friends because your parents wanted to keep an eye on you at all times.

Ketut Subiyanto

Slavens says boundaries that "didn't exist" or "were rigid and controlling" is a sign your home was a little...interesting. Being concerned about your whereabouts is one thing, but it's another when you're unable to do anything without your parents' eagle-eyes on you. Something as simple as going to the mall with your friends may have become a lecture about the dangers of shoplifting or car wrecks. Again, these are valid concerns but they shouldn't be treated like the verbal form of doom scrolling.

6. You consistently witnessed one of your parents abuse alcohol or drugs at home.

Ksenia Chernaya

This is a tough because substance abuse is so prevalent in varies socioeconomic statuses and communities. From the functioning alcoholic to the one who becomes belligerent after they've had too much to drink, it always affects those around them. Slavens says if "there was ongoing neglect, substance abuse, or verbal/physical aggression," your home probably didn't safe.

I recognize some of these signs of a dysfunctional family. But that doesn't mean they're affecting my current relationships, right?

Ron Lach

I hate to break it to you, but it's possible your childhood wounds have shown up before. "Dysfunctional dynamics don’t stay in childhood — they tend to creep into how you connect with others," says Slavens. Similarly, Dr. Miller agrees that "we typically repeat what we learned at home with our families in our other relationships." How?

"This includes the beliefs and rules we follow, often completely subconsciously, about what can and can’t talk about and why, as well as what emotions are allowed to be expressed, who can express them and how, and how we should or must respond to those people and their emotions," explains Dr. Miller.

Another way to look at this is how Slavens has outlined it:

In Platonic Relationships:

  1. Overextending yourself to please others, even at your own expense
  2. Feeling like you have to "earn your friends' affections.
  3. Avoiding vulnerability because it feels unsafe.

In Romantic Relationships:

  1. Struggling to trust your partner or feeling overly suspicious
  2. Repeating patterns like dating people who are emotionally unavailable or controlling.
  3. Feeling overly responsible for your partner's happiness — or relying on them for yours.

OMG! How do I unlearn habits from my dysfunctional family?

Antoni Shkraba

Honestly, everyone has a few bad habits they've carried from their childhood to adulthood. You're not an outlier because some things weren't 100% normal so I don't want you to feel like you're a failure for not having having it all together. "Dysfunction doesn’t have to define your future relationships," Slavens assures. Dr. Miller says you can start to unlearn things "that aren't working for you anymore" by "gathering your family's larger context to gain insight into how and why, for them, the behaviors make sense."

By taking a look at your family's "history and larger social and political contexts" gives you a chance to "see them as whole people with full lives," she says. Once you do that, she believes "you can examine what pieces make sense for you to keep and what parts you'd like to learn to do differently." Her other suggestion? Don't forget you're ability to utilize a "therapist who works systemically, like an LMFT" who "can be a huge support in this process."

Anastasia Shuraeva

Slavens' tips include the following:

  1. Practice self-awareness: Notice when a response feels automatic — like people-pleasing or shutting down during conflict — and ask yourself, Is this helping me, or is this a leftover habit from the past?
  2. Set boundaries: If your childhood lacked healthy boundaries, learning to say “no” without guilt is a game-changer. Boundaries protect your energy and teach others how to treat you.
  3. Learn healthy conflict skills: If conflict made you feel unsafe growing up, it’s natural to avoid it. But healthy conflict is necessary in relationships. Practice expressing your needs calmly and directly.
  4. Therapy, therapy, therapy: A good therapist can help untangle the messy, “weird” things that got normalized and give you tools to rebuild healthier ways of relating to yourself and others.
  5. Surround yourself with healthier models: Whether it’s friends, mentors, or books/podcasts, seek examples of functional relationships and start observing what feels different.

While you're busy unlearning things, Dr. Miller also wants you to remember something. "Recognize that how your family does something is simply that; how your particular family system figured out and were taught to navigate the world. It isn’t inherently right because you’ve normalized it nor is the way another person or family does it inherently wrong," she says.

Slavens' final thoughts? "It’s not about blaming your family but recognizing how your experiences shaped you — and giving yourself permission to do things differently. You’re allowed to rewrite the script."

Visit the top signs to recognize if you have toxic friends on Brit + Co!

