How Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type Is Most Likely to Use the MBTI

Personality tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Enneagram can be helpful tools for work, relationships, and even mental health. When we are aware of our strengths, weaknesses, and other tendencies that make us the unique humans we are, we can be more thoughtful in our daily lives. Still, not everyone uses their personality type the same way. As you can guess, it all depends on personality.

So, who is most likely to take the MBTI seriously? And who tends to brush it off? Here are our best guesses for what each personality type thinks of the Myers-Briggs — and how they use it.


One of the most practical and logical personalities, the ISTJ values tradition, order, and systems. Personality tests like the MBTI can help the ISTJ understand how they function, but not for the purpose of navel-gazing. This personality probably uses their MBTI to organize and optimize their lives, cutting out what doesn’t make logical sense in their schedule and making room for what does.


Equal parts practical and down to earth, the ISFJ is also a feeler who feels called to serve and protect others in meaningful yet practical ways. Of course, “practical” is different for every individual — that’s where the MBTI comes in. This in-tune, nurturing personality is likely to refer to loved ones’ Myers-Briggs types for ideas on how to serve and care for them.


Just like its ISFJ cousin, the INFJ is a deep, other-focused feeler. But rather than a hands-on approach, the ever-intuitive INFJ is drawn to emotional connections with others. This personality type seeks to understand and relate, which means the INFJ, who is also an expert at empathy, probably uses the INFJ to make sense of others’ emotions and thought processes.


Since INTJs are very big fans of efficiency — you might call them “life hackers” — chances are, they’ll use their personality type to optimize their lives at work and at home. The INTJ, as you could guess, also loves to learn, so they probably spend time reading about how the MBTI and other personality types work and why they matter.


The ISTP is a super curious, hands-on learner who loves to discover new ways of seeing things. You might call this personality, who’s attracted to anything that engages their five senses, a “tinkerer.” To be honest, the ISTP is probably not all that interested in the Myers-Briggs, since the world and all its problem-solving delights has enough to offer as it is.


Just like the ISTP, the ISFP loves to explore and experience new things — but the ISFP is a feeler, which means they’re probably more focused on finding beauty than finding answers. Artists to the core, ISFPs probably aren’t strategic with the MBTI, but they may look to others’ personality types for creative ideas on how to speak to their hearts about the beauty they see in the world.


Artistic, poetic, and soulful, the INFP has a rich inner life — and the Myers-Briggs can be a very helpful compass for navigating their deep emotions. Since this personality feels so deeply, it’s probably a great comfort and encouragement to know there are others out there who see the world through the same beautiful, sometimes heartbreaking lens.


Of all the types, the INTP is probably most likely to have a healthy skepticism toward the Myers-Briggs. After all, since we’re always learning and evolving as people, how can a personality test be anything but limiting? Still, since this personality is highly intellectual and curious, they probably still enjoy reading others’ takes on personalities — even if they don’t 100 percent agree.


ESTPs are bold, adventurous personalities who look for meaning through engaging their senses in new ways, whether a craft beer at a local taproom or a last-minute weekend trip to the tiny house on Airbnb that’s always sold out. Because this bold and daring personality tends to look before they leap, they probably don’t reference the MBTI to make decisions — but maybe to troubleshoot as they go.


They don’t call the ESFP the “entertainer” for nothing! This charming, feel-good type is the life of the party and conversation, and they love personality tests — especially the social aspect of talking about them. Count on the ESFP to start the MBTI conversation in a group setting, pegging friends as their types and, of course, stirring up a good laugh.


Highly enthusiastic and deep, ENFPs are outgoing feelers who look for purpose in everything they do, especially relationships. Since the MBTI can help them connect deeply with others, this type can probably be found with a novelty drink in hand, delving into an animated conversation about the complexities of our inner lives with a friend.


Count on ENTPs to be always on trend. They love new ideas and experiences, and that means they’re usually hyper-aware of what’s hot and what’s not. To be honest, the Myers Briggs is probably a little too outdated for this edgy, smart, and opinionated personality. They’ve probably already moved onto something more fascinating, like the Enneagram test.


