4 Indicators of Health Other Than That Number on the Scale

Once upon a time, in an earnest effort to take ownership over my health, I got a gym membership at our local YMCA. I’m no athlete, but after just a month of regular cardio and weight training, I was starting to feel really good. I had more energy, I wanted to eat better, and my skin had a healthy glow. I had promised myself when I got the membership that I wouldn’t get hung up on what the scale said, which was easy, since I didn’t own one. Then, one day when I was changing in the locker room, though a voice in my head told me not to, I gave into temptation.

I had been exercising four days a week, I felt the best I had in months, and somehow, I weighed five pounds more than when I started. What? I thought the gym was healthy! What was I doing wrong? I’ll admit, as great as it made me feel, my workouts suddenly became less appealing that day. Turns out, I had subconsciously been associating “health” with the number on the scale all along. A few years later, and I feel I have a much better grasp on what it means to be healthy. If you’d rather not step on the scale to find out if you’re healthy or not, here are a few other things to think about.

1. Body Fat: Though it didn’t feel great to see a higher number on the scale that day, it was probably because I had gained muscle. Since muscle weighs more than fat, it’s possible to lose inches and gain weight, depending on the type of workout you’re doing. That’s why weight and body mass index (BMI) aren’t always the most accurate measures of health. BMI can overestimate body fat for athletes with high muscle content and underestimate body fat in older people who have lost muscle.

While experts say both BMI and weight are worth considering when it comes to health risks — obesity can lead to blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol issues, just to name a few — it’s also important to consider your specific body fat percentage. Excess body fat can lead to a number of health risks, including heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, sleep apnea, and even stroke.

If you want to measure your body fat, some gyms have special scales that read it through a low-voltage electric current.

2. Digestion: For another gauge of how things are going in your body, consider your digestion. Did you know your number two habits can be indicative of larger health problems? Next time you use the restroom, take a peek before you flush: According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, changes in poop’s color and consistency could indicate what’s happening in your digestive system. For example, hard and rocky stool likely means you are constipated, and your large intestine is having a hard time contracting to remove waste, while oily stools could be a sign your body isn’t digesting fat properly. Of course, if you have any concerns about your stool, talk to your doctor.

3. Skin: The skin is the body’s largest organ, so it makes sense what you see on the outside can be a sign of what’s going on inside your body. What do you see when you look at your skin? Most skin issues can be tied back to your lifestyle: Rashes or more acute breakouts can be indicative of a food allergy or sensitivity,and itchy or dry skin can be traced back to issues like dehydration, not enough fat intake, or excessive alcohol consumption. If you want to learn more about what your skin might be telling you, including specific indicators of more serious health issues, WebMD has a helpful resource.

4. Energy Levels: Before you look in the mirror at how you look, think about how you feel. What are your energy levels like? Do you need several cups of coffee to perk up in the morning? How do you feel after a long day of work? While it’s normal to get tired more frequently when you’re under stress, according to Mayo Clinic, chronic exhaustion or ongoing fatigue that isn’t relieved by rest can be signs of a deeper issue. Lifestyle factors like drinking too much, certain medications, working out too hard, or poor sleep can contribute to low energy levels. Chronic fatigue can also be a sign of anemia (low iron), depression, thyroid issues, or other underlying diseases. If you’re concerned about your lack of energy, make sure to talk to your healthcare provider about it.

How do you evaluate your health? Let us know @BritandCo.

(Photo via Getty)

Apart from the occasional 1,000 yellow daisies, doesn’t it feel like it’s perpetually autumn and winter in Stars Hollow? Not that we’re complaining — we’re totally here for budget-friendly trends and the winter movie lineup. This time of year always makes us want to binge-watch our ride-or-die mother/daughter duo, even if we don't get Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life season 2. We all have our favorite episodes, favorite boyfriends, and favorite characters — which is why we thought it would be fun (and necessary, obvi) to match up the major Gilmore Girls characters to their zodiac counterparts. Go ahead, refill your coffee cup before you dig in. We’ll wait.


Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Luke: Moody much? While you’re definitely not always as surly as Luke, Cancer, you do share his predilection toward unpredictable mood swings. It’s true — Luke has a tough outer shell just like you, and it takes a lot for him to make himself vulnerable to even his closest friends. You’re both sensitive souls with a nurturing streak a mile long. (How else could Luke take Jess back time and again?)


