How To Train For A 5K, According To A (Very Fast) Professional Distance Runner

how to train for a 5k

A 5K is a 3.12 mile race, and it's one of the most popular distances around the world for hobby joggers and elite athletes alike. Unlike a half marathon or full marathon, the 5K leaves you feeling tired, but able to actually walk afterwards — and with the same sense of accomplishment. Some seasoned runners may look down on the 5K, but I'm here to tell you that it's no small feat. In fact, in my 14 years of competitive running, the 5K was my main focus for 12 years.

If you're looking to run your first 5K and have no background in cardio or endurance sports, a simple google search for “beginner 5k workouts” will lead you to dozens of workout plans. While I have coached true beginners, my coaching specialty is with more intermedia runners, or runners trying to run their fastest 5K. You don't have to be a standout athlete or elite runner to set goals, and there are some simple steps everyone can take to get faster. Heres how to train for a 5K race, the Paxton way.

Photo by

The first step to bettering your 5K is to pick a race and sign up for it — most cities have a few 5K to choose from each weekend, so there should be plenty to choose from. Having a race on the calendar ensures you won’t skip out on your training. I recommend giving yourself 8-10 weeks to properly train.

The best 5K training plans, in my opinion, include 4-5 days of running a week. Every week should include:

  • One or two speed workouts
  • A few easy jogs
  • A long run

You should never run hard or fast two days in a row — easy jogging and rest between speed workouts are both essential for rebuilding muscles damaged with hard workouts. Here's how each of the three main training workouts should go.

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

Speed Workouts

Every speed workout should begin with a 5-10 minute jogging warm up and a 5-10 minute jog/walk cooldown. This will help ensure you do not pull or strain any muscles.

The actual "speed" part of speed workouts can go one of two ways:

  • Run 2-3 minutes at a harder 7 out of 10 effort, with a standing or walking rest of 2-3 minutes between each push.
  • Run 6-8 repeats of a steep hill for 45-60 seconds in length with a walk back down, before repeating again.
Note: These are not sprint workouts, and you should never push yourself so hard that you're lying on the ground gasping for air afterwards.

Easy Jogs

Easy jogs should be kept at a conversational pace, so this would be a good time to grab your girlfriend or hop on the phone if you want some company. The best jogs should be about 2-3 miles in length, or 20-35 minutes in duration.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/PEXELS

Long Runs

Long runs are arguably the most important workout of the week, and anyone trying to better their 5K time should make sure to include them in their training plan. Like the name suggests, a long run should be your longest run of the week. Your longest run can be anywhere from three miles at the beginning of the plan to 12 miles if you're an experienced and seasoned vet. I recommend starting with 3 miles at the beginning of your 8-10 week plan and working your way up to 5-8 miles by the end. You should do this by adding one half to a full mile each week. Although it may sound silly to run 8 miles in order to run a 3.1 mile race, this will help build your endurance more than any of your other weekly runs. Having endurance will make the race seem easier, and I can guarantee you'll pass people left and right in your final mile.

Note: You should also have at least 10 days between your longest long run and your 5k race so that you can feel as fresh as possible on race day.

Photo by Blue Bird/PEXELS

The most important thing to remember on race day is to not go out too fast. If you sprint the first mile, the rest of the race will be miserable. Race day adrenaline will make you jittery and willing to sprint at the start, but working on controlling that will ensure a better race experience. Try to make your second and third mile faster than your first and give it all in the last .1 mile. After you’re done, soak in the race day atmosphere and grab a free banana! Don’t forget that the post race pain is temporary and remember not to sign up for another race while on an endorphin high!

Looking for more workout inspo? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

Header image by Ashvin Praveen/Dupe

As much as we used to look forward to taking a sick day in grade school, there's nothing fun about having cold or flu-like symptoms as an adult. Sure, you may get to miss work for a few days, but the body aches, fever, and sore throat combination are awful. It's even worse if your period decides to join the party!