Super ambitious and goal-oriented, the ESTJ tends to focus on work and personal success. So it makes sense that this personality would employ the MBTI to figure out how to advance in their careers. Whether figuring out how to relate to their boss or overcome their stubborn weakness, the ESTJ probably sees personality tests as a tool for getting ahead.


Down-to-earth, harmonious, and well-liked, the ESFJ was made to lead and help others. This altruistic type loves to blaze trails for others to follow, but rather than relying on mystic philosophies like the MBTI and other personality tests to get there, ESFJs are more likely to focus on established systems and traditions.


ENFJs are responsible altruists, just like ENTJs. But because they are more intuitive than logical, they may take a different approach. This other-centered personality is likely equally strategic and empathetic with the MBTI, using it to strategize how to help and care for their loved ones and, ultimately, to change the world.


While ENTJs tend to be more practical, they’re not exactly down to earth. This personality can come across as a bit intense and strong-willed, but for this ambitious personality type, that’s a positive. Like the ESTJ, the ENTJ probably uses the MBTI to get ahead in their professional and personal lives, plotting ways to overcome their weaknesses and maximize their many strengths.

How do you use the MBTI in your life, and what’s your type? Tell us everything @BritandCo!

(Photos via Getty)

Apart from the occasional 1,000 yellow daisies, doesn’t it feel like it’s perpetually autumn and winter in Stars Hollow? Not that we’re complaining — we’re totally here for budget-friendly trends and the winter movie lineup. This time of year always makes us want to binge-watch our ride-or-die mother/daughter duo, even if we don't get Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life season 2. We all have our favorite episodes, favorite boyfriends, and favorite characters — which is why we thought it would be fun (and necessary, obvi) to match up the major Gilmore Girls characters to their zodiac counterparts. Go ahead, refill your coffee cup before you dig in. We’ll wait.


Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Luke: Moody much? While you’re definitely not always as surly as Luke, Cancer, you do share his predilection toward unpredictable mood swings. It’s true — Luke has a tough outer shell just like you, and it takes a lot for him to make himself vulnerable to even his closest friends. You’re both sensitive souls with a nurturing streak a mile long. (How else could Luke take Jess back time and again?)


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Ms. Patty: It’s your world, and we’re just living in it, Leo (er, and Ms. Patty). You’re a natural performer, and there’s no doubt Ms. Patty also knows how to own the stage. You’re both outgoing and creative with a flair for the dramatic, and we’re willing to wager you’d get along famously (while working hard to become famous, of course).


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Emily: We think Emily is probably the most misunderstood character in Gilmore Girls, which we’re sure is something any Virgo can relate to. You’re both perfectionists who know how to throw a killer dinner party, with every last detail thoughtfully curated. You’ve got no time for inefficiency, and while you’re super-sensitive to criticism yourself, you can sometimes be a little judgy of others. But you both more than make up for it with your dedication to working for causes you believe in.


Image via The CW/The WB/Gilmore Girls' Facebook

Richard: When it comes to family drama, Richard reigns as the perpetual peacekeeper. From Emily and Lorelai’s constant struggle to understand one another to Rory’s infamous boat incident, Richard has that diplomatic Libra spirit to solve a crisis. You’re both even-keeled, thoughtful people who can see both sides of any story. The Gilmores would be beyond lucky to have you!


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Jess: Within the Stars Hollow cosmos, there’s no one more intense than Jess — and the same goes for you, Scorpio. You’re both passionate, complex people who’ve come to appreciate your dark sides. Like you, Jess has incredible emotional depth that fuels a passionate heart. Plus, Jess’s mental/physical/emotional connection to Rory is exactly how you approach your own romantic relationships. Our lives would be so dull without you.


Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Lane: With a healthy dose of naiveté that everything’s going to be okay, Lane somehow managed to make her less-than-ideal upbringing totally work for her in the end. It’s this same unflappable optimism that guides you through life, Sag. You and Lane are resilient women who thrive on figuring it out with a smile on your face. You also both have a tendency toward obsessing over things you love, whether it’s obscure ’80s punk records or baking the perfect soufflé.


Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Paris: Honestly, can you think of anyone more Capricorn-y than Paris Gellar (except for you, of course)? Whether it’s her laser-like focus on future success or her incredible organizational capacities, Paris totally vibes with your serious commitment to reaching your goals (and constant need to prove yourself). You both crave stability in your life and loyalty from your friends and have put structures in place to ensure you get them, no matter where life takes you.


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Lorelai: Emily may have underestimated Lorelai’s free spirit, but we know you totally have her ticket, Aquarius. Whether she’s raising a daughter on her own, going to graduate school, or starting a new business, Lorelai is forever independent, thinking outside the box to make her goals a reality. She’s also got a rebellious streak with an aversion to authority that sounds a lot like someone we both know. Plus, you’re both the kind of people who will say it like it is while still understanding that everyone walks their own path. Where you lead, we’ll totally follow.


Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Dean: Does anyone really know Dean? He’s got that poetic, head-in-the-clouds thing down pat, which sounds a lot like you, Pisces. You’re both dreamers who prefer poetry to playing sports and have a shared illusory quality that makes you a bit of a chameleon, transforming yourself based on your current circumstances. Remember when he just up and got married all of the sudden?! Who knew!


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Logan: Did you know the Life and Death Brigade’s motto, In Omnia Paratus, means “ready for anything”? Of course you did, Aries, because it’s your life’s motto as well. Just as Logan literally leaped into the unknown, you too know how to take major risks and somehow always make them pay off. You’re both independent, strong-willed, action-oriented people who prefer to live boldly, whether that means stealing a boat or running a newspaper (er, but we wouldn’t recommend the former).


Image via The CW/The WB/Gilmore Girls' Facebook

Sookie: If you could live outdoors, you would, Taurus, precisely the same way Sookie would live in Jackson’s garden if she could. You’re both super-grounded and delight in sensory experiences that connect you back to the earth. Obviously, Sookie is an amazing chef, and you’re known as being the top foodie among your friend group. Life is all about the earthly pleasures for both of you, and you find peace at home, surrounded by creature comforts (and lots of cake).


Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Rory: You’re whip-smart with a mind that moves a mile a minute and an interest (and knowledge) in just about everything, Gemini — and that sounds a lot like our girl Rory. You’re both super-curious beings who derive genuine pleasure out of learning new things on the daily. If you could go to school forever, you’d be happy. And we’re pretty sure Rory would be sitting right beside you.

Does your favorite Gilmore Girls character fit with your zodiac sign match? Tweet us @BritandCo to let us know what you think!

Lead image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

This post has been updated.

Nicole Kidman is, as the kids say, mothering. She's giving fans plenty of movies and TV shows to pick from while we wait for the next seasons of Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect StrangersA Family Affair, Expats, The Perfect Couple (and the AMC intro, of course). Her steamy drama Babygirl, which hit theaters on Christmas Day 2024, is mixing work and pleasure. Pour yourself a glass of wine for this one, folks.

Scroll down to learn more about Nicole Kidman's Babygirl — including when you can stream it on Max.

Where can you stream Babygirl?


Babygirl will be streaming on Max starting April 25, 2025. That means you can watch THAT milk scene as many times as you want.

What is the plot of Babygirl?


Babygirl Plot

In Babygirl, Nicole Kidman plays powerful CEO Romy, who's struggling to hold her perfect persona together. Her marriage to Jacob has never provided with much pleasure, despite the fact he's caring and artistic. But when Romy immediately feels drawn to a young intern named Samuel, the two begin a torrid affair.

Filming scenes with Harris Dickinson got so intense, Kidman said she literally had to take breaks. “There were times when we were shooting where I was like, ‘I don’t want to orgasm any more,'” she told the Sun. “Don’t come near me. I hate doing this. I don’t care if I am never touched again in my life!”

But the fact the movie was made by women empowered Kidman — and gave her a sense of freedom. "Doing this subject matter in the hands of the woman that wrote the script, that's directing it and is a really great actress herself — we became one in a weird way, which I'd never had with a director before," Kidman says in a statement. "When you're working with a woman on this subject matter, you can share everything with each other.”