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Ms. Patty: It’s your world, and we’re just living in it, Leo (er, and Ms. Patty). You’re a natural performer, and there’s no doubt Ms. Patty also knows how to own the stage. You’re both outgoing and creative with a flair for the dramatic, and we’re willing to wager you’d get along famously (while working hard to become famous, of course).


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Emily: We think Emily is probably the most misunderstood character in Gilmore Girls, which we’re sure is something any Virgo can relate to. You’re both perfectionists who know how to throw a killer dinner party, with every last detail thoughtfully curated. You’ve got no time for inefficiency, and while you’re super-sensitive to criticism yourself, you can sometimes be a little judgy of others. But you both more than make up for it with your dedication to working for causes you believe in.


Image via The CW/The WB/Gilmore Girls' Facebook

Richard: When it comes to family drama, Richard reigns as the perpetual peacekeeper. From Emily and Lorelai’s constant struggle to understand one another to Rory’s infamous boat incident, Richard has that diplomatic Libra spirit to solve a crisis. You’re both even-keeled, thoughtful people who can see both sides of any story. The Gilmores would be beyond lucky to have you!


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Jess: Within the Stars Hollow cosmos, there’s no one more intense than Jess — and the same goes for you, Scorpio. You’re both passionate, complex people who’ve come to appreciate your dark sides. Like you, Jess has incredible emotional depth that fuels a passionate heart. Plus, Jess’s mental/physical/emotional connection to Rory is exactly how you approach your own romantic relationships. Our lives would be so dull without you.


Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Lane: With a healthy dose of naiveté that everything’s going to be okay, Lane somehow managed to make her less-than-ideal upbringing totally work for her in the end. It’s this same unflappable optimism that guides you through life, Sag. You and Lane are resilient women who thrive on figuring it out with a smile on your face. You also both have a tendency toward obsessing over things you love, whether it’s obscure ’80s punk records or baking the perfect soufflé.


Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Paris: Honestly, can you think of anyone more Capricorn-y than Paris Gellar (except for you, of course)? Whether it’s her laser-like focus on future success or her incredible organizational capacities, Paris totally vibes with your serious commitment to reaching your goals (and constant need to prove yourself). You both crave stability in your life and loyalty from your friends and have put structures in place to ensure you get them, no matter where life takes you.


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Lorelai: Emily may have underestimated Lorelai’s free spirit, but we know you totally have her ticket, Aquarius. Whether she’s raising a daughter on her own, going to graduate school, or starting a new business, Lorelai is forever independent, thinking outside the box to make her goals a reality. She’s also got a rebellious streak with an aversion to authority that sounds a lot like someone we both know. Plus, you’re both the kind of people who will say it like it is while still understanding that everyone walks their own path. Where you lead, we’ll totally follow.


Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Dean: Does anyone really know Dean? He’s got that poetic, head-in-the-clouds thing down pat, which sounds a lot like you, Pisces. You’re both dreamers who prefer poetry to playing sports and have a shared illusory quality that makes you a bit of a chameleon, transforming yourself based on your current circumstances. Remember when he just up and got married all of the sudden?! Who knew!


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Logan: Did you know the Life and Death Brigade’s motto, In Omnia Paratus, means “ready for anything”? Of course you did, Aries, because it’s your life’s motto as well. Just as Logan literally leaped into the unknown, you too know how to take major risks and somehow always make them pay off. You’re both independent, strong-willed, action-oriented people who prefer to live boldly, whether that means stealing a boat or running a newspaper (er, but we wouldn’t recommend the former).


Image via The CW/The WB/Gilmore Girls' Facebook

Sookie: If you could live outdoors, you would, Taurus, precisely the same way Sookie would live in Jackson’s garden if she could. You’re both super-grounded and delight in sensory experiences that connect you back to the earth. Obviously, Sookie is an amazing chef, and you’re known as being the top foodie among your friend group. Life is all about the earthly pleasures for both of you, and you find peace at home, surrounded by creature comforts (and lots of cake).


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Rory: You’re whip-smart with a mind that moves a mile a minute and an interest (and knowledge) in just about everything, Gemini — and that sounds a lot like our girl Rory. You’re both super-curious beings who derive genuine pleasure out of learning new things on the daily. If you could go to school forever, you’d be happy. And we’re pretty sure Rory would be sitting right beside you.

Does your favorite Gilmore Girls character fit with your zodiac sign match? Tweet us @BritandCo to let us know what you think!

Lead image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

This post has been updated.

Gilmore Girls fans can all agree that, despite how much we love the show, Lane Kim (Keiko Agena) deserved WAY better. But Keiko admits that even though Lane's treatment on GG leaves a lot to be desired (starting with the fact that Lane is Korean American and Keiko is Japanese American), it was still a special role.