There's so many different OTC (over-the-counter) cold medicines and supplements out there...which leads us to wonder: does Emergen-C actually work, or not? Since we're unsure, we turned to Board-certified family medicine physicians Dr. Laura Purdy, MD, MBA and Dr. Jennie Stanford, M.D., FAAFP, DipABOM to help answer our burning questions!

P.S. You'll find be able to tell the difference between pesky allergies and cold symptoms here — thank goodness!

What's the difference between cold and allergy symptoms?

Polina Tankilevitch

Having seasonal allergies can be confusing when they coincide with cold season. Between kids being back in school and the weather changing, the fall/winter seasons seem to bring on sneezing, coughing, and more. But, how can you tell when you're merely dealing with allergies or something else?

"Colds are viral infections. Symptoms include a sore throat, cough and feeling tired," says Dr. Purdy. Dr. Stanford further explains that viral infections have "traditionally been Rhinovirus species, but it may also be Adenovirus species and others." Colds can also be accompanied by a fever in some cases.

On the other hand, Dr. Purdy and Dr. Stanford both agree allergies are specifically caused by allergens or irritants. "Common Symptoms include sneezing and itchy eyes," says Dr. Purdy. According to the CDC, around one quarter of adults deal with seasonal allergies (raises both hands), so it's not weird if you get confused about when it's time to switch from Claritin to Dayquil.

How should people relieve cold symptoms before heading to the pharmacy?

Anna Tarazevich

Before you head to CVS at the first sign of sneezing and a sore throat, there are a few things Dr. Stanford suggests you do. "Optimizing our immune systems by focusing on overall health and wellbeing can help reduce the risk of infections, including the common cold. This includes eating a healthy diet, being physically active, getting enough sleep, and keeping stress in check," she says.

Unfortunately, Gallupreports that 57% of people feel they're not getting the proper amount of sleep they need. But, this doesn't mean you should ignore your lack of rest just because others are struggling too. Take it from someone whose insomnia impacted their mental health and a nasty bout of the Flu followed by Covid-19 two years ago! "Properly treating other health conditions can also help prevent acute illnesses, like the common cold," says Dr. Stanford.

However, it's not unusual to get a cold because Dr. Stanford says they're the "result of germs spread from contact with others." Taking precautions just helps your immune system work the eliminate the viral infection faster.

Do elderberry and Vitamin C fight off colds?

Polina Tankilevitch

This is where things get a little tricky. Though elderberry and Vitamin C have been hailed as supplements that combat colds, not everyone agrees on their effectiveness. Dr. Stanford says, "While the evidence for Vitamin C in treating colds is mixed, sufficient research suggests that taking vitamin C supplementation can shorten the duration and reduce the severity of cold symptoms." But if you're thinking about relying on Vitamin C supplements, Dr. Stanford is less likely to encourage you to take them because they haven't been proven "to be effective in preventing common cold symptoms."

She also doesn't think you should take elderberry as if that'll also fight off a viral infection. "Elderberry is not effective in preventing colds, and evidence is insufficient to suggest that it is effective in treating the common cold," she explains.

Do you recommend relying on Emergen-C to help combat cold symptoms?

Karolina Kaboompics

So, what's the verdict on taking Emergen-C once it's confirmed you have a viral cold? The brand has several products that range from gummies to drink mixes, all aimed at supporting your immune system — but does that mean they're safe to take? According to Dr. Purdy, they are! "Emergen-C contains Vitamin C which is great for a good and healthy immune system and recovery. It also contains other good for you ingredients that help with your immune system like vitamin E and Zinc."

However, it's valid to want to know if there's a difference between Zicam and Emergen-C. According to Dr. Stanford, there is! "Similar to Vitamin C, evidence suggests that zinc may be effective in reducing the duration and severity of cold symptoms, but it is less likely to be effective in preventing the common cold," she explains. Plainly put, think of the two like this:

  • Zicam = Zinc
  • Emergen-C = Vitamin C

She even says, "Studies suggest taking both zinc and vitamin C could be beneficial!"