"I really decided in the beginning, I want to make a sexual film, just as sexual as all these films that I've always admired so much," adds writer-director-producer Halina Reijn, "but now I'm going to do it completely through female eyes. What does that mean and what does that look like?”


In our Brit + Co exclusive, Nicole Kidman revealed she "spent a lot of time in bed" with Harris while filming. (TBH, a job that requires you to hang out in bed sounds like a pretty good job to me).

"As soon as he walked in, I was like, 'Oh good, here's somebody who's gonna play with me," she says. "We spent a lot of time in bed. Hours would go by, and it was like you would step out of there and you would say, 'What just happened?'"

"From the moment [Samuel] sees her, he's attracted to her. He realizes there's someone at the height of their power," Harris adds. "There was an element of mystique that needed to be there for the exploration of the relationship."

When is the Babygirl release date?


Babygirl Release Date

Babygirl made its premiere at the Venice Film Festival, and then opened in theaters on December 25, 2024.

Who's in the Babygirl cast?


Babygirl Cast

The cast of Babygirl includes Nicole Kidman, Harris Dickinson, Sophie Wilde, and Antonio Banderas.

What has Nicole Kidman said about making Babygirl?

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Nicole Kidman revealed Babygirl is the most "exposing" film she's done because she's “made some films that are pretty exposing, but not like this.”

“It left me ragged," she says. "At some point I was like, I don’t want to be touched. I don’t want to do this anymore, but at the same time I was compelled to do it...This is something you do and hide in your home videos. It is not a thing that normally is going to be seen by the world.”

“I felt very exposed as an actor, as a woman, as a human being,” she continues. “I had to go in and go out like, I need to put my protection back on. What have I just done? Where did I go? What did I do?”

What does babygirl energy mean?


"Babygirl" is a term of endearment that's usually applied to a man (you've probably heard it describe Pedro Pascal or Paul Mescal). When someone is giving babygirl energy, they're kind, cute, and disarming. And considering Babygirl plays with power dynamics, we might just find ourselves guessing who the "babygirl" in question is up until the very end.

Watch The 'Babygirl' Trailer Here!


There were SO many moments in the Babygirl trailer that made our jaws drop here:

  • The thumb in the mouth
  • The pink skirt moment
Yeah, this is one you won't wanna watch with your parents, friends. 🥵 And even Nicole agrees! At the December 2 Gotham Awards, when People asked who moviegoers should bring to the theater with them, "Whoever you want to, but you can also watch it alone." Tea.

Are you looking forward to seeing Nicole Kidman onscreen again? We might have to wait until December to see Babygirl, but there are plenty of incredible Fall Movies coming our way.

This post has been updated.

Happiness is often something we think we'll gain down the road once we accomplish X, Y, and Z: a dream job, the perfect partner, a bigger salary, a bigger house. Yet things like fame, goods, success, and validation are the stuff of which the old conception of happiness was made. According to this way of thinking, once we reach one goal, it's time to set another one that will for sure make us happy... yet it never really does. Society has told us that achieving our own personal success will make us happy, but that’s actually a lie, says Stephanie Harrison, founder and creator of The New Happy.

Stephanie developed The New Happy philosophy during her graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, where she received a Master's degree in Applied Positive Psychology. What is The New Happy? It comes down to setting compassionate goals rather than self-image goals in which you are trying to win or maintain other people’s approval. We chatted with Stephanie about this new outlook on life that has garnered more than 400K fans of her colorful, data-driven IG.

Why does happiness seem out of reach for so many?

Stephanie: I was fascinated to discover that so many of our beliefs about happiness do not come from within, but from the world around us. These beliefs have a profound impact on our actions and perceptions.

At The New Happy, our philosophy sets up a paradigm distinguishing between ‘Old Happy,’ the definition of happiness that you have been taught by the world around you, and ‘New Happy,’ a new science-backed approach to happiness that not only helps you but helps the world.