Keep reading to see which Gilmore Girls costars Keiko Agena talks to the most!

Keiko Agena has a complicated relationship with 'Gilmore Girls' character Lane Kim.

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

“I think what [the role] was for people was different than what it was for me,” she tells Juliet Litman on an episode of the Dear Felicity rewatch podcast (via People). “In a weird way, I feel like I want to honor the experience that people had from the show, and what it meant to them, especially young Asian people, because I get that comment a lot, about what it was like for them to see someone like that on screen.”

And it's no surprise that as much as Gilmore Girls viewers love Lane, Keiko "[loves] her too. I can tell, when I meet someone who knows Gilmore Girls or who loves Lane, it's like, I recognize that love. I see that you love that person."

But it's possible to hold two conflicting emotions at the same time, and although Lane Kim was an incredibly special role at the time, there are some things Keiko would do differently today. “The best thing is to have a Korean American writer [and a] Korean American actor,” she says. “I don't think that that role, cast that way, would happen today. But at that time, in 2000, it was such a different time that I definitely know I wouldn't have said no or pulled myself out of that situation at that time...Now it's just a mix of just having gratitude for having gone through that experience and having that experience.”

Keiko Agena also keeps in touch with two very special 'Gilmore Girls' costars!

And one aspect of Gilmore Girls that Keiko Agena is thankful for is her relationship with the Gilmore Girls cast! And there are two costars in particular she frequently keeps in contact with: John Cabrera (who played Brian) and Sean Gunn (who starred as Kirk).

“There is this kind of lovely nostalgia for that time, and yet also we have years since then,” she says. “I [have] gone to both of their weddings. Our friendship is part Gilmore Girls and appreciation for that crazy time, and then part just like a million other things that are just like friends.”

I was totally surprised to learn she keeps in contact with John and Sean (supposedly) more regularly than Alexis Bledel, but it makes sense when you remember Keiko, John, and Sean are all around the same age — and Alexis is 7 years younger. Hopefully we get another Gilmore Girls reunion to see our favorite television BFF's reunite!

Watch Lauren Graham & Scott Patterson's Mini Gilmore Girls Reunion for more Stars Hollow love!

Happiness is often something we think we'll gain down the road once we accomplish X, Y, and Z: a dream job, the perfect partner, a bigger salary, a bigger house. Yet things like fame, goods, success, and validation are the stuff of which the old conception of happiness was made. According to this way of thinking, once we reach one goal, it's time to set another one that will for sure make us happy... yet it never really does. Society has told us that achieving our own personal success will make us happy, but that’s actually a lie, says Stephanie Harrison, founder and creator of The New Happy.

Stephanie developed The New Happy philosophy during her graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, where she received a Master's degree in Applied Positive Psychology. What is The New Happy? It comes down to setting compassionate goals rather than self-image goals in which you are trying to win or maintain other people’s approval. We chatted with Stephanie about this new outlook on life that has garnered more than 400K fans of her colorful, data-driven IG.

Why does happiness seem out of reach for so many?

Stephanie: I was fascinated to discover that so many of our beliefs about happiness do not come from within, but from the world around us. These beliefs have a profound impact on our actions and perceptions.

At The New Happy, our philosophy sets up a paradigm distinguishing between ‘Old Happy,’ the definition of happiness that you have been taught by the world around you, and ‘New Happy,’ a new science-backed approach to happiness that not only helps you but helps the world.

I think one of the core problems is that many of us don’t even know that we have a definition of happiness, let alone what it is and how it is affecting us. If we have a completely unrealistic definition of happiness, as Old Happy does, then it will always feel out of reach. In Old Happy, happiness is always one achievement away – it’s always the next one that will finally make you good enough, and then you can stop, take a break, spend time with your loved ones, and be the person you want to be. Starting to notice this pattern in ourselves is a really important way to begin shifting our perspective.

How have we been misinformed about happiness? How is that harming people?

Stephanie: The core belief underpinning the Old Happy paradigm is that you are not good enough as you are, and to remedy this, you must go out and achieve something in the world to become worthy. This belief creates tremendous pain. Feeling like we are only conditionally worthy puts us in a state of constant self-evaluation, judging how we are doing and how close we are to ‘enough’ – an exhausting experience that persistently drains our joy and vitality.

