27 Happy Quotes To Manifest Your Best 2024

happy quoteshappy quotes

No matter how many perfectly curated Instagram posts tell you otherwise, happiness looks different for everyone. However, it's not hard to admit that finding and maintaining that joy can feel like that one dentist's appointment you'd rather forget. Everyone — including us — could use reminders that'll encourage us to pursue happier paths in the new year. Whether you need motivational affirmations to confidence-boosting quips, we have over 20 happy quotes to manifest your best 2024, no matter where you fall!

rainbow happiness quote

March to the beat of your own drum!

Be your beautiful self.

Image via Brit + Co

Expect the positive unexpected.

Image via Brit + Co

Rainbows are guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Image via Brit + Co

There's joy in the midst of believing in yourself.

Lucille Ball is no stranger to smiles and laughs — be like Lucille.

Leave it to Louisa May to express what happiness is so eloquently.

Anne Frank always found light in the dark, despite it all. Channel that inner joy!

Beyoncé: *breathes*

Me: Yes ma'am!

Much like Miss Taylor Swift, joy is always en vogue!

It's not about cars, money, shoes, stocks — it's about how you approach life. Do it with a smile when you can. :)

Image via Brit + Co

Your soul will thank you.

Image via Brit + Co

Your evolution is beautiful.

This takes dancing to the beat of your own drum to a new level.

It's giving, "Celebrate good times, come on!"

Enough said.

If there's one thing we know, it's that you deserve a life that doesn't require you to be defined by others' opinions. When you learn to be okay with who you are and what you want, you begin to understand no one else can determine your happiness.

Really though — when queen Shonda talks, we listen.

Image via Brit + Co

Prioritize being joyful.

You won't regret it!

Gas yourself up and see where it takes you!

A smile is my favorite accessory!

Sometimes bliss is a beautiful sunset...sometimes it's a big ol' slice of cake. Whatever yours is, embrace it!

You may be surprised where you find it!

TBH, cute puppies get us every time.

Good can come from anywhere — believe in it, and you just may see it.

Take everything day by day, embracing the moments as they come.

Which quotes stood out to you? Let us know in the comments and be sure to follow our Instagram for more inspiration.

Graphics designed by Michelle Hua

Do you feel like you've mastered your Sunday to-do list and want to try your hand at living your best life, for real? Good because we're on the same page — and we've been thinking about what that looks like. Is it uninterrupted moments where you get to read historical fiction or swatch the best foundations for your complexion? What about the bliss you feel when munching on a tasty snack from Trader Joe's?

While it's easy to share our opinions, we thought it'd be more rewarding to give you science-backed tips for what'll make you feel satisfied each day. Ready for all the details?

Keep scrolling for all the ways you can become a more satisfied person everyday!

How many people are satisfied with life?

Kelly Mcglone

We have bleak news to share: only 44% of people in the U.S. are happy with their lives (via Gallup). That's less than half of the people we may pass during our Starbucks and T.J. Maxx runs! What gives? According to the same study, everything from economic statuses to religion seem to play a factor in daily satisfaction.

If you ask us, it doesn't take rocket science to know people who are able to afford their bills may not be as stressed as someone who has to choose between putting gas in their car or getting something to eat. Still, there have to be some easy ways to be satisfied in your day-to-day life, right?

Here are some simple tips you can try ASAP!

Scarlette Alexandra De Gregorio

1. Focus on reducing your stress

We often talk about the impact stress and burnout can have on us, but that doesn't mean everyone is taking steps to eliminate what causes them. Another Gallup study revealed 49% of people are experiencing raised cortisol levels which is much higher than it's been in prior years. You may be thinking that your job or relationship are the sources of your stress, but we'll never flat out tell you to give up on them.

Our suggestions are to:

  1. Take stock of how you feel about your job, relationship, finances, etc.,
  2. Ask yourself what you need to thrive in different areas of your life.
  3. See how you can create boundaries that lessen the chance you'll over-extend yourself in life.

Aditi Gorasia

2. Breakup with "doom scrolling"

We saw you try to skip over this section as soon as you saw "doom scrolling," but we need you to pay attention. It's not doing you any good and this is coming from people who are chronically online for a living. A Media Consumption Trend Report shows that the average person spends at least 6 hours everyday looking at "some type of media." The most popular platforms are Facebook and YouTube which doesn't surprise us!