I think one of the core problems is that many of us don’t even know that we have a definition of happiness, let alone what it is and how it is affecting us. If we have a completely unrealistic definition of happiness, as Old Happy does, then it will always feel out of reach. In Old Happy, happiness is always one achievement away – it’s always the next one that will finally make you good enough, and then you can stop, take a break, spend time with your loved ones, and be the person you want to be. Starting to notice this pattern in ourselves is a really important way to begin shifting our perspective.

How have we been misinformed about happiness? How is that harming people?

Stephanie: The core belief underpinning the Old Happy paradigm is that you are not good enough as you are, and to remedy this, you must go out and achieve something in the world to become worthy. This belief creates tremendous pain. Feeling like we are only conditionally worthy puts us in a state of constant self-evaluation, judging how we are doing and how close we are to ‘enough’ – an exhausting experience that persistently drains our joy and vitality.

When I look at our collective well-being challenges, like burnout and loneliness, I see Old Happy all over it. We need to broaden our conversation about well-being and happiness to include societal influences, many of which have gone unacknowledged. If we have been taught by our world that happiness comes from achieving more, and that is reinforced by all of our systems, then we will prioritize individual success, and de-prioritize those critically important paths to happiness, like our connections, nature, and helping those in our community and the world around us.

My argument is that there is a far better way to find happiness: through being of service to the world using your authentic gifts. This is what I call your New Happy. To be happy, you need to feel useful. There are so many problems in our world that need help: they need your brain, your heart, your hands, your energy, your voice. There are people who are suffering, and they need exactly what you have to offer. In doing that, you will not only be able to help make our world a better place, but when you are expressing yourself authentically, you will also find purpose, feel frequent joy, and cultivate a stable, lasting sense of well-being. This approach to happiness is underpinned by a sense of compassion for all, a recognition that we are all connected and we need to care for the collective to be happy as individuals. It’s also hopeful: I believe that if we come together, we have what it takes to create a world where every person can experience happiness, just as they deserve.

Can you share some data points that support the New Happy philosophy?

Stephanie: One of the research topics supporting our philosophy is the idea of quieting your ego. This is the process of seeking a sustainable balance between yourself and others that leads to positive growth for all. It is related to personal outcomes like self-esteem and resilience, but also to the actions that you take in the world. Having a quiet ego is strongly connected to setting compassionate goals, which are goals where you are trying to contribute to other people’s well-being. These are contrasted with self-image goals, where you are trying to win or maintain other people’s approval – Old Happy goals. While self-image goals are associated with a decrease in self-esteem and connection, compassionate goals are associated with an increase in self-esteem and connection.

Another important element of our philosophy is the recognition of our interconnectedness. I think it’s really beautiful that the research shows this: When we care for others, we experience personal benefits; when we care for ourselves, we are inspired to and supported in caring for others. Giving increases your own positive emotions, sense of connectedness to others, and sense of meaning. One recent study found that behaving in a more selfless way is associated with greater happiness.

Turning to the research on caring for yourself, we can see the benefits, too. Extending compassion toward yourself predicts a reduction in depression, anxiety and stress symptoms as well as an increase in well-being. One study found that practicing self-affirmation increases feelings of self-compassion, which in turn motivates giving behavior. Every time you care for yourself, you’re supporting your ability to be there for others; every time you care for others, you’re also caring for yourself. It’s all connected.

Are there people who are just born happier, or can you learn to be happier?

Stephanie: There’s some debate about this, but many scholars believe that we have a general ‘happiness set-point,’ which is your base natural level of natural happiness. It is helpful to think of it more like a range, where you can boost yourself up to the top of it based on your daily actions. What you do does matter.

Happiness can be thought of as more than just the emotion that you feel when things go right. It’s about living a happy life, an existence that is aligned with who you are and what matters most to you.

One powerful reframe here is thinking of happiness not as an outcome, which is an Old Happy perspective, but as an action. When you are living your life, being authentically yourself and sharing that self in a way that has a positive benefit upon others, you experience happiness as a byproduct.