When I look at our collective well-being challenges, like burnout and loneliness, I see Old Happy all over it. We need to broaden our conversation about well-being and happiness to include societal influences, many of which have gone unacknowledged. If we have been taught by our world that happiness comes from achieving more, and that is reinforced by all of our systems, then we will prioritize individual success, and de-prioritize those critically important paths to happiness, like our connections, nature, and helping those in our community and the world around us.

My argument is that there is a far better way to find happiness: through being of service to the world using your authentic gifts. This is what I call your New Happy. To be happy, you need to feel useful. There are so many problems in our world that need help: they need your brain, your heart, your hands, your energy, your voice. There are people who are suffering, and they need exactly what you have to offer. In doing that, you will not only be able to help make our world a better place, but when you are expressing yourself authentically, you will also find purpose, feel frequent joy, and cultivate a stable, lasting sense of well-being. This approach to happiness is underpinned by a sense of compassion for all, a recognition that we are all connected and we need to care for the collective to be happy as individuals. It’s also hopeful: I believe that if we come together, we have what it takes to create a world where every person can experience happiness, just as they deserve.

Can you share some data points that support the New Happy philosophy?

Stephanie: One of the research topics supporting our philosophy is the idea of quieting your ego. This is the process of seeking a sustainable balance between yourself and others that leads to positive growth for all. It is related to personal outcomes like self-esteem and resilience, but also to the actions that you take in the world. Having a quiet ego is strongly connected to setting compassionate goals, which are goals where you are trying to contribute to other people’s well-being. These are contrasted with self-image goals, where you are trying to win or maintain other people’s approval – Old Happy goals. While self-image goals are associated with a decrease in self-esteem and connection, compassionate goals are associated with an increase in self-esteem and connection.

Another important element of our philosophy is the recognition of our interconnectedness. I think it’s really beautiful that the research shows this: When we care for others, we experience personal benefits; when we care for ourselves, we are inspired to and supported in caring for others. Giving increases your own positive emotions, sense of connectedness to others, and sense of meaning. One recent study found that behaving in a more selfless way is associated with greater happiness.

Turning to the research on caring for yourself, we can see the benefits, too. Extending compassion toward yourself predicts a reduction in depression, anxiety and stress symptoms as well as an increase in well-being. One study found that practicing self-affirmation increases feelings of self-compassion, which in turn motivates giving behavior. Every time you care for yourself, you’re supporting your ability to be there for others; every time you care for others, you’re also caring for yourself. It’s all connected.

Are there people who are just born happier, or can you learn to be happier?

Stephanie: There’s some debate about this, but many scholars believe that we have a general ‘happiness set-point,’ which is your base natural level of natural happiness. It is helpful to think of it more like a range, where you can boost yourself up to the top of it based on your daily actions. What you do does matter.

Happiness can be thought of as more than just the emotion that you feel when things go right. It’s about living a happy life, an existence that is aligned with who you are and what matters most to you.

One powerful reframe here is thinking of happiness not as an outcome, which is an Old Happy perspective, but as an action. When you are living your life, being authentically yourself and sharing that self in a way that has a positive benefit upon others, you experience happiness as a byproduct.

What are ways in which we can experience more joy in our lives?

Stephanie: Creating joy in our lives is such a priority. It is an emotion that not only benefits our own well-being, but also contributes to our relationships, our capacity to help and support others, and our resilience. Here are a few strategies.

First, help someone around you. There’s a reason that being of service is at the heart of our philosophy! There are so many studies that show the power of giving: It not only affects our happiness but impacts our physical health, too. It can positively impact your blood pressure, reduce your stress, and even extend your longevity. Do something small right now: Send someone a thank you text, let a loved one know how special they are to you, do a random act of kindness, share your expertise with someone, donate or advocate for a cause that needs you, engage in a warm conversation with a stranger, ask someone how they are doing and really listen. In the longer term, think about how you can use your gifts – the authentic actions that bring you joy – and offer them up to contribute to the world’s collective happiness.

Second, slow down, and look for something beautiful in the world around you. We miss a lot of the good, important stuff because we’re so focused on what we need to do. Decide you are going to look for the good: a wonderful quality in a loved one, something in nature, a moment of kindness. Once you see it, allow yourself to savor it and really soak it in. If you can, tell someone else about it to leverage the additional benefits of social connection. When you share with someone, you are able to extend the moment of goodness beyond the event itself, a ripple effect of joy that touches you and your relationship in a meaningful way.

Third, get outside into the world if it’s accessible for you. Our feelings of loneliness and disconnection are likely to increase when we are stuck inside our homes, as so many of us have been. One study found that spending just twenty minutes in nature lowers cortisol, your stress hormone, up to 20 percent! Nature is also the most reliable place to experience a sense of awe, which can inspire giving and compassionate behavior.