Can certain teas help soothe sore throats associated with colds?

Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

Drinking warm tea can help alleviate cold symptoms, though you shouldn't think they're your only defense against viral infections. In conjunction with cold medicines, "throat coat teas really help soothe inflammation and help manage symptoms," says Dr. Purdy. The reason for this is that most "throat support products are indicated to ameliorate sore throat and similar symptoms, often by numbing agents, temperature, and other factors," Dr. Stanford explains. In short, don't be afraid to use tea as a form of hydration while you're sick!

Dr. Purdy says other things you can use to help alleviate your symptoms are a humidifier, nasal spray, and drops. Take it a step further by taking a "steam shower" to "provide some much needed relief."

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Visit our Amazon Storefront to see our top picks for staying hydrated!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Norman Mailer, I'm pregnant! This might be a memorable line from an equally memorable Gilmore Girls episode, but it's now also a reality for one of the show's stars because Milo Ventimiglia is expecting his first child! The actor married model and entrepreneur Jarah Mariano in the fall of 2023 at a tiny, private ceremony (a move that was very Jess Mariano of him), and on September 29, Jarah announced she's pregnant!

Milo Ventimiglia and Jarah Mariano just showed up at Brian Bowen Smith's ‘Joyride’ exhibit at Studio CT in California, and one source tells People Milo was “sweet and attentive to his wife throughout the whole event.” Duh!!

He “seemed very proud to be with her" while Jarah looked "radiant and glowing," as she always does. “Milo was kissing her and whispering into her ear," the source continues. "They were just genuinely lovely together.”

Is Jarah Mariano pregnant?

Jarah Mariano/Instagram

Yes, Jarah Mariano announced her pregnancy with an Instagram post featuring a surf session with Milo Ventimiglia. In the photos, Jarah is sitting on a surfboard wearing a brown bikini top, polka dot bikini bottoms, and a pink lei. "Baby on board!" she says in the caption.

After his time on Gilmore Girls, Milo played patriarch Jack Pearson on NBC's This Is Us, and told US Weekly in 2017 that "I think I’m built to want a strong family unit. “It will happen when it happens. I’m not out seeking it. It’s just kind of, I’m present in the space in my life that when it presents itself and it’s right, I’m sure it will work out.”

And it looks like it worked out at the exact right time.

Does Milo Ventimiglia have a wife?

Yes, Milo Ventimiglia & wife Jarah Mariano got married in the fall of 2023, and Jarah recently posted some new photos from the special day. "Last year I married my best friend," she says. "There aren’t enough words that exist to describe all the special qualities that make him who he is. AlI can say is that I am grateful for the life that we have together and the happiness that we have created🤍 Aloha wau iā 'oe my husband Milo."

"Things are good," Milo told Extra in February 2024. "We've had relationships that have come and have gone and then you get to a point where you kind of meet your match and meet someone that inspires you in a way different than anybody else...I'm grateful for her and I’m happy to have arrived in this moment, so married life is nice."

If you're loving the celeb baby news as much as we are, check out the latest news on Hilary Duff's Baby #4!

I’m a fairly active person. I enjoy hiking in the mountains, hot girl walks, dripping sweat at pilates, and working on my defense skills in boxing. I have yet to find runningincredibly enjoyable, like the people my age rapidly signing up for marathons, but I’ll indulge in a solid 3-mile jog about once a week. So when I was asked to join a wellness weekend in the Bahamas with actress Gwenyth Paltrow’s media brand, Goop, I thought it’d be a breeze. For the most part, it was. Emphasis on ‘for the most part.

Olivia Bria

Goop's wellness retreat in the Bahamas.

Wellness is an umbrella term — it looks and feels different to each individual person. Despite the fact that I just named five exercises I attempt to partake in weekly — life gets busy! — I really try to branch out of my usual workouts, due to both the need for a challenge and a general interest in looking for new ways to move my body. What are my most recent exercise acquisitions? Breakdancing, hot yoga, and, well, getting TORCH’D. Goop booked us with celebrity trainer, Isaac Boots, to add the last workout to that list.