What are ways in which we can experience more joy in our lives?

Stephanie: Creating joy in our lives is such a priority. It is an emotion that not only benefits our own well-being, but also contributes to our relationships, our capacity to help and support others, and our resilience. Here are a few strategies.

First, help someone around you. There’s a reason that being of service is at the heart of our philosophy! There are so many studies that show the power of giving: It not only affects our happiness but impacts our physical health, too. It can positively impact your blood pressure, reduce your stress, and even extend your longevity. Do something small right now: Send someone a thank you text, let a loved one know how special they are to you, do a random act of kindness, share your expertise with someone, donate or advocate for a cause that needs you, engage in a warm conversation with a stranger, ask someone how they are doing and really listen. In the longer term, think about how you can use your gifts – the authentic actions that bring you joy – and offer them up to contribute to the world’s collective happiness.

Second, slow down, and look for something beautiful in the world around you. We miss a lot of the good, important stuff because we’re so focused on what we need to do. Decide you are going to look for the good: a wonderful quality in a loved one, something in nature, a moment of kindness. Once you see it, allow yourself to savor it and really soak it in. If you can, tell someone else about it to leverage the additional benefits of social connection. When you share with someone, you are able to extend the moment of goodness beyond the event itself, a ripple effect of joy that touches you and your relationship in a meaningful way.

Third, get outside into the world if it’s accessible for you. Our feelings of loneliness and disconnection are likely to increase when we are stuck inside our homes, as so many of us have been. One study found that spending just twenty minutes in nature lowers cortisol, your stress hormone, up to 20 percent! Nature is also the most reliable place to experience a sense of awe, which can inspire giving and compassionate behavior.

Finally, make joy a shared pursuit. Decide with your family or roommates or friends that you are going to consciously ‘joy-ify’ a regular activity, like making dinner, doing chores, or a regular routine. Ask yourselves, what would make me feel more connected to this activity, this moment, or the people we are sharing it with? There are so many creative ways you might do this. In one of our New Happy Challenges where we taught the skill of joy, participants came up with all sorts of wonderful ideas, including cooking recipes from around the world, doing an end-of-workday dance party, and sharing a moment of gratitude as a family at the end of every day.

How can we support our friends when they're feeling down?

Stephanie: As a society, we’re not very comfortable with pain, suffering, grief, and the difficulties of being a human. There’s so much pressure to appear happy and like you have it all together. No one has it all together, and everyone is going through something, and I think that collectively pretending that this isn’t true is very harmful for all of us.

If someone trusts you enough to open up to you about their pain, this is a powerful opportunity to nurture your connection, share micro-moments of love, and support them. I developed an acronym to help you to be there in these moments: FANAL, which is an old word for a lighthouse or beacon. I love this metaphor because it gives us an idea for how we can be for others: firmly grounded within ourselves, sharing a light that shines upon them and guides them to a safe, secure place.

Here’s how to use it:

  • F: Focus on the person. Give them your full attention and make this moment about them.
  • A: Ask how they are feeling. If they brush you aside or give a standard answer, you might need to gently ask a second time or in a different way to make it clear you really want to know how they are.
  • N: Notice their suffering. Many of us are afraid to look at pain, as though it is embarrassing or contagious. This leaves the person in pain feeling so lonely. Try to really see them and their pain.
  • A: Acknowledge their experience. This pain might be the most palpable thing in their lives right now. Honor that reality. Don’t deny it or try to change their perception of it. Tell them that you see what they are going through, and how painful it is.
  • L: Listen. Just keep listening, asking more questions to invite them to keep sharing. Stay with them until they are ready to change the topic.

This practice will help you to be there for them in a compassionate way.

Thanks Stephanie! You can follow the New Happy @newhappyconewhappyco.

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Main photo by Jakob Owens onUnsplash

This post has been updated from a previous story.

Andrew Garfield's relationship status is always a swoon-worthy topic. Whether he's gushing about how Emma Stone is like a shot of caffeine, he's getting flustered talking to Chicken Shop Date's Amelia Dimoldenberg, or he's kissing Demi Moore on the hand, this man is always making me blush. But it looks like he might not be single anymore if some recent outings with Monica Barbaro are any indication — including a post-Oscars party!