Finally, make joy a shared pursuit. Decide with your family or roommates or friends that you are going to consciously ‘joy-ify’ a regular activity, like making dinner, doing chores, or a regular routine. Ask yourselves, what would make me feel more connected to this activity, this moment, or the people we are sharing it with? There are so many creative ways you might do this. In one of our New Happy Challenges where we taught the skill of joy, participants came up with all sorts of wonderful ideas, including cooking recipes from around the world, doing an end-of-workday dance party, and sharing a moment of gratitude as a family at the end of every day.

How can we support our friends when they're feeling down?

Stephanie: As a society, we’re not very comfortable with pain, suffering, grief, and the difficulties of being a human. There’s so much pressure to appear happy and like you have it all together. No one has it all together, and everyone is going through something, and I think that collectively pretending that this isn’t true is very harmful for all of us.

If someone trusts you enough to open up to you about their pain, this is a powerful opportunity to nurture your connection, share micro-moments of love, and support them. I developed an acronym to help you to be there in these moments: FANAL, which is an old word for a lighthouse or beacon. I love this metaphor because it gives us an idea for how we can be for others: firmly grounded within ourselves, sharing a light that shines upon them and guides them to a safe, secure place.

Here’s how to use it:

  • F: Focus on the person. Give them your full attention and make this moment about them.
  • A: Ask how they are feeling. If they brush you aside or give a standard answer, you might need to gently ask a second time or in a different way to make it clear you really want to know how they are.
  • N: Notice their suffering. Many of us are afraid to look at pain, as though it is embarrassing or contagious. This leaves the person in pain feeling so lonely. Try to really see them and their pain.
  • A: Acknowledge their experience. This pain might be the most palpable thing in their lives right now. Honor that reality. Don’t deny it or try to change their perception of it. Tell them that you see what they are going through, and how painful it is.
  • L: Listen. Just keep listening, asking more questions to invite them to keep sharing. Stay with them until they are ready to change the topic.

This practice will help you to be there for them in a compassionate way.

Thanks Stephanie! You can follow the New Happy @newhappyconewhappyco.

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Main photo by Jakob Owens onUnsplash

This post has been updated from a previous story.

As much as we love talking about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce...Jason Kelce and his wife Kylie Kelce deserve their time in the spotlight too! They have a loving and hilarious dynamic that's somehow made room for not one, but three kids. And guess what? They recently announced that baby number 4 is coming soon! From their very funny announcement to everything they've said since, there's a lot of fun to unpack here.

Here's everything to know about Jason Kelce & Kylie Kelce's exciting pregnancy!

When did Jason and Kylie announce she's pregnant?

Amazon Prime

Kylie Kelce shared the huge news on Instagram November 22nd! Of course grandma Donna Kelce was the first to leave a comment. She wrote, "🔥🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍 Love it!!!" Brittany Mahomes also commented by writing, "Ahhhhhh Congrats you guys!!!🥹🤍."

How did Jason and Kylie's other daughters react?

Amazon Prime

In Kylie's same Instagram post, her and Jason's daughters can be seen expressing a range of emotions. There's an 'Eek' expression from their oldest daughter Wyatt, a happy look from their middle daughter Elliott, and pure tears from baby girl Bennett. Kylie wrote, "I feel like we captured a very accurate representation of how each of the girls feel about getting another sister. At least Ellie, mom and dad are on the same page! 🤷♀️"

When is Jason and Kylie's fourth baby due?

Amazon Prime

That's TBD! Since the couple just announced their fourth pregnancy, only time will tell when baby girl will arrive. Knowing Jason and Kylie's willingness to be open about their lives, we wouldn't be surprised if they decide to share a due date.

How are Jason and Kylie preparing to be a family of six?

Amazon Prime

Jason Kelce is taking the news of being an official girl dad like a champ. He told E! Newshe's "got it pretty easy" because "the clothes are all going to be hand-me-downs or already bought." Not only that, but they've already secured a baby crib! However, Jason was quick to add Kylie's also getting ready for their daughter's arrival. "Kylie's definitely preparing more than I am, because she's actually growing the human being."

“I love my kids so much, and especially my daughters,” he added. "I was telling somebody out there because they're expecting their first — and they look at you. They smile at you. There's just a way that kids have to warm your soul in a way that nothing else can.”

