This Might Be the Reason Your Kids Have a Tantrum When You Turn Off Their Devices

It’s no surprise that our love for all things tech has transferred to the next generation. From drawing apps for kids to setting up a personal Instagram account for your child, kiddos are more plugged in than ever before. But when it comes to taking away their devices, things can get dicey fast — we’re talking piercing screams that’ll pop your ear drums and mega world-ending tantrums. Well, thanks to new research by scientists at the University of Washington, a breakthrough study reveals just what to do (and what not to do) when it comes to taking tech away from your kids.

Thinking that the tried-and-true method of giving children a two-minute warning before turning off their devices would be the most successful technique to prevent tantrums, the scientists decided to test their theory by conducting 27 family interviews and a 28-family diary study. But the results weren’t at all what they had envisioned.

“We were really shocked,” says lead author Alexis Hiniker, “to the point that we thought ‘well, maybe parents only give the two-minute warning right before something unpleasant or when they know a child is likely to put up resistance.” So they set up various controls to more conclusively examine their research, but the results remained the same: “Every way we sliced it, the two-minute warning made it worse.”

Although most parents used the common technique of warning their children that their screen time was about to end, most were iffy about whether or not the technique actually worked. “The warning doesn’t always register,” said one parent. Another noted that “it doesn’t always help.”

But if using a two-minute warning doesn’t stop the dreaded toddler tantrum, what on earth will? According to researchers, these are the four methods that fared the best when faced with a temperamental toddler.

How to turn off your kids’ devices without a tantrum

1. Turn off autoplay. If possible, try turning off autoplay and suggested video functions on your children’s devices. According to this study’s research, the constant ‘one more’ effect it produces is a driving force behind most screen time battles.

2. Make it part of your routine. If your child knows that they always turn off their devices when breakfast is ready or when it’s time to go to school, it often makes for an easier screen-time transition.

3. Make use of natural stopping points. Let’s be honest, we’ve all watched Frozen enough times to know the easiest points to stop the movie without interrupting a major plot point or scene. Take advantage of natural stopping points — whether that’s shorter five or 10 minute videos or just a natural stopping point in a longer film.

4. Blame the tech. If you have to suddenly stop your child from using a device, Hiniker and company says it’s time to blame the technology. “Children were less upset when the technology turned itself off than when the parent turned it off,” writes Hiniker, meaning that blaming a video for being unavailable because of a poor WiFi connection might just be a surefire way to stop an impending meltdown.

What’s your go-to method for dealing with screen time transitions? Tweet us your advice using @BritandCo.

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A lot of people pride themselves on being optimists, and TBH, if you canstay positivewith everything that’s going on in the world today, major props to you. For most people who consider themselves the glass-half-full type, it’s a lifestyle. They try to look at everything that comes their way, from relationship troubles to work mistakes, with a positive spin. But a recent study investigated whether optimists still stay more positive than pessimists when things get really tough, and what they found was pretty surprising.

Scientists analyzed nine previous studies to see how both optimists and pessimists brace themselves for receiving important and potentially negative news, like medical test results. They found that even though people who identify as optimists tend to be more positive in general, they too start assuming the worst as the moment of truth about something important nears. It’s easy to understand this instinct, since some people tend to believe that preparing yourself for the worst will ultimately make it less shocking if it happens. On the other hand, some people would rather stay positive whenever possible, since it’s easier to fight off stress and anxiety when you have a sunny outlook. Here, we’ve gathered some of our favorite expert tips for staying optimistic when you’re dealing with some super hard stuff.

How To Stay Positive

1.Learn to reframe negativity. “The trick to positivity is not avoiding pessimism,” says Elaine Taylor-Klaus, a certified professional coach. “It’s really about how quickly you can redirect your focus from negative to positive. Critical thinkers are going to see problems to be solved, but the ability to ‘reframe’ the conversation is the really important skill for people to practice.” She recommends getting into the habit of acknowledging negative thoughts and then asking, “What else is possible here?” This can guide you back into a positive mindset more quickly.

“Bottom line: Negativity happens,” she says. “Positivity is a choice, and the quicker you learn to reframe, the more time you’ll spend in a positive space. Then, over time, the more likely you are to turn directly to a positive interpretation of events.”

2. Ask yourself if this will matter a month or year from now. Sometimes things seem crucial AF in the moment, but might be inconsequential even just a few days after that. Just think about high school drama. “When we can leave the past behind and even know in the present moment that this feeling won’t last, it can help to remind us that time heals and life goes on,” explainsSharon Stokes, life-fulfillment coach.