Boots has a long roster of celeb clients: Vanessa Hudgens, Kelly Ripa, Jessica Chastain, Gwenyth Paltrow (of course!) and more. I’ve always been a bit envious of how the celebrities of today are able to build at-home gyms and call for private sessions in a flash. Yet, beyond the affordability aspect, I’ve been more curious on how they become so fit — diet and personal chefs aside — with such busy schedules.

I found out in the Bahamas. And the workout is not as easy as it looks.

Isaac Boots

Isaac Boots, Gwenyth Paltrow's celebrity trainer.

Boots first created virtual at-home sessions to teach TORCH’D classes during the pandemic, with the main premise of the workout focusing on the flow of body resistance, dance conditioning, and targeted repetition with the intention of burning fat. We — the other gal pal journalists and influencers on the trip — were set to complete two morning classes, both Saturday and Sunday. I, unfortunately, missed my connecting flight on Friday and wasn’t able to make it to the Saturday class due to a series of unfortunate travel events (let’s not rehash it, for my sake). But, after talking to the girls who were able to attend that morning session, it seems that the only thing I missed was waking up really sore on Sunday. My quads thanked me for that missed flight.

Olivia Bria

The group Torch'd workout class at Goop's Bahamas retreat.

Group fitness is also something I’ve gotten used to over the years, especially when moving to LA where it's common practice, but going into workouts that I’ve never done before is intimidating. Exercising in front of others, especially when you aren’t familiar with the form of exercise, can be a particularly vulnerable activity.

Therefore, before attending the 45-minute TORCH’D session, I searched for the workouts online to study them a little. I’ll admit, I didn’t think they looked that difficult. But boy, was I absolutely proved wrong. Keep in mind that the Sunday session was outdoors, and although on a shaded rooftop with a stunning ocean view, the Bahamas was in the middle of a heat wave. I already didn’t stand a chance against my already innately sweaty and red-faced self during any form of physical movement.

Isaac Boots

Isaac Boots, Gwenyth Paltrow's celebrity trainer.

Boots started the music — an upbeat, EDM like tune — to get us moving to the rhythm.

We began with small movements like arm circles and donkey kicks, pulsed for a bit, and then went ‘double time’ (AKA we picked up our speed). Those rotations would continue throughout the workout. It was during the pulsing portions of the workout where I really felt it target my biceps, triceps, and glutes. A burning sensation formed in my upper arms and legs several times, making it hard to keep going. There were a few instances when I had to take a quick break to get back into it. It was during those breaks when I noticed I wasn’t the only one taking a breather.

As I’ve grown sick of my mundane daily gym routine, I’ve noticed that having fun while I workout is a priority. Boots’ liveliness and charisma matched with his eagerness to teach really helped me get out of my own head (I have the tendency to become frustrated and want to quit during certain moves.)

I now understand now how a lot of celeb women — like Gwenyth — exercise with time constraints. Workouts like Torch'd are simple and tough, but effective at toning all the right places. While I would 10/10 recommend this class to anyone, I (and my sore muscles) definitely encourage you to take a rest day (or two) afterwards. 😉

Looking for more exercise tips? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a thing!

Header image via Olivia Bria

We're always ready to go back to Hogwarts, whether we're making a Harry Potter cocktail for our September 1st celebration or hosting a movie night in our coziest PJs. And thanks to HBO, we'll be able to visit for the first time all over again. On April 12, 2023 Warner Bros. Discovery confirmed that an original Harry Potter series was coming to their Max streaming service.

The series will be released over the course of ten years (!!) and WBD promises that it'll feature a book authenticity and attention to detail that even the most knowledgable Potterhead will appreciate. Grab your Harry Potter house scarf and your pumpkin juice, and keep reading for everything you need to know about the new Harry Potter TV show!

Will there be a Harry Potter TV show?