Sprinkle the magic of Christmas into every seasonal activity by creating some festive Christmas nail designs! Whether you like to lean towards the traditional reds and greens or prefer to think colorfully outside the box, the polishes and Christmas nail designs below will set your mood and nail look right. Winter nails don't have to be drab – from star-studded nail art to bejeweled nail beds, we've got just the inspo for you.

Christmas Nail Colors


essie 'Off Tropic'

You can't get your dream Christmas nail designs done without some stellar nail polishes! If your look involves a deep green, this shiny pick will help you pull it off easily. Use it to coat the entire nail for a sultry seasonal mani.


OPI Opaque Light White & Gray Shimmer Nail Polish

With Christmas comes cold, and this nail polish screams icy. Wear it alone or apply it over a traditional Christmas color like red or green!


OPI Infinite Shine 'Bubble Bath'

This baby pink will look gorgeous as a solid coat for Christmas-y dates and dinner parties.


ILNP 'Ruby'

It's red. It's glittery. It's perfect for the holidays!


Essie 'Winter Trend'

Spending Christmas with your besties or roommates? It's time for you to have your first 'Pinkmas' with the sparkly magenta nails to match!


Sally Hansen Insta-Dri 'White on Time'

A super solid white nail polish, alongside a thin nail art brush, can be used to paint snowmen, gift wrap, or snowflakes like some of our featured Christmas nail designs depict.


RARJSM Holographic Gel Polish

For the lazy gal manicurists, this holographic polish will make any light reflect off your nails which is the point during Christmas!


essie 'U Wish'

Embrace the holidays with this fiery red that defies expectations of what a Christmas color should be.


Butter London Patent Shine Nail Polish

This one color will work excellently for minimalist Christmas nail designs – use it to dot, stripe, or wear it on its own.


Revlon 'Iced Mauve'

Sparkles are a must for Christmas, which is why we're heavily eyeing this potent pink.

Christmas Nails Inspo

Nataszija / July Ninety Six

Nifty-Gifty Gems

Use small nail gems of any color to infuse your Christmas nail designs with festive energy. We're loving red in particular because it just feels luxurious!


Deep Red Elegance

The bold red French tips, in combination with some art deco-inspired golden stars, can really bring your seasonal mani to the next level.

Charlotte Herberts/Instagram

Colorful Christmas Stars

Use a stencil or freehand these tiny stars in different chrome nail colors for a more jolly vibe this year.

Bryony Howell/Instagram

(Gift) Wrap It Up

A nail art brush can be used to paint on cutie little Christmas bows like this silvery one!

(via )

Oliwia Krauz/Instagram

Classic Colors

Multicolor nails are not dead – take the trend further for the holidays by crafting your look with a mix of whites, golds, greens, and reds.

Melou's Nails/Instagram

Let It Shine

For an understated (yet still spirited) Christmas manicure, glitter will be your go-to. We love the gradient effect that this hand has on!

Peachi Nails/Instagram

Merry & Bright

Tiny star details are sure to turn heads this Christmas! You could use any hue, but a standout gold like this one really makes your nails pop!

Check out our weekly newsletter for more seasonal inspiration!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated

Did you leave your family Thanksgiving dinner last year feeling like you were the one who got carved up and digested? You weren't alone. In an increasingly polarized sociological climate, family events where opinions differ can feel fraught with high stakes and conflicting moral obligations. And if you're already dreading Thanksgiving because all of the brawlin' that's sure to go down, you might be considering opting out of the festivities entirely.

In our Teach Me Something New podcast, Alexandra Carter, Columbia law professor and mediation expert, talks to Brit and Anj about the powers of persuasion to get the results you want in a conversation. The key to the Thanksgiving political discussion? Listening, asking open questions, and finding some common ground.

Here's what you can do to make it through Thanksgiving when your relatives just keep being problematic and things get awkward...

"I might say something like, 'I hear that you're concerned about national security and that's what led me to have this viewpoint.' So sometimes using a little bit of focusing on what you have in common can help you to have a civil conversation and not have anybody throwing mashed potatoes across the table," says Carter.

Here are more expert-backed tips for navigating the holiday awkwardness, even if it's just via Zoom. Make stuffing your face great again this Thanksgiving by implementing our seven-step plan.