3.Give back. Volunteering is an amazing way to change your entire perspective, saysLyssa Menard, a clinical health psychologist, founder of Strategies for Changeand assistant professor at Northwestern University’s medical school. “There are many organizations that don’t require an ongoing commitment, so sign up for an event that’s meaningful. Research shows that giving to others is one of the quickest routes toward happiness. While happiness and positivity are different, they’re correlated,” Lyssa says.

4. Role play to be more objective. Playing a little mind trick on yourself can work wonders, says Lori Scherwin of Strategize That, a career coaching service. “We’re often better at helping others than ourselves,” she notes. “Make the situation more objective and less personal to you. For example, consider if it were anyone else in the situation (like your best friend, partner or colleague). How would you see the same ‘problem?’ What advice might you give them to get out of it?” she asks. This will help you shift from being super hard on yourself to more objective, and most likely, more positive.

5. Make changes to things that are within your control. Spending time worrying about something that you can’t change isn’t really worth the effort. Instead, “Focus on areas where you have agency,” suggests Holly Burton, a career coach for women in male-dominated industries. “You may be stuck in a role you don’t love at work, but you could probably work a few extra hours a week and take on a project that interests you. You could also schedule some proactive meetings with your boss to make an action plan to develop the skills you need to make a lateral move,” she says. In most situations, whether they’re career-related or not, it’s possible to take actions to make things better for yourself.

6. Practice radical acceptance. Some professional coaches suggest trying out the idea of radical acceptance, which is basically accepting the things you cannot change, even if they’re not right or you don’t agree with them.

7.Try this gratitude challenge. First, journal about one event each day for seven days that made you feel happy and/or thankful and include the specifics of why it made you feel that way, going deep into the details. Second, send one random thank you email or text to someone each day, either personally or professionally. This message should include what they did and why it’s worthy of the shout out. Detailed gratitude journals are proven to improve your life satisfaction, so try to stick to a gratitude practice, even in the good times!

What do you do when you’re trying to stay optimistic? Have you tried any of these techniques? Tell us about it @BritandCo!

This article has been updated.

So, you've found your 2025 word of the year and are ready for the biggest reset of your life. Now all you have to do is map out how you're going to get there. You could opt for vague ideas that live only in your head, but when has that motivated you to achieve your goals in the past?

If you think we're putting you on the spot, we're not! We're here to encourage you to dream boldly by being detailed about what you actually want. Of course, we have the perfect list of deep questions and journal prompts so you can tap into the life you want to live.

Here are 25 deep questions to ask yourself and journal about to guide you toward your 2025 vision of personal growth and self-improvement:

Marcus Aurelius

Questions About Your Daily Routine

Please don't throw eggs at us! We know you don't want to feel governed by a schedule like you're in grade school, but there are benefits to having something to guide you daily. According to Northwestern Medicine, you can "reduce stress" and even "get better rest" by having a routine.

If you've been promising yourself to improve in these areas, here are 5 questions to ask yourself:

  • How many of hours of sleep do I typically get per night?
  • What distractions can I eliminate before bed so I'm not groggy in the morning? (i.e., no more binge watching my favorite TV shows or scrolling mindlessly on TikTok)?
  • Do I have a morning routine or do I rush through taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and eating breakfast?
  • How do I usually feel when I get to work?
  • Am I okay with setting a reminder for myself to take a break during the work day so I can stretch my legs, eat lunch, or go for a quick walk?

SHVETS production

Questions About Your Self-Care

Making time for your self-care is a part of your daily routine, but we want to dig deeper by sharing questions that'll help you reflect on how you treat yourself.

  • How do I want to feel about myself in 2025?
  • Did I have moments I looked in the mirror and didn't like the way my skin or body looked this year?
  • Have I been prioritizing my mental health?
  • Did I make space for exercising (i.e. walking, yoga, running, etc.)?
  • Did I create healthy boundaries with family, friends, or someone I'm dating?

Brit + Co

Questions About Your Career

We almost said, "Here comes the fun part," but that would be unfair for people who consider other areas of their lives more important to chasing a career. If you are focused on pursuing something you're passionate about or simply want to earn a new promotion, here's what you can ask yourself:

  • What are my biggest career accomplishments this year?
  • What skills do I need to sharpen that align with the position I want?
  • How do I respond to constructive criticism?
  • What is my usual response to change or tight deadlines?
  • Do I ask for help when I don't understand a project or concept?

Brit + Co

Questions About Your Home

Your home is anywhere that you live even if you're renting or living with your parents for the time being.

  • How did the energy in my home feel?
  • Did I do anything to make it feel like me?
  • How can I create a relaxing environment in my room that promotes rest and relaxation?
  • Do I want to have a certain aesthetic for my living room, office, etc.?
  • What does having a clean and organized home mean to me?