Warner Bros.

Yes, we're getting a new Harry Potter TV show! The official video announcement features the Hogwarts candles we see in the first film coming together to create that classic golden, lit-from-within logo. It's totally magical and nostalgic, but has a new contemporary edge I can't wait to see in its full form.

Will the Harry Potter TV show follow the books?


Yes, book fans will be happy to know the new series will definitely follow the plot of the books. And Channing Dungey, chairman and CEO of Warner Bros. Television Group, finally gave us a tease during MIPCOM‘s C-Suite Conversations. "It’s an unbelievable dream, honestly, and as somebody who is a huge fan of books, the opportunity to get to explore them in maybe a little bit more in-depth than you can in just a two-hour film," she said (via THR). "That’s the whole reason we’re on this journey.”

Has HBO begun casting for the new Harry Potter series?

Warner Bros.

Dungey also revealed they've started looking for a new golden trio. “There’s not a lot to talk about at this moment," she says. "We’ve got our fantastic writing staff in place and they are doing what they need to do. And casting calls have opened up in the U.K. and Ireland, so the process is moving along. It’s going quite well.”

What else do I need to know?

Warner Bros./IMDb

“We are delighted to give audiences the opportunity to discover Hogwarts in a whole new way,” Casey Bloys, HBO & Max Content's Chairman and CEO, said in the press release. “Harry Potter is a cultural phenomenon and it is clear there is such an enduring love and thirst for the Wizarding World.”

The series comes from Brontë Film and TV and Warner Bros. Television, with J.K. Rowling, Neil Blair, and Ruth Kenley-Letts serving as executive producers. Over the last few years, Rowling has made headlines for her conservative views and commentary on transgender identities, but at the time, Bloys didn't comment when asked whether her involvement could affect their ability to move forward.

On June 26, 2024 it was announced that Francesca Gardiner would write and serve as showrunner and Mark Mylod would executive produce and direct several episodes. Both worked on Succession.

"I'm truly thrilled to announce our director and writer, both of whom I interviewed as part of the production team," J.K. Rowling tweeted. "Both have a genuine passion for #HarryPotter, and having read Francesca's pilot script and heard Mark's vision, I'm certain the TV show will more than live up to expectations."

When is the HBO Harry Potter TV show release date?

Max/HBO/Warner Bros.

The new Harry Potter series is expected to hit Max in 2026, according to Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav (via Deadline). That means we could start seeing cast lists and getting more specific plot details in 2025!

Who plays Harry Potter in the new series?

Warner Bros.

In an interview with, Daniel Radcliffe makes it clear that even though he's very excited about the new show, he probably won't be included in the new cast of Harry Potter.

“I’m sure whoever is making [the series] will want to make their own mark on it and probably not want to have to figure out how to get old Harry to cameo in this somewhere,” he says. “So I’m definitely not seeking it out in any way. But I do wish them, obviously, all the luck in the world and I’m very excited to have that torch passed. But I don’t think it needs me to physically pass it.”

There's no word on whether any of the original cast will actually be returning, but after we cried while watching the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts, we can only hope that Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Bonnie Wright, and Tom Felton will at least make cameo appearances. I'd love to see Daniel Radcliffe in the Ministry of Magic, or see Tom Felton walking around Diagon Alley. (However, I'm really hoping they're cast as some of the professors. Just imagine Emma as Professor McGonagall!)

Is Harry Potter on Netflix or Amazon Prime?

Warner Bros.

The Harry Potter series is currently available to stream on Max and Peacock. However, you can also rent the movies on Amazon Prime!

Are you excited for the new Harry Potter TV show? Let us know in the comments and check out our Harry Potter page for the latest updates on the film stars + this new Harry Potter TV show.

This post has been updated.

In between planning what to even do for Halloween this year, perfecting your signature witches' brew and transforming your Netflix queue into a Halloween movie must-watch list, Halloween is a fun and potentially time-consuming holiday. We get it. Sometimes life just gets in the way and those elaborately awesome costume plans fall by the wayside. But have no fear! These last-minute Halloween costumes are perfect for all you procrastinators out there.