Based on other findings in the study, there's a huge indicator that do this contributes to "poorer" mental health and you don't need that! We know you want to be as informed as possible, but don't let FOMO keep you chained to negative posts and articles all day.

Grace McCuistion

3. Look at the bright side of things

Does life feel bright right now? Probably not, but that doesn't mean you deserve to live in a cycle of stress, anxiety, and depression. We're not shy about our own mental health struggles, but we're also unafraid to talk about how adopting a gratitude practice helps us get through our days.

We're not saying this will magically eliminate bad moments, but it will ground you when you start asking yourself "what if" questions.

Cora Pursley

4. Understand you're not meant to be a one-person island

We think individualism is beautiful, but not at the expense of shutting everyone out because you think you can do everything by yourself. None of us are meant to be alone 24/7, but there's been a growing loneliness epidemic that's swept through the U.S.

In 2023, a study by U.S Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy pointed out that there was a 5 hour decrease in household family interactions along with spending less time with friends per month. It was also discovered that the less time we spend with others impacted our health worse than "smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day."

If you're thinking, "I just can't trust anyone," we want you to know we understand you've been hurt by people you were once vulnerable with. But, it's impossible to do everything in life by yourself even if you think you've been doing a great job so far. Not only does your health depend on opening your heart to others again, so does you overall satisfaction with life!

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Trader Joe’s current lineup of Easter goodies is better than ever. They’ve got so many sweets on deck – including chocolate bunnies, of course – as well as festive spring snacks that simply make the perfectEaster basket additions! This year, there’s really no shortage of fun TJ’s finds to brighten up your season.

Scroll on for 11 Trader Joe’s Easter finds that are totally worth grabbing before they’re gone!

Trader Joe's

Milk Chocolate Bunny Bar

This adorable bunny-shaped chocolate bar is topped with tons of bright candy gems and rainbow nonpareils (which are crafted with dyes from natural ingredients) to liven up your Easter snack collection! This limited-time item will definitely not last long on shelves, so run to TJ's soon!

Trader Joe's

Peas & Carrots Sour Gummy Candies

Shaped like tiny little peas and carrots, these bites are far from actual veggies. In fact, they're made of a delicious gummy candy tinged with just the right amount of sourness that balances out the sugary goodness.

Trader Joe's

Break Apart Bunny

This is not your average chocolate bunny. While still hollow like most traditional treats, this one's actually loaded up with a handful of carrot-shaped gummy candies – like a perfect little (and edible!) Easter-themed piñata. Your Easter basket recipients won't be able to resist breaking it open!

Trader Joe's

Chocolate Truffle Eggs

Ooh, fancy. Perfectly packaged for Eastertime gifting, this collection of egg-shaped chocolate truffles boats 7 distinctive flavors that feel oh-so bougie. You're def going to want to grab one for yourself – we're absolutely eyeing that pistachio egg. 👀

Trader Joe's

Raspberry Mousse Cakes

These lil' cakes are almost too cute to eat! Each one starts with a base of moist vanilla cake that's topped with raspberry-flavored mousse. The batch then is covered in a sweet confectionary coating (including an edible leaf!) to emulate the sheer magic of raspberries on one easy-to-eat treat.

Trader Joe's

Italian Chocolate Eggs

Add these eggs to your Easter candy bowl, stat! This pack comes with 4 decadent flavor pairings encased in colorful coatings so you can easily sneak in a bite of springtime joy throughout the day.

Trader Joe's

Sea Salt Brownie Bites

We are obsessed with these brownie bites. The added sea salt on top of 'em adds some extra flavor oomph that feels super elevated and perfectly fancy for a special occasion such as Easter.

Trader Joe's

Teensy Candy Bars

Basically like 'teensy' versions of a Snickers bar, these micro-sized candy bars are dangerously easy to snack on. Your little ones will adore them!

Trader Joe's

Chocolatey Drizzled Strawberry Kettle Popcorn

Drizzled with freeze-dried strawberries and chocolate, this kettle corn is unlike anything you've tried before. The fruity notes most definitely qualify it as a great spring snack, while the chocolate adds Eastertime decadence.

Trader Joe's

Organic Sparkling Rosé Tea Beverage

For something to sip on, this can is the epitome of spring flavors. It's made with a blend of four teas along with white grape juice, hibiscus flowers, orange peel, and rose hips for some insanely good floral and citrusy notes!