Askar Abayev

1. Choose your battles ahead of time.

You're not going to change everyone's opinion about all of the things over the course of a meal and a football game. You might want to show up ready for a duel of words with your Facebook-meme-king cousin, but that's just going to put your opinionated family member on the offensive from the moment you walk in. Decide ahead of time if there's one issue that you really cannot keep your mouth shut about if it comes up, and have two or three talking points ready that clarify your position on that topic. If your hot button does get pushed, your talking points will help you keep from making things personal.

2. Confer with the host.

If you feel comfortable with the person that's organizing or hosting Thanksgiving, speak to him or her in advance about how you can be on Team Keep the Peace. Most people aren't keen on a political brouhaha breaking out around their dinner table, so they'll probably be relieved to hear that you're on board and willing to help make the day go smoothly for everyone. Brainstorm some ideas about seating arrangements or wholesome activities to fill the idle family time that can lead to trading barbs.

Element5 Digital

3. Make it a game.

Caitlin Bergstein, a Boston-based matchmaker and relationship expert for Three Day Rule, suggests a fun twist on the swear jar concept. “If your family is up for the challenge, you can even make it a game. Each time someone mentions something political, they have to put a dollar in a jar (or take a drink, depending on how your family celebrates the holiday). At the end of the night, that cash can be put aside for the next family get together!"

4. Have a moment of silence.

Sometimes the idea of a quiet table can be intimidating (all those chewing noises!), but encouraging a moment of reflection among your holiday guests can actually be transformative. Whether you observe several seconds of silence in honor of relatives you've lost, as a way to silently acknowledge your individual blessings, or as an act of prayer or meditation, you've hopefully brought the room back to focus on each other's company and the gift that it is to be together.

Monstera Production

5. Be an active listener.

If your one doggedlypersistent aunt can't let go of her obsession with the latest political scandal, reconsider what she's actually trying to tell you. Chances are, it's not just about what she saw on the news. “Assume that your polarizing relative actually probably just wants to connect, feel respected, and reduce their own anxiety about holiday gatherings, and interpret even difficult behavior as such," advises Mary Fisher, a Salt Lake City psychotherapist who specializes in family relationships. “Express the desire to connect while redirecting the conversation," Fisher recommends. Emphasize the fact that you're interested in protecting the time your family spends together. That can help soften the blow when you ask to instead hear them share a family memory or talk about a hobby you both share.

6. Disengage.

Remember that if angry words or offensive language start flying at you across the sweet potato pie, you don't have to respond. Have a script in mind to use, something like, “While I hear where you're coming from, I don't share your opinion, and I'm done talking about it today." Convey the message that you're quite clear on the matter being discussed, and you're not going to take the bait. You may have to repeat yourself several times, or you may choose to remain silent until things cool down around you. Either one is okay.

7. Duck out early.

If you feel like you have to retreat from the situation entirely, do it. One of the best things about being an adult is leaving when you want to leave. You don't have to subject yourself, your spouse, or your family to any kind of dialogue that is insulting, bigoted, or aggressive. Fisher shares these words of advice: “While we might think that the holidays are the time to resolve differences, they are actually the time to affirm and nurture connection, which can be an uphill battle with politically polarizing relatives." If you don't feel like a connection is being nurtured and the environment is not good for you to be in, say goodbye and make a break for it.

Looking for more holiday help this year? Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter so you never miss a thing!

This article has been updated from a previous post.

Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris are the talk of the town lately — and Ali Krieger definitely has something to say about it. The timeline of Ashlyn and Ali's divorce and Ashlyn and Sophia's relationship is messy at best, but the latter couple constantly dispel any rumor that there was overlap. For much of this narrative, Ali's been pretty silent, but it's clear she's ready to speak her truth. In a statement posted to Instagram, the soccer superstar opened up. Here's what she had to say.

See Ali Krieger's full statement about the Ashlyn Harris drama here!

  • Ali says that while she's had an "outpouring of love and support" over the last year, she's been confronted with "a wave of dishonesty and misinformation" in regards to her marriage to Ashlyn Harris.
  • Ali noted that her "unwavering priority" is to her kids, and that she requests privacy while she comes to terms with the state of her personal life right now.
  • This comes after Ashlyn Harris made comments about the dissolution of their marriage on a podcast, stating that there was a total lack of intimacy and that the cheating "is so far from the truth."