Eleven from "Stranger Things"

Brit + Co

All you need for this easy costume is a pink dress and denim jacket. And you definitely don't have to shave your head ;). (via Brit + Co)


Brit + Co

Whether you're going for a Sabrina Carpenter x Olivia Rodrigo mashup, or you're living your early 2000s rockstar dreams, dark eyeshadow and a choker will take you a long way. (via Brit + Co)

Rory Gilmore

Brit + Co

All you really need for this epic costume is a plaid skirt, button down, and ballet flats, but if you want to add a coffee mug, we wouldn't stop you. (via Brit + Co)

Princess Leia Costume

Brit + Co

All you need is an all-white outfit and the best. Buns. EVER. (via Brit + Co)

Fanta Girls Costume

Brit + Co

Totally fashionable on-the-fly. Get your pod in on the white go-go boots trend. (via Brit + Co)

Kim Possible

Image via B+C

With cowboy copper at the forefront of this year's hair trends, theres no doubt they'll be plenty of redheads running around this Halloween. So, take the opportunity to be your fave animated 2000s spy/ high school cheerleader! (via Brit + Co)

The Bear


All you need is a blue apron and a white button down to cook up this TV inspired Halloween look for The Bear! You'll be screaming "behind!" and "yes, chef!" all night long.

Pink Jumpsuit Barbie

Warner Bros. Pictures

Want to channel Barbie this year, but out of time to piece together the signature looks? All you need for the easiest last-minute Halloween costume ever is a pink jumpsuit and a pair of colorful glasses to complete this easy peasy, yet trendy look.


DIY Pirate Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Brit + Co

This simple pirate ensemble is arr-guably easy to recreate and fun for Halloween-themed Zoom calls. Throw it on and shake that pirate booty! (via Brit + Co)

Drea From "Do Revenge"

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

Drea rocks all kind of 90s-inspired ice tones and silhouettes that bring old school and modern style together. Pair ice blue pieces or go with a faux fur pink sweater for a super easy Do Revenge costume.

Roaring ’20s Costume

Brit + Co

The ’20s are back, and so is our favorite hair hack: the faux bob! A headband and some fringed and fabulous wardrobe items are all you need for this party-ready, stylish look. (via Brit + Co)

Kimmy Schmidt

Brit + Co

Cardigan? Check. Neons? Check. Spunky attitude? Check. This is one easy last-minute Halloween costume! (via Brit + Co)

Step Brothers Costume

Brit + Co

When you REALLY get into character, costumes actually kinda come second. Bust out your best Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly impressions with your bestie bro or sis. (via Brit + Co)

Olivia Rodrigo

Brit + Co

All you need for this costume is a soft tank, a plaid skirt, and stickers. Halloween just got angsty. (via Brit + Co)

Dancing Girls Emoji Costume

Apple/Brit + Co

It’s never a bad time to rep your bestie status, right? Of course, you and your fellow blonde BFF could just be those foxy dancing girls. (via Brit + Co)

Princess Emoji Time Costume

Apple/Brit + Co

Who wouldn't mind wearing a crown all night? The hardest part of the costume is keeping a straight face. (via Brit + Co)


The Emoji Ghost Costume

Apple/Brit + Co

Ahh, the pirate ghost emoji — one of our all-time favorites. The tongue is just too absurd. (via Brit + Co)

Nancy Wheeler from "Stranger Things"

Brit + Co

Nancy has a ton of super cute outfits from throughout the four seasons of the show, but this 'fit inspired by the first few episodes is undeniably simple. (via Brit + Co)

Rosie the Riveter Costume

Brit + Co

All you need is that chambray shirt, a red bandana, and our easy 10-minute hair tutorialto rock Rosie right. (via Brit + Co)