Trader Joe's

Tangerine Probiotic Sparkling Beverage

Crafted with probiotics, this bubbly bev contains a "light, refreshing, sweet-tart flavor" that'll have you hooked from first gulp.

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Everyone deals with family issues, but some people had more dysfunctional childhoods than others. Are there ways to tell? According to family psychologist Caitlin Slavens of Mamapsychologistsand therapist Rachel D. Miller, Ph.D., LMFT of Hold The Vision Therapy, yes!

Slavens says, "As a family psychologist, I’ve seen how growing up in a dysfunctional family leaves its mark. Sometimes the signs are glaring, like obvious chaos or neglect." However, she said the signs can also be "more subtle" being that they're "things you don’t even realize were 'off' until you’re older." You may even "start noticing patterns in yourself or your relationships" if you've become retrospective, according to her.

Here are all the subtle signs you grew up in a dysfunctional family

1. You're never sure what kind of mood your parents will be in before you walk in the living room or kitchen.

Emma Bauso

Let's put this on record: parenting is tough — especially on top of trying to maintain a work-life balance. But, this doesn't mean you're meant to be unsure of what to expect every time you come around your parents. If you have to "'read the room'" a lot "before speaking," Slavens indicates this is one of the more subtle signs of dysfunction.

This is where you may have learned how to become passive-aggressive if that's something you struggle with. The reason for this is because "clear and direct communication is avoided and/or seen as bad or aggressive," according to Dr. Miller.

2. You tend to feel like you're constantly compared to and in competition with your siblings.

August de Richelieu

My heart truly wants to believe this isn't intentional behavior from parents, but I can't say I haven't heard people talk about feeling like they'd never measure up to the 'golden child' of their family. You may have felt insecure about your grades, the college you chose to go to, your career goals, or even your physical appearance. Slavens says this "struggle with self-worth or second-guessing yourself constantly" is yet another sign that your family's dynamic wasn't the healthiest.

Also, Dr. Miller says this could've caused you to learn to "shrink yourself in the presence of loved ones." Even worse, you may "feel the need to hide pieces of yourself in order to be loved and accepted."

3. There was constant yelling and screaming during arguments, making you fearful of disagreements or hardships.


If you grew up in a home where arguments always led to screaming and yelling, chances are you're not a fan of loud voices or hard moments. Honestly, Slavens says it's not hard to believe that "conflict make you anxious, even when it’s minor." Unsurprisingly, you may have become a referee during these arguments and currently find yourself being a mediator in your platonic or romantic relationships. Why?

Dr. Miller says, "You constantly feel the need to manage everyone else’s emotions often at the cost of your own needs and wellbeing." You know, to keep the peace.

Here are some more obvious signs you grew up in a dysfunctional family

4. You had to take on a parental role when one of your parents decided to stop being an adult.

cottonbro studio

I imagine that having an emotionally immature parent is one of the most aggravating and stressful things to deal with. Not only that, but you may have had to help keep the household afloat. You may have had to get a job or two to help pay bills, listening to an adult conversation as your mom or dad laid their problems at your young feet, and more!

If you "family roles were flipped" and you "maybe had to parent your own parents," Slavens says this is a form of emotional dysfunction.

5. You weren't allowed to go anywhere with your friends because your parents wanted to keep an eye on you at all times.

Ketut Subiyanto

Slavens says boundaries that "didn't exist" or "were rigid and controlling" is a sign your home was a little...interesting. Being concerned about your whereabouts is one thing, but it's another when you're unable to do anything without your parents' eagle-eyes on you. Something as simple as going to the mall with your friends may have become a lecture about the dangers of shoplifting or car wrecks. Again, these are valid concerns but they shouldn't be treated like the verbal form of doom scrolling.

6. You consistently witnessed one of your parents abuse alcohol or drugs at home.

Ksenia Chernaya

This is a tough because substance abuse is so prevalent in varies socioeconomic statuses and communities. From the functioning alcoholic to the one who becomes belligerent after they've had too much to drink, it always affects those around them. Slavens says if "there was ongoing neglect, substance abuse, or verbal/physical aggression," your home probably didn't safe.

I recognize some of these signs of a dysfunctional family. But that doesn't mean they're affecting my current relationships, right?