He's also excited to watch his daughters grow up with a new sibling. "And hopefully we'll welcome a fourth into this world, and we'll be able to watch them fight and tear each other apart and all the good stuff."

He even appeared on The Rich Eisen Show where he joked, "I'm screwed [in] like in 10 years. The moment they’re all in middle school, I feel like it’s just gonna be chaos." He also hopes Wyatt "can start helping out a little bit more." But, he's still looking forward to it! "I obviously have not had a son, but there is something about a daughter in the way I think as a dad, you feel an extra amount probably of protection and love toward that child," he shared.

What has Kylie said about her fourth pregnancy?

Meanwhile, Kylie just opened up on her new podcast, Not Gonna Lie, about her feelings on her fourth pregnancy. She said, "I am so incredibly grateful to be able to get pregnant, but it is a means to an end. When I tell you that I cannot stand being pregnant, I mean it. I don't have a a fun time."

If that sounds a little uh...negative, it actually makes a lot more sense when she explained more! She elaborated, "I am nauseous for most of my pregnancy. It tapers off a little after the first trimester, but I continue to have nausea throughout my pregnancy." Woof, I know that's tough!

Kyle continued by explaining she hasn't even really had the fun, wacky cravings many pregnant people get — instead she's had more "aversions" in each of her pregnancies. I'll take cravings over aversions any day!

The podcast host then joked, "When you're super pregnant and someone comes up to you and says, 'Isn't this just the most beautiful thing ever? 'I want to punch you in the face. I'm not going to, but I want to."

Definitely wishing her a healthy, less aversion-filled pregnancy this go-around!

Follow us on Facebook for more updated about this cute family!

This post has been updated.

Achieving radiant, glowing skin has become a central focus on TikTok, with numerous products gaining viral status for their transformative effects. Here’s a curated list of 43 TikTok-viral skincare products, categorized by their function, along with the trends or scenarios that propelled them to fame. Scroll on to discover your new favorite products that you'll soon be telling everyone about (or keeping to yourself).

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

This Brightening Serum Will Stand Out in Your Routine


Once you start using this brightening serum, it'll be a shining star in your daily skincare lineup. Formulated with vitamin C and licorice root extract, this multitasking serum breathes life back into lackluster skin while improving overall texture and tone.

See it on Amazon

Nourish Your Skin With the Farmacy Honey Grail Oil


Up the hydration with this gorgeous Honey Grail oil, which TikTokers are obsessed with. Even though it's called an oil, it's lightweight enough not to leave your skin feeling greasy.

See it on Amazon

These Resurfacing Pads Are a Game-Changer


Gently exfoliate your skin with these resurfacing pads that can reduce fine lines and wrinkles while they even out your skin tone. Each use leaves your skin feeling softer and smoother.

See it on Amazon

Stay Juciy and Hydrated With Ultra-Fine Spray


This refreshing facial mist infuses watermelon extract, hyaluronic acid, and hibiscus AHAs to hydrate, brighten, and refine the look of tired skin. This ultra-fine spray delivers a dewy, glowing finish, perfect for setting your makeup or boosting moisture throughout the day.

See it on Amazon

Brighten Your Skin With Tri-Peptide Moisturizer


This vitamin-C and tri-peptide moisturizer by Bliss combines vitamin C and peptides to enhance collagen production, improve skin firmness, and diminish fine lines, earning high praise from users.

See it on Amazon

Reduce the Look of Fine Lines With Plump Jelly


If you want to plump your face and improve elasticity with the changing seasons, look no further than this Moon Juice plump jelly. This serum will help give you a youthful appearance and improve your skin’s natural barrier functions.

See it on Amazon

Stay Youthful With Womaness Let's Neck Firming Serum


Unfortunately, the neck is one of the first places to show signs of aging. If you want to maintain your youthful look, start using this Womaness Let's Neck firming serum sooner rather than later. Whether you recently started to notice that your skin is looking crepey or you want to get ahead and avoid your neck sagging, this product is for you.

See it on Amazon

An Antioxidant-Rich Cream Moisturizer


Visibly plump your skin instantly with this cream moisturizer. It's perfect for sensitive skin and helps prevent common skin issues like eczema. It uses a natural blend of honey and fig fruit to promote a radiant complexion.

See it on Amazon

This Toner Will Dramatically Even Skin Tone


You'll hardly recognize your skin after incorporating this brightening face toner into your routine. Combined with PHA and azelaic acid, this 3% TXA (tranexamic acid) toner hydrates and exfoliates for smoother, more radiant skin in just a few days. One shocking 5-star review reads, "I have brown spots on my face from too much time in the sun as a teenager. Over a period of three weeks, you can hardly notice them, and when I put on my makeup, you don’t even see them. I love this product."