On December 3, 2024, Ali posted her statement to Instagram. She opened with, "I’m overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support I’ve received this last year. However, amidst this warmth, I’ve also had to confront a wave of dishonesty and misinformation regarding my marriage and personal life."

Ali shared that she isn't ready to make a more formal statement, but she feels "compelled to address this currently to prevent further distortion of the truth." But at the end of the day, Ali explained that her "unwavering priority" is her kids at this moment, and that she'll share more when her "heart feels ready."

She closed her statement with, "In this vulnerable time, I humbly ask for privacy and understanding from all involved, as I grapple with the profound changes in my personal life."

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for American Ballet Theatre

This comes after Ashlyn spoke on the Naked Sports with Cari Championpodcast. Ashlyn noted that she was in a relationship without intimacy, eventually leading her to ask for an open marriage as a "last attempt." She also stated that people constantly see her as a cheater, which she says is "is so far from the truth."

I guess we'll know the truth in time...but for now, this is definitely messy. Wishing both sides of this divorce peace and understanding!

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If you were on the internet at all this summer, then you're probably familiar with all the It Ends With Us cast drama. The rumored rift between director and star Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively didn't come to light until after the movie released, but Justin just revealed some brand new information that totally reframes the whole film: he almost suffered a "breakdown" while filming.

Justin Baldoni has been vocal about taking the role of Ryle, who abuses Blake Lively's Lily throughout the film, really seriously, but his latest interview with the How to Fail podcast reveals the effect of the character went way farther than anyone knew.

Keep reading to see why starring as Ryle Kincaid opposite Blake Lively in It Ends With Usaffected Justin Baldoni's mental health.

Justin Baldoni says Ryle Kincaid was "very hard" to get rid of.

Sony Pictures Releasing

When host Elizabeth Day asks about how he decompressed after playing Ryle, Justin admits the character was harder to shake than he anticipated. "That was very hard and honestly, that took a few months," he says. "I had dreams as him for a while, and it lived in my body, but I think for the most part, he's out."

And while starring in such a role is difficult on its own, he also had the job of directing the scenes he was in! "Directing is a very lonely job, I'll just be very candid," he says. "Because you are kind of at the top of this totem pole. In your moments of quiet, everybody has a thousand questions for you and also nobody wants to disturb you and you don't really have many people to talk to and you can't necessarily share your anxiety or your nervousness about something because you're also the leader."

His scenes as Ryle involved everything from romantic scenes with Blake Lively to a physical fight with Brandon Sklenar, and there were times he had to go "shake it out" away from the rest of the cast.

Justin Baldoni almost had a breakdown after filming a scene with Blake Lively.

"I've done a lot of somatic therapy so there were times when I was actually just shaking," he says. "There's a moment in the movie where Ryle finds Lily's phone and he finds a phone number and he's very jealous and he's heartbroken and he's angry and he doesn't harm her but you can see in his eyes how dangerous he is. After that scene, I had a near breakdown."

Despite the fact he plays such a "dangerous" character, Justin quickly became the most beloved cast member after the movie's release. Fans became suspicious whey they realized Blake Lively, Brandon Sklenar, and Jenny Slate didn't follow the director on Instagram (and avoided talking about him in interviews)...and then the internet came to the conclusion there was a major rift between the director and the cast (which hasn't technically been confirmed by anyone who's rumored to be involved).

Justin spent the movie's press run raising awareness for domestic violence support, while the internet quickly criticized how Blake Lively treated the film like a lighthearted rom-com, using the opportunity to promote her haircare line.

A source told People that Blake Lively felt "surprised," "vulnerable and upset"about the response to the film's press, while Justin's Jane the Virgin costar Gina Rodriguez came to Justin's defense and told People in September that "sweet, sweet soul" Justin is "my brother forever. Forever and ever."

"You know what?" Justin says. "[Gina's comments] came at a very special time for me and that meant a lot. She really showed up for me. That was really sweet...She's a sweetheart. She's family forever."

Read up on what Brandon Sklenar said about a potential It Starts With Us sequel movie.