Ron Lach

I hate to break it to you, but it's possible your childhood wounds have shown up before. "Dysfunctional dynamics don’t stay in childhood — they tend to creep into how you connect with others," says Slavens. Similarly, Dr. Miller agrees that "we typically repeat what we learned at home with our families in our other relationships." How?

"This includes the beliefs and rules we follow, often completely subconsciously, about what can and can’t talk about and why, as well as what emotions are allowed to be expressed, who can express them and how, and how we should or must respond to those people and their emotions," explains Dr. Miller.

Another way to look at this is how Slavens has outlined it:

In Platonic Relationships:

  1. Overextending yourself to please others, even at your own expense
  2. Feeling like you have to "earn your friends' affections.
  3. Avoiding vulnerability because it feels unsafe.

In Romantic Relationships:

  1. Struggling to trust your partner or feeling overly suspicious
  2. Repeating patterns like dating people who are emotionally unavailable or controlling.
  3. Feeling overly responsible for your partner's happiness — or relying on them for yours.

OMG! How do I unlearn habits from my dysfunctional family?

Antoni Shkraba

Honestly, everyone has a few bad habits they've carried from their childhood to adulthood. You're not an outlier because some things weren't 100% normal so I don't want you to feel like you're a failure for not having having it all together. "Dysfunction doesn’t have to define your future relationships," Slavens assures. Dr. Miller says you can start to unlearn things "that aren't working for you anymore" by "gathering your family's larger context to gain insight into how and why, for them, the behaviors make sense."

By taking a look at your family's "history and larger social and political contexts" gives you a chance to "see them as whole people with full lives," she says. Once you do that, she believes "you can examine what pieces make sense for you to keep and what parts you'd like to learn to do differently." Her other suggestion? Don't forget you're ability to utilize a "therapist who works systemically, like an LMFT" who "can be a huge support in this process."

Anastasia Shuraeva

Slavens' tips include the following:

  1. Practice self-awareness: Notice when a response feels automatic — like people-pleasing or shutting down during conflict — and ask yourself, Is this helping me, or is this a leftover habit from the past?
  2. Set boundaries: If your childhood lacked healthy boundaries, learning to say “no” without guilt is a game-changer. Boundaries protect your energy and teach others how to treat you.
  3. Learn healthy conflict skills: If conflict made you feel unsafe growing up, it’s natural to avoid it. But healthy conflict is necessary in relationships. Practice expressing your needs calmly and directly.
  4. Therapy, therapy, therapy: A good therapist can help untangle the messy, “weird” things that got normalized and give you tools to rebuild healthier ways of relating to yourself and others.
  5. Surround yourself with healthier models: Whether it’s friends, mentors, or books/podcasts, seek examples of functional relationships and start observing what feels different.

While you're busy unlearning things, Dr. Miller also wants you to remember something. "Recognize that how your family does something is simply that; how your particular family system figured out and were taught to navigate the world. It isn’t inherently right because you’ve normalized it nor is the way another person or family does it inherently wrong," she says.

Slavens' final thoughts? "It’s not about blaming your family but recognizing how your experiences shaped you — and giving yourself permission to do things differently. You’re allowed to rewrite the script."

Visit the top signs to recognize if you have toxic friends on Brit + Co!

One Tree Hill fans were heartbroken (and a little bit confused) when season 6 ended and Peyton (Hilarie Burton) and Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) left without a trace. It had been a season of danger, life-threatening situations, and literal murder, and for two of the show's leads to just fall off the face of the earth felt inconsistent with how tight-knit the friend group had always been. And viewers weren't the only ones to think so.

"This is the problem: They didn't give us enough to make where our friends went make sense," Drama Queens host Sophia Bush said of the "unfortunate" decision to write Hilarie and Chad out of the show. (Hilarie has said in a previous episode of the rewatch podcast that both her and Chad were "treated badly, and he defended me...Chad was my teammate.")

Keep reading for what Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy Lenz, and Robert Buckley's thoughts on Peyton and Lucas leaving One Tree Hill.

Sophia Bush thought Peyton and Lucas leaving 'One Tree Hill' was "really weird."

Warner Bros. TV

One Tree Hill season 6 ended after Peyton almost died giving birth to her and Lucas' daughter, and after introducing baby Sawyer to the rest of the crew, they just...drive off into the sunset.