Brit + Co

This is just one of many of our maternity costume ideas for dressing up your bump this Halloween. It can even work if you aren't expecting. (via Brit + Co)

Robber Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Brit + Co

Grab a few of your fall wardrobe staples, throw on a masquerade mask, and voila! Instant badass robber status is achieved thanks to this last-minute Halloween costume. (via Brit + Co)

Halloween Mask DIY Costume

Brit + Co

Do you have an awesome new outfit that you'd rather wear instead of a costume? Keep it memorable and minimal with any of these Halloween mask DIYs. (via Brit + Co)

The Mystery Dress Costume

Brit + Co

This dress debate definitely caused a stir. Grab your bestie and keep the confusion alive all night long. (via Brit + Co)

Eleanor from "Do Revenge"

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

Eleanor wears lots of 70s bold colors and prints, which makes for an easy last-minute Halloween costume if you already have that vibe in your closet.

Cactus Costume

Brit + Co

Believe it or not, this costume only calls for four materials. It’s a great choice for the procrastinator that wants to look just as fun as everyone else. (via Brit + Co)

Carmen Sandiego Costume

Brit + Co

Don’t put your summer maxis away just yet — you’re going to need one to channel your favorite mystery gal from the ’90s. (via Brit + Co)

Takeout Night Costume

Brit + Co

A T-shirt that doubles as a costume? This is every lazy girl’s dream! (via Brit + Co)

Holly Golightly (Night) Costume

Brit + Co

Chances are, you already have a couple of LBDs hanging in your closet. Add a few accessories and you’re all set. (via Brit + Co)


Flapper Costume

Brit + Co

Put your slinky date night dress to some good use and whip up this quick DIY. A party at Gatsby’s awaits! (via Brit + Co)

Barb Holland from "Stranger Things"

Brit + Co

Grab a button down and jeans for this last-minute Halloween costume and you're ready to take on the demogorgon. (via Brit + Co)

A Halloween Hangover Costume

Brit + Co

Beat your actual hangover with this T-shirt/costume. Sunglasses and a large bottle of Gatorade are also musts. (via Brit + Co)

Taylor Swift

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

A faux fur coat is always a good idea to have in your closet (it's our winter wedding staple) and pair with a blue dress to get this iconic Taylor Swift look from her Midnights era.

Taylor Swift and Her Squad Pod

Brit + Co

Speaking of Taylor, try your hand at this friend group costume! Add Blake Lively and Taylor's mom Andrea to bring it into 2024. (via Brit + Co)

Wednesday Addams Costume

Brit + Co

Everyone should dress as Wednesday Addams for Halloween at least once. And the little black dress that you already own is begging you to go for it this year. (via Brit + Co)

Wet Hot American Summer Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Brit + Co

You were psyched to see the reboot on Netflix, and now it’s time to pay tribute with a costume. The only problem is deciding which character to dress up as. (via Brit + Co)

French Girl Costume

Brit + Co

You probably have most of these pieces in your closet, so why not put them to work? (via Brit + Co)

Chuckie Costume

Brit + Co

The Rugrats gang were always #squadgoals, and come Halloween, Chuckie has the chillest outfit. The best part of this idea is that everyone can do this one. (via Brit + Co)

Ninja Costume

Brit + Co

Everyone owns at least one black, form-fitting outfit with lace-up details and ribbon. Worst case, a trip to the department store ought to fill any gaps in your wardrobe. (via Brit + Co)

Miss Frizzle Costume

Brit + Co

Do you have a busted red wig? A dress? Some time to draw science lab items? Good, you have a last-minute Halloween costume. (via Brit + Co)

The Princess Diaries

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

With Mia, Lily, and the rest of the crew, this costume will win Halloween! Go as Mia in her uniform or go all out with a ballgown.

Witch Costume

Brit + Co

With a simple makeup product you can look like an authentic witch — warts and all — and you can't beat the convenience of a pharmacy-bought costume. (via Brit + Co)


More Amazing Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas You'll Love!

