15 “Little Luxuries” Millennials Always Spend Money On, According To Reddit

little luxuries

As I grow older, I’ve come to appreciate the finer things in life. I’m no longer investing in things that don’t truly serve me, especially items that simply won’t last long-term. I’m certainly more particular about the clothes I buy (and even more so the materials they’re made of), and I often have to think twice or thrice before adding some silly little home decor to my cart. These days, I’m more likely to save my hard-earned money for life experiences like vacations and concerts, maintenance items like my car and bike, and a damn good night of dining out.

Past these, there are a handful of comfort purchases that are totally worth the money, according to a select group of millennial Redditors under r/Millennials. From luxury skincare products and high-end kitchenware to travel and sleep necessities, I’m truly amused by (and learning a lot from!) their responses to the question: As you’ve aged, what comfort/luxury items have you decided are worth the money?

Here are the little luxuries they buy every time.

What do millennials spend the most on?


Before digging into the little luxuries of it all, let's see what millennial spending habits look like in general! According to Investopedia, millennials are actually more "value-oriented" when they spend money — likely inspired by the 2008 financial crash and other unprecedented, major societal events. Since values are pretty subjective, that spending can translate in myriad of ways...including "doom spending" — or mindlessly shopping "to self-soothe because they feel pessimistic about the economy and their future" — according to CNBC.

The New York Times reported, "Millennials and Gen Z are more likely than older generations to make spending on a hobby or nonessential purchases a priority." This furthers the fact that instead of always spending towards a goal or an inherent need, millennials are looking for something more with their purchasing power. Opinions on these habits may vary, but one thing remains true: millennials want to use the money they do have to make their lives better.

Arthur Shuraev / PEXELS

1. Nonstop flights.

A few millennials agreed that spending the extra money for nonstop flights is very worth not having any kind of layover that could extend already-long travel days.

“Especially if traveling with children,” one person wrote. “Let The Journey end as quickly as possible.”


2. Higher-end appliances.

Higher-end appliances seem popular among this millennial crowd because they have a slimmer chance of going kaput after a few years.

“I don’t want fancy bells and whistles,” one Redditor said. “I want the item to do [its] job and not crap out after 5-6 years.”

“It's the "smart" appliances that crap out quickly,” another person weighed in. “The more unnecessary buttons, the more unnecessary electronics, the more likely there is to be an issue.”

Some responders really love their Bosch appliances, like dishwashers, ovens, and more: “Bosch appliances for life. No frills but will run forever.”

Cottonbro Studio / PEXELS

3. Professional movers.

This one is quite self-explanatory: “Just save yourself the time and pain.” Amen!


Naturepedic EOS Trilux Organic Latex Mattress

4. A really great mattress and pillows.

Several millennials noted that you’re likely to pay for back pain and other health issues down the line if you don’t invest in a good sleep set-up now. Many users responded that high-quality mattresses and pillows are their #1 ‘worth-it’ splurge.

“You spend 1/3rd of your life in that bed,” one person posted. “And if it's a shit one, it can and will slowly ruin your back and health.”


5. Skincare.

Many skincare-focused users said that investing in skincare products that have a positive track record on their skin is also well worth it. Several users’ responses kickstarted a conversation about the best skincare ingredients to look into, especially with aging on the brain: SPF, tretinoin, vitamin C, retinol, and even Botox were mentioned.

A few more products were suggested in the thread were:


Victorinox Grand Maitre Chef's Knife

6. Expensive (and sharp) kitchen knives.

A few Redditors said they’ve never once regretted their investment in luxe kitchen knives.

“I have a Victorinox chef’s knife that is my go-to and it was maybe $50 on Amazon. I’ve had it for years,” someone wrote. “Learning to sharpen knives properly is the key.”

“Also, [realizing] you don't need to buy a full knife block,” another person said. “Curating your knives based on the ones you actually [use] in your kitchen.”


Xtrema Versa Pan

7. High-end pots and pans.

Now this is some good advice!