See it on Amazon

This Vitamin C Moisturizer Levels Up Your Daily Routine


Make your moisturizer work for you! This vitamin C facial moisturizer is paired with vitamin B5, green tea, and jojoba oil to brighten dull skin, even skin tone, and bring out a glowy complexion.

See it on Amazon

Get The TikTok Facelift With Frownies


These are the last steps in your skincare routine at night. They naturally smooth static lines and fine wrinkles around the mouth and crow’s feet around the eyes. Frownies are non-comedogenic and safe for sensitive skin so that everyone can enjoy their benefits.

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A Cleanser Made With Natural Ingredients


TikTok users have raved about this cleanser infused with kale and green tea. It helps remove toxins from your skin's surface and pores. Thanks to its gentle formula, it's safe to use with any skin type and can remove makeup at the end of the day.

See it on Amazon

Depuff Your Face With Brilliant Eye Complex


Don’t let dark circles stand in your way of having a great day. Reduce the appearance of puffy eyes and dark circles courtesy of the COSMEDIX eye genius brilliant eye complex. This eye treatment helps with the under eyes to give you a more refreshed appearance.

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The Inkey List Retinol Eye Cream


Dermatologists recommend this retinol eye cream is an affordable option that utilizes gentle retinol to promote skin regeneration and collagen production, effectively reducing under-eye wrinkles.

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Eliminate the Look of Wrinkles With Hydrating Eye Cream


This wrinkle bounce multi balm is an all-in-one hydrating eye cream enriched with salmon-derived sodium DNA to moisturize, smooth, and target fine lines. This portable stick is an eye cream, face moisturizer, and on-the-go skin refresher for daily Korean skincare.

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An Aloe Vera Gel for Your Face and Body


For lightweight hydration, try this aloe vera gel cream. It cools and calms skin instantly, making it a great option for sensitive skin. It can even be used on your hair and scalp to correct dehydration.

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Refresh Your Skin With Ceramide Cleanser


A creamy, nourishing cleanser infused with avocado and ceramides to gently remove impurities while strengthening the skin’s moisture barrier. Glow Recipe's ceramide cleanser is ideal for maintaining a hydrated, soothed, and balanced complexion.

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Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask


This overnight lip sleeping mask has become a staple for many. It offers intense hydration and a variety of flavors to suit different preferences.

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Get Glowing With Pore-Tight Toner


This BHA pore-tight toner is a lightweight, clarifying toner with PHA and BHA to gently exfoliate and refine pores and smooth skin texture. Infused with watermelon extract, it hydrates and preps skin for a radiant glow.

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Look Your Best with Hyaluronic Acid


Hydrate and plump your skin with hyaluronic acid, a powerful skincare ingredient that attracts moisture, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and enhances skin's overall texture and radiance.

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RHONY Fave's Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm


Praised by celebrities like Bethenny Frankel, this luxurious cleansing balm removes makeup and moisturizes your skin for a deep clean, offering a spa-like experience at home.

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Refresh Your Face With a Hybrid Cleanser


This balm-gel hybrid cleanser transforms into a fluffy foam texture, effortlessly removing makeup and impurities while leaving skin feeling soft, refreshed, and bouncy for a fresh complexion.

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Look Younger With P-Tiox Anti-Wrinkle Serum


Endorsed by Hailey Bieber, this powerful anti-wrinkle serum blends double peptides, polyhydroxy acid, niacinamide, and laminaria extract to boost skin cell turnover, smooth fine lines, and enhance radiance.

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Find Your Perfect Fit With a Serum Kit


Perfect for K-beauty enthusiasts, this serum kit features potent botanical serums tailored to address various skin concerns, including brightening and calming redness and irritation of sensitive skin.

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Sweep Away the Day With This Silky Make-Up Remover


Perfect for makeup enthusiasts and all skin types, this makeup remover features a silky, non-greasy formula with dual-phase oil and micelle technology to effortlessly dissolve all makeup, including stubborn eyeliner and long-lasting lipstick. It also hydrates and soothes the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed, clean, and balanced.

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A Good for You and the Planet Facial Cleanser


Perfect for sensitive skin, this facial cleanser transforms from a gel into a silky, milky lather, effectively cleansing while maintaining hydration. Infused with purifying and soothing botanicals, it reduces redness and leaves the skin calm, refreshed, and balanced.