Florence Pugh

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

Grab a super cute purple lounge set that you'll want to wear even after Halloween is over. This is one iconic pop culture Halloween costume that is both comfortable and recognizable — especially if you have an aperol spritz.

Broad City Costume

Brit + Co

Pulling looks from your fave TV shows will never go out of style, especially when they’re iconic and hilarious. (via Brit + Co)

Manicured Lawn Last-Minute Halloween Costume

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

We're always here for a good pun, and you should be too. Quick! Grab the turf and faux flowers on your way to get your nails done.

“Girl With the Pearl Earring” Costume

The House That Lars Built/Vermeer

Infuse a bit of culture into your Halloween this year by channeling one of Vermeer's most famous paintings. This is an impressive look-alike costume, and it can be done with just a few simple items. (via The House That Lars Built)

Life & Lemons Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costume

Club Crafted

Just make sure there are enough lemons left for your gin & tonic. (via Club Crafted)

Mama and Baby Bird Costume

Lovely Indeed

Need a cute mommy + me last-minute costume idea? These birds of a feather are definitely looking adorable together. (via Lovely Indeed)

Bunny Ears Costume

Say Yes

Don’t want to mess with all of the Halloween makeup this year? Wear these bunny ears instead. It’s a perfect costume for work and is a cinch to remove at the end of the day/night. (via Say Yes)

Googly Eyes Costume

Studio DIY

If you are looking for something big and dramatic for Halloween photo time, these googly eye balloons would make for some great home decor and a costume photo prop! (via Studio DIY)

Lacey Mouse Costume

Honestly WTF

This edgy spin on a childhood favorite is totally work-safe and a great choice for dressing up on the go. (via Honestly WTF)

Cuckoo Clock Costume

The Merrythought

Get a little creepy and kooky with this fabulous DIY. And don’t forget the bird up top. (via The Merrythought)

Sally Sells Seashells by the Seashore Costume

The House That Lars Built

This tongue-tying costume is guaranteed to have friends giggling all night. Good luck telling everyone your costume name 10 times fast. (via The House Lars Built)

Georgia O’Keeffe Last-Minute Halloween Costume

The House That Lars Built

Learn how to recreate the oversized poppy, gray hair, and everything else in this gorgeous step-by-step tutorial. (via The House Lars Built)

Lars & the Real Girl Costume

Sugar & Cloth

This hilarious costume calls for items that you probably already own. To really get into character, make sure you act super stiff all night. (via Sugar & Cloth)

Pop Tart Last-Minute Halloween Costume Idea

Paper & Stitch

Pay tribute to your favorite breakfast pastry with this easy-to-create Pop Tart ensemble. (via Paper & Stitch)

#Basic Coffee Mug Costume

A Kailo Chic Life

Next to the PSL Starbucks cups, the pink lid travel mug is as trendy as it comes. (via A Kailo Chic Life)

Lisa Frank Puppy Costume

Studio DIY

When you have the day to get your costume together, some paint is all you need to give a romper a colorful update. (via Studio DIY)

Holly Golightly (Day) Costume

PMQ for two

Handing out candy with your cat, while sitting by the door in a large white shirt, is kind of the definition of #goals. Don’t forget the sleep mask! (via PMQ for two)

Raining Men Costume

Studio DIY

Finally, your giant stack of Tiger Beat, tabloid, and Cosmo magazines will come in handy. Remember, everyone owns an umbrella and rain boots. (via Studio DIY)

Mr. and Mrs. Fox Costume

A Beautiful Mess

Wes Anderson made us fall in love with this Roald Dahl classic all over again. If you don't have time to fashion an entire foxy ensemble, a simple mask or two should do the trick for an easy last-minute Halloween costume. (via A Beautiful Mess)

Frosé Slushie Cute Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Club Crafted

Do you have a pink dress and access to a clear trash bag? Perfection. (via Club Crafted)

For more Halloween inspo and last minute Halloween costumes, follow us on Pinterest or join our newsletter for weekly updates.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated from a previous post.