SHVETS production

Questions About Your Relationships

Have you been making excuses for toxic friends or ignoring red flags? If it's okay, we're going to sit by you and gently suggest it's time for a change. The kind of life you want to live can't be weighed down by old habits of yours or some of the people you've been spending time with, especially if you've been feeling uncomfortable.

  • What kind of friendships do I want to have in 2025?
  • Do I have a reliable support system?
  • What did I love about my romantic relationship this year?
  • Are there certain conversations I need to have with family members, friends, or my partner that I've been avoiding?
  • Do I need to change the way I show up in my platonic or romantic relationships?

Get a jumpstart on transforming your space for 2025 with easy feng shui tips!

Bill Nye The Science Guy and neuroscientist and Emmy-nominated actress Mayim Bialik join Brit for a supersized episode about the science lessons all adults should know. First up, listen in to my conversation with Bill as we cover science hacks for everyday life, how to stay healthy according to science, and his thoughts on climate change.

Then, catch our special bonus segment with Mayim as she connects science and mental health. To learn more about all the things with Brit, subscribe to Teach Me Something New on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, or wherever you get your podcasts.

The '90s were a great time, according to millennials. It was a time of rollerblading, listening to cassette players, playing Super Mario Bros. on Nintendos, having birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese, and more. Besides this and other pop culture moments that went viral before social media existed, the '90s gave us classic stores we used to frequent as kids.

Despite meeting their demise as the Y2K age took over, we'll never forget the fun memories (and maximalist vibes) these stores gave us!

Take a walk down memory lane by revisiting our favorite '90s stores that will take you back in time (and make you feel old):

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1. Party City

Our hearts are hurting because we don't understand why one of the most popular decor stores is closing. The brand was apparently facing "financial challenges," according to it's CEO Barry Litwin (via CNN). There were other issues behind the scenes, but everything trickled down to money, or a lack thereof.

It's so shocking because some of us just picked up a few holiday items from Party City this month! It was one of the stores that seemed to have everything we needed before Amazon became the mega wholesaler that it is today.

I guess this means we should've cherished Party City a little more because it's officially gone.

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2. Blockbuster

Long before streaming platforms like Netflix and Peacock existed, people used to spend Friday nights looking at rows of VHS movies to rent. If you were lucky, your parents would stop by Blockbuster before picking up pizza for dinner. It was the ultimate '90s treat…until it wasn’t.

When we want to remember what it felt like visiting Blockbuster, we fast forward to that one scene in I Am Legend where Dr. Robert Neville is going to 'rent' movies. It's a little cringe now that we think about it, but it's the closet memory we have of spending at least 30 minutes picking out the VHS or DVD to watch.

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3. Circuit City

Raise your hand if you remember getting your first CD player or computer from Circuit City. The name alone conjures fun memories of running up and down the aisles pretending we could afford all the fun electronics. We watched desktop computers slowly morph into laptops, which seemed like an exciting time. Also, some of us watched our parents lament the cost of the required Texas Instrument calculators we needed for math class.

Although Circuit City isn't around like it used to be, we'll never forget watching the world change through its eyes.

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4. Virgin Music Store

If you wanted to be a part of the cool crowd, you visited the Virgin music store. We aptly remember the neon sign and memorable displays that beckoned to us. Although we could find some of the same CDs at Circuit City, the store’s design didn’t feel stuffy.

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5. Radio Shack

This one’s personal because we stood in lines with our parents when they bought their first cell phones and DVD players. Also, one of our parents may or may not have purchased a very coveted Bratz convertible that played music from Radio Shack.

Even though it wasn’t the biggest store, it gave us a taste of what the future had for us. Little did we know we’d lose this sweet store though.

6. Border's

As much as we love recommending books from Amazon and local bookshops, we miss when Border’s was around. There’s not much to say about this store besides how grown-up we felt when our parents would let us spend time there while they shopped at their favorite stores in the mall.

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7. KB Toys

Aside from Toys ‘R’ Us, we also remember when K.B. Toys was popular. Not unlike today, there wasn’t such a thing as having too many toy stores. Sometimes we found things at K.B.s that felt like a treat. The cluttered aisles probably annoyed our parents, but we were always happy when we were allowed to pick something out.

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8. Wet Seal

Yes, Wet Seal made the list of stores we loved in the '90s. Unlike Goody’s, it was specifically geared towards pre-teens and teens who wanted to wear the latest fashions. It was one of the the places to discover your style at the time even if it meant leaving piles of clothes for weary store associates to put back (sorry!)

Though we miss it, we hope no one tries to revive it because we’re sure we’d see a few outdated fashion trends.