While neither Andrew nor Monica have spoken on the relationship rumors, a People source confirmed "they've been really lowkey and have been spending time together quietly"...and Monica shared a pretty funny moment with Amelia on the Oscars red carpet.

Here's what we know about those Andrew Garfield & Monica Barbaro relationship rumors.

March 16, 2025 — Andrew Garfield & Monica Barbaro are seen grocery shopping.

This duo definitely fanned the flames of those couple rumors when they were spotted grocery shopping in Malibu. A very realistic, domestic, and relatable Sunday! I also went grocery shopping this day, so it looks like we were on the same page ;).

Andrew wore a white tee and jeans while Monica looks cozy in a white tank and green cardigan. Both wore baseball caps. "I like that they are humble and buy the same TP as me," one Instagram user commented. Same.

March 2, 2025 — Andrew Garfield & Monica Barbaro attend an Oscar afterparty together.

After the Oscars on March 2, Monica Barbaro and Andrew Garfield left the Vanity Fair after party together...and showed up to Beyoncé and Jay-Z's after party. No big deal! Monica wore a strapless gown with gorgeous teardrop jewel detail while Andrew looks dapper in a deep gray suit.

They also happened to arrive at the Oscars red carpet at the same time...and Monica was sitting in Andrew's eye line the whole night. What a coincidence!

February 2025 — Monica Barbaro & Andrew Garfield attend Jonathan Bailey's play.

The two went viral on February 20 when they showed up to Jonathan Bailey's Richard II at the Bridge Theatre, and I'm obsessed with how locked in he is on their conversation. This man is an attentive listener if I've ever seen one!

January 2025 — Andrew Garfield & Monica Barbaro are photographed together.

Andrew and Monica were first seen together at W magazine's Best Performances party, alongside Eddie Redmayne and W's editor-at-large Lynn Hirschberg, in LA. They were already getting cozy!

What do you think about Andrew Garfield & Monica Barbaro? I'm personally obsessed. Stay tuned for the latest news on this low-key couple! And check out Zoë Kravitz & Noah Centineo Fuel Dating Rumors After Leaving Another Party Together because Andrew & Monica weren't the only ones hanging this month 👀.

This post has been updated.

The blue zone diet is undeniably one of the best ways of eating for overall health and longevity. It draws culinary inspiration from the top blue zones around the world (Ikaria, Greece, Okinawa, Japan, Sardinia, Italy, Loma Linda, California, and the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica), where people tend to live longer (over 100 years!), often free of any heart disease, obesity, cancer, or diabetes.

Originally outlined by National Geographic Explorer and Fellow Dan Buettner, the blue zone diet is 95% plant-based, with beans, legumes, sweet potatoes, yams, fruits, leafy greens, beets, nuts, and seeds being the #1 priority. High-quality olive oiland whole grains like brown rice and barley are also a huge part of the diet. Blue zone diet recipes widely limit eggs, dairy, meat, added sugar, and processed foods.

The blue zone diet can be a helpful tool to guide your eating habits toward healthier, more beneficial choices for a longer life. These 20 blue zone diet recipes highlight whole foods, veggies, and fruits to make each meal work for you!

Heyday Beans

Chickpea Curry

This flavorful curry recipe loads up on lots of chickpeas to better suit the blue zone diet. Swap the basmati for brown rice, and you'll be set! (via Heyday Beans for Brit + Co)


Niçoise Salad

This dish is packed with so much goodness. From the bed of greens to the heart veggie toppings like olives, tomatoes, green beans, onion, and more, each bite is different from the next, which makes mealtime (especially with the blue zone diet) fun! (via Brit + Co)

Antoni Shkraba / PEXELS

Hummus + Veggies

Hummus is super easy to make at home, and it'd guaranteed to be healthy when you know exactly what you're putting into it. This recipe features a nice amount of lemon juice for taste and freshness. Serve with lotsa veg, as per the blue zone diet. (via Brit + Co)