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Experience the Power of Snail Repair Essence


Perfect for restoring and hydrating, this snail repair essence features 96% snail mucin to repair skin barriers, improve elasticity, and deliver deep hydration. It is ideal for all skin types and promotes a radiant, plump, and healthy complexion.

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Radiate Natural Beauty With Lumi Glotion


Loreal's Lumi Glotion is a multipurpose luminizer that hydrates, delivering a natural, radiant glow. Perfect as a moisturizer, highlighter, or skin tint, it enhances your complexion with a customizable dewy finish available in multiple shades.

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Wake Up and Go With Glow Booster


Pacifica's glow booster blends vitamin C and glycolic acid to brighten skin, improve texture, and promote a healthy, luminous glow. It's a must-have for your skincare routine, perfect for revitalizing dull complexions.

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Brighten Your Base With Glow Skin Balm


This 4-in-1 multitasker is a moisturizer, primer, mask, and luminizer, leaving skin deeply hydrated and naturally radiant. Enriched with Damask rose water, this glow skin balm nourishes and soothes, making it perfect for a dewy, glowing complexion.

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Boost Your Look With a Lightweight Serum


Powered by rice extract and alpha-arbutin, this lightweight serum brightens skin, fades dark spots, and evens tone. It is perfect for achieving a radiant, glowing complexion while nourishing and soothing sensitive skin.

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Fight Signs of Aging With Daily SPF


Protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. Make it easy to fight damage and signs of aging by adding this dermatologist—and influencer-backed daily SPF moisturizer to your morning routine.

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A Facial Roller for Hot Mess Days


The Skinny Confidential designed this sleek facial roller, so you know it's good. This product helps to contour, tighten, and de-puff skin while promoting a clear, radiant, and smoother complexion. It is perfect for self-care rituals and a thoughtful beauty gift for all.

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Spritz Your Stress Away With This Face Mist


This refreshing rose face mist hydrates, rejuvenates, and clarifies the skin with soothing aloe and herbal extracts. Perfect for all skin types and great to keep with you on the go, it delivers an instant boost of hydration and glow.

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Treat Your Eyes With Hydrogel Patches


These soothing hydrogel patches are infused with snail mucin to hydrate and refresh the under-eye area while targeting puffiness and fine lines. Perfect for a quick pick-me-up in your skincare routine.

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Keep Your Face Fresh With This Daily Micro-Exfoliant


It's important to exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cell buildup or impurities, but we must also remember that over-scrubbing does more harm than good. Dermalogica's daily micro-exfoliant is gentle enough to use daily to reveal a glowing complexion.

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Every Skin Routine Needs Some Serum


This powerful serum by Curology with 10% vitamin C and azelaic acid visibly evens skin tone, smooths texture, and calms redness. Its lightweight, milky texture absorbs easily, leaving skin refreshed and radiant all day.

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Protect Your Skin With Glowscreen


Supergoop's Glowscreen is a multitasking sunscreen and makeup primer that delivers UV protection while creating a dewy and glowing skin finish. This product is available in four radiant shades for your perfect radiant fit.

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Take the Day Off With This Cleansing Oil


Start your night-time skincare routine with Dermalogica's deep cleansing oil. This oil gently melts away makeup and impurities for a thorough cleansing of the most clogged pores. The lightweight formula preps the skin for your cleanser to penetrate even deeper for a purified clean.

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Nourish Your Skin With Milk Toner


After cleansing, toning comes next in a complete three-step skincare routine, but sometimes, the standard solutions can be too harsh for those with more sensitive skin. This hydrating milk toner is a cross between a cleansing balm, moisturizer, and exfoliating toner without the risk of irritation or drying from harsh chemicals.

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Radiate Youth With Cloud Cream


If we haven't made it clear enough, moisturized skin is the secret to a glowing look. With the Peter Thomas Roth cloud cream, the hyaluronic acid complex draws atmospheric vapor to lock in your skin's hydration for 72 hours. It's a miracle product for dry skin.

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Even Your Skin Tone With Correcting Serum


Lighten the appearance of your acne scars and other dark spots for a real-life Photoshop touch-up with the Even Better Clinical skin tone correcting serum. This serum smooths skin texture and evens your skin's complexion for a healthy glow.

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Replenish While You Sleep With This Overnight Mask


Lock in moisture while you sleep with this hydrating overnight mask. It’s made from a rice extract blend and niacinamide to reveal soft and supple skin. It’s safe for even the most sensitive skin and can purify your skincare routine.

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