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9. Esprit

This was another store that screamed 'All American Teen Store.' Unlike Wet Seal, the store's layout and clothing were a little more 'sophisticated.' It spoke to teens who are now adults with a sleeker preppy style. It sounds like a reach, but it's not if you think about it. This store could give you logomania, tenniscore, or something that resembled the outfits from Saved By the Bell at the same time.

10. Goody's

Were you really a '90s kid if your mom didn’t drag you to Goody’s? Shockingly enough, we hardly ever complained because it felt like a huge store we could play in. Plus, it had clothes for everyone.

And if there were a sale during BTS season? You could always count on our moms to leave the store with stuffed shopping bags.

Which '90s stores do you wish were still open? Let us know on Facebook!

When I moved into my '70s-era fixer, the first thing I changed were the walls. Tacky wallpaper, outdated slate around the fireplace, textured walls and popcorn ceilings all had to go. I had it painted all white to transform the place from a cigarette-scented eyesore to a clean, modern canvas. Five years later, going into 2025, I'm craving COLOR and pattern and more texture. Enter this swoon-worthy LA home designed by husband and wife duo Karan and Sapna Aggarwal of L.A. design firm Bungalowe.

"We wanted the wall treatments to add both texture and personality to each room," says Karan.


Shade Degges

The Eagle Rock home in Los Angeles was beautifully remodeled with European design in mind, taking cues from their travels to France and England. Think romantic wallpapers from House of Hackney, warm paint hues in browns and blush but also a rich earthy greens, classic bead board and moulding, each offering so much inspiration for 2025 walls.

Shade Degges

Every passageway offers a unique pairing of color and pattern and texture. In this foyer, the moody color palette complements the softer shades found in the kitchen and baths. The Harlequin black and white checkered marble floors are classic and a bit of a showstopper throughout the home.

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This House of Hackney London Rose wallpaper is so gorgeous and romantic! Classic bead board and unlacquered brass fixtures accentuate the cozy, classic Euro aesthetic.

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Here, we transition from dark and moody tones to light and airy hues. The London Rose wallpaper continues into the kitchen with taupe cabinets, marble countertops, raw copper metals, and handmade Moroccan plumbing fixtures.

"The goal was to create spaces that felt both luxurious and lived-in, from the raw copper range hood and thin brick floors to the custom trim and dramatic lighting choices," says Karan.


Shade Degges

The warm clay-colored paint in the butler's pantry provides a little breathing room from the abundance of pattern. "These treatments, along with limestone accents and custom trim work, were intended to add depth and warmth to the home, creating a visual experience that feels cohesive yet unique in every room," says Sapna.

Shade Degges

The clé thin brick tile on the flooring is an unexpected choice, but I'm in love. The rustic minimalism with the earthy green cabinetry inspires Old-World elegance while still feeling fresh and modern.


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The rustic stone wall, used in this smaller kitchen, bedrooms, and laundry room, is giving Nancy Meyers vibes a la The Holiday English cottage. "We also drew inspiration from the majestic oak trees on the property, incorporating natural, earthy tones that reflect the outdoors throughout the house," says Karan.

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The bedroom instantly feels cozy with this natural stone wall texture.

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I love a laundry room that gets a little design love. Incorporating the same stone throughout the space creates a sense of cohesion and harmony within the home.

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What a lovely spot for a cozy warm bath. The stone wall adds to the charm of the rustic retreat, while the sleek modern tub and luxe marble floors add a touch of sophistication and elegance to the space.

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Here's more stone in the master bedroom paired with neutral linens, furniture and rug. Built-in bookshelves are functional and aesthetic, a perfect spot for more stoneware.


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The molding in the lounge, painted in the same earthy green as the dining room, subtly ties the spaces together while adding a touch of timeless elegance.

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The blush-painted molding in the kids' room is a sophisticated detail. While painting the walls alone can make an impact, the addition of molding brings extra dimension, elevating the entire space.

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Adore this sweet moment in the kid's room.

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Natural materials like leather and sheepskin strike the perfect balance, creating a cozy yet elegant space even in a kid's room!


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The perfectly imperfect look of this Zia Zellige Racing Green tile complements the natural, rustic yet refined elegance of the home.

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Here is the tile again in Pure White. Love the unlaquered brass fixtures paired with the natural imperfections of this handmade tile.

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This Desert colored tile is the perfect pairing for the marble bath. "Our wish list focused on creating a home that seamlessly blends modern functionality with timeless European-Craftsman charm," says Karan. "We wanted to design spaces that not only provided a sense of comfort and coziness but also incorporated luxurious, high-quality materials and thoughtful, design-forward details." Mission accomplished.

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