"I don't even remember where they moved. Where did they go?" Bethany Joy Lenz says, to which Robert Buckley replies, "They left in a convertible, so I'm gonna guess maybe the West Coast where it's a bit warmer and less rainy."

But no matter where Peyton and Lucas moved, the One Tree Hill cast can't quite wrap their heads around the fact that, in the story, Brooke literally never hears from Peyton again. "I used to ask, 'Why can't Brooke [Davis] be getting text messages from Peyton? Why can't you see them texting? Like, why am I not getting photo updates of this baby? It feels really weird.'"

And while Lucas returns for an episode in season 9, he was also radio silent for his three-season absence, as was his mom Karen. "Everybody, they just faded off into the distance," Bethany says. "I do wish they had kept that up in some more clear way. I don't think it would have been hard."

While Bethany Joy Lenz think is was because of "personal beef" behind the scenes.

But Bethany theorizes the onscreen confusion boils down to behind-the-scenes drama with creator Mark Schwann, whom the cast accused of sexual harassment in 2017. The women of the show wrote an open letter explaining how “many of us were, to varying degrees, manipulated psychologically and emotionally," and how "more than one of us is still in treatment for post-traumatic stress."

"I think it was some sort of personal beef behind the scenes," Bethany adds in the Drama Queens episode. "He was hoping the audience would just forget about them."

"Which seems so stupid because it's a choice rooted in ego," Sophia adds. "It's like, 'Dude, you wrote those characters, so you knew they were great. So why are we suddenly pretending they're not?'"

Fred Norris/Warner Bros. TV

Hopefully we'll see all our favorite Tree Hill Ravens return for a One Tree Hill sequel series. While the show hasn't been officially greenlit at Netflix yet, Hilarie Burton exclusively told Brit + Co that everyone involved in the show is "really proud of the work that we did back then too. And so to see the public support this little show we made 20 years later, that's so special and it's so rare."

You can stream all of One Tree Hill on Hulu now — and read up on Chad Michael Murray's Perfect Idea For The One Tree Hill Reunion.

Colleen Hoover (and her books) aren't afraid to make a statement. BookTok is still reeling from Verity, while the rest of the internet can't stop talking about all the It Ends With Us behind-the-scenes drama. and Hoover's newest adaptation, Regretting You, is just as gripping and emotional as all her other stories. The movie is based on the 2019 novel of the same name, and while It Ends With Us centers around romantic relationships, Regretting You is all about mother-daughter relationships.

What's 'Regretting You' about?


Regretting You follows Morgan Grant (played by Allison Williams), who put her dreams on hold years ago when she got pregnant with her daughter Clara (McKenna Grace). Their age gap mirrors the one we see we see between Lorelai and Rory in Gilmore Girls, but instead of the Gilmores' close bond, Morgan and Clara's relationship becomes more strained the older Clara gets — especially when Morgan's husband Chris passes away in a tragic accident, revealing a secret that could change Clara's life forever.

While It Ends With Us is a larger production from Sony, Regretting You will be an indie production. Stay tuned for official production details!

Who's in the 'Regretting You' cast?

Monica Schipper/Arturo Holmes/Getty Images

Allison Williams (Get Out) and McKenna Grace (Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire) lead the Regretting You cast. These two are joined by Dave Franco (Now You See Me), Mason Thames (The Black Phone), Willa Fitzgerald (The Fall of the House of Usher), and Scott Eastwood (Wind River: Rising).

The movie will be directed by The Fault in Our Stars' Josh Boone and written by Susan McMartin.

When does 'Regretting You' come out?


Regretting You comes out on October 24, and it's easily one of our most-anticipated movies for 2025!

Is 'Regretting You' a spicy book?


Regretting You definitely has less spice than Colleen Hoover's other books. In fact, this TikToker ranks it as her least-spicy book! Since the story focuses on Morgan and Clara, instead of a romantic relationship, this is a good pick for any readers who prefer less spicy books.

What's the message of 'Regretting You'?

Alexander Grey/Pexels

Regretting You is all about life, which I know sounds like a huge message! But the story introduces us to an established family rather than two people who want to begin a family. Chris, Morgan, and Clara already have relationships with each other, and as time passes in the story, Regretting You shows us how circumstances can change, how overwhelming our emotions can feel, and how strong our family bonds can become.

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