Two Spoons

Spring Mix Salad + Lemon Tofu

Salads make some of the best blue zone diet recipes (remember that 95% plant-based rule?), but just because they're salads doesn't mean they have to be boring. This one earns some good zest from baked tofu, homemade dressing, and crunchy veggies. (via Two Spoons for Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Zucchini Fries

These veggie-laden fries actually taste like what you'd get in the drive-thru. So, if you're searching for blue zone diet recipes that'll fulfill your fast food cravings, this is it. Serve with a homemade sauce to amp up the vibes. (via Brit + Co)

The Real Food Dietitians

Greek Cucumber Salad

Greek and Mediterranean food often qualify for the diet since they're fresh and full of healthy goods. This Greek salad combines juicy cukes, tomatoes, onions, and chickpeas for a refreshing blue zone bite. (via The Real Food Dietitians)

The Edgy Veg

Oyster Mushroom Shawarma

Since blue zone diet recipes tend to limit actual meat, it's crucial to find ones that emulate the meaty, smoky flavors of the chicken, beef, and fish you might be missing. In this dish, oyster mushrooms form a very complex forkful with the help of a homemade marinade. (via The Edgy Veg)

Give Recipe

Beetroot Dip

Beets are one of the top veggies to eat on the blue zone diet, and this dip is probably one of the coolest ways you can prepare them. This recipe earns extra points for including pine nuts and/or pistachios! (via Give Recipe)

Blue Zones

Cornmeal Waffles

Blue zone breakfasts can range from granolas to fruit salads, but these waffles look like the tastiest option out there. Wheat flour and cornmeal make up the thick batter for a filling morning meal. (via Blue Zones)

Crowded Kitchen

Couscous Salad

Grains are golden in this diet. Follow this recipe that creates a heavenly blend of couscous and veggies! This would be an excellent option to meal prep so you don't have to worry about cooking down the line. (via Crowded Kitchen)

Earthly Provisions

Three Bean Chili

Beans always win for the blue zone diet! This hearty bowl of chili leverages three different kinds to fill you up and fulfill all your comfort food cravings. (via Earthly Provisions)

Half Baked Harvest

Sweet Potato Kale Salad

Dark, leafy greens are preferred over lighter ones for the diet because they usually hold more nutritional value. That's why this kale salad is a perfect blue zone diet recipe! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Blue Zones

Asian Stir Fry Noodles

This quick dinner doesn't skimp on flavor. You'll fall instantly in love with the blend of ginger, garlic, and sesame oil for the sauce that drowns these rice noodles. (via Blue Zones)

A Virtual Vegan

Almond Hemp Granola

This nutty granola is the ultimate addition to breakfast time yogurt bowls. (via A Virtual Vegan)

Hello Little Home

Roasted Squash

Virtually any vegetable is roast-able and fitting for the blue zone diet, but delicata squash is great for when you just want something a lil' different. (via Hello Little Home)

Vanilla and Bean

Citrus Carrot Ginger Smoothie

Wether it's for breakfast or a mid-day snack, this hydrating smoothie will never leave you unsatisfied. (via Vanilla and Bean)

The First Mess

Herby Whipped White Beans with Smoky Mushrooms

This share-worthy recipe expertly disguises white beans in the form of an herby dip topped with grilled 'shrooms. To make it more filling, use toasted whole grain bread as your dipping vehicle! (via The First Mess)

Blue Zones

Sweet Potato + Black Bean Burgers

Sweet potatoes and beans are some of the most recommended ingredients for blue zone diet recipes. In this meal, they team up with some oats and other crucial elements to form some super healthy burger patties. (via Blue Zones)

Half Baked Harvest

Roasted Cauliflower Hummus

Again, dips shine! This hummus is packed with veg – though you wouldn't know it if you didn't make it. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Blue Zones

Warm Brussels Sprouts Salad

Shaved Brussels sprouts are the star of this warm salad. Top things off with pickled onions and plenty of nuts for added deliciousness! (via Blue Zones)

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This post has been updated.