“I find that more money spent on restaurant-quality cookware is worth it because I’m going on 25 years with the same sauce pans, stock pot, and skillets,” one user noted. “Non-stick sucks for everything but eggs and fish, but my cast iron works well enough for that as long as I can pay attention to what I’m doing. Don’t buy sets if you can afford good individual pieces.”

Pok Rie / PEXELS

8. Vacations.

Not only is a vacation one of the most popular comfort purchases among this particular group of millennials, making a vacation last at least one day longer seems to be the move, as it allows ample time for rest and recovery. Sometimes you just really need that extra day to get your mindset straight.

“An extra day off after I get home from my vacation,” someone wrote. “For some reason I need to have a vacation from my vacation before I go back to work.”

Brit + Co

9. A "bougie" gym

Going to the gym is usually a trying experience — you're exerting yourself physically, so why exert yourself mentally too? Instead of opting for the cheaper gyms that don't have as much to offer, some commenters note that the frills make their workout experience all the more worth it. One commenter straight up answered, “Paying for the bougie gym that’s got a sauna, cold plunge, and a good yoga instructor.”

Vlada Karpovich / PEXELS

10. Toilet paper.

It may seem subtle, but paying for higher-quality toilet paper can be a good boost to your everyday routine, according to some Reddit users.

A few commenters also praised the magic of having a bidet: “Best $150 I have ever spent is to [buy a] bidet attachment for my toilet.”

New Balance

New Balance Fresh Foam X 1080v14

11. Shoes with good support.

“Cheap out on shoes? Pay for foot problems and back problems,” one Redditor wrote. And they’re not wrong!

I grew up with parents that wouldn’t pay for cheap shoes in hopes the more expensive ones would last much longer, and I’m glad I did. It’s a mindset I’ve adopted as I grow further into adulthood, buying shoes that aren’t only made of durable materials, but provide ample support for my arches.

Brit + Co

12. “Anything that makes my body hurt less.”

This is pretty self-explanatory, but let's be real: our bodies just hurt as we age. It's an annoying fact of life, but it doesn't have to be a permanent feeling. This commenter likes to buy whatever makes their "body hurt less," and I'd like to think that looks like a lot of things. It could be the comfy shoes we've mentioned, the high-end mattresses, and the likes of all that! It could be an epsom salt that just always relaxes their muscles. It could be really anything, really! But the priority is clear: comfort is seriously key, and spending money on that is certainly not a waste.

Sebastian Ervi / PEXELS

13. Sitting closer at concerts.

Standing for hours in the GA section is so exhausting, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not! A few users agreed splurging on the more-expensive sitting arrangements is way better than waking up with foot and back pain. Plus, the view can often be a lot more enjoyable!

“I'm always trying to get to the front for general admission shows, but when seating is involved, I'm committed to paying more to be closer,” one user posted.


14. Non-toxic cleaning products.

One user said non-toxic cleaning products are their go-to comfort purchase worth spending regularly on.

“The toxic overload we experience is causing all kinds of endocrine disorders and cancer,” they wrote. “I make a lot of my own, but if I buy:"

Brit + Co

15. Coffee, chocolate, and cheese.

Knowing what you like — and what's important to you — can really help when you're prioritizing what to spend on. This millennial commented, “I never cheap out on coffee, chocolate or cheese. I’m not buying luxury items, but I will get the highest grade I can get in my regular grocery stores. The cheapest stuff just isn’t worth it.” Amen!

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Raise your hand if you've felt victimized by the rush to follow through on new year's resolution ideas! Now, raise your other hand if you finally feel like you're coming alive during fall! Great, we're feeling the same — and we promise it has nothing to do with our love for Halloween. Instead, the TikTok viral 'October Theory' may be the reason why it feels like we can breathe after another unprecedented year. But, is it viable or just another trend that everyone's going to forget about before the year is over (remember the lucky girl syndrome)? Also, what is it?

We chatted with psychotherapist, Kristie Tse, LMHC and traditional astrologer, Talisa Zampieri to get their hot takes about what the 'October Theory' is, whether you should pay attention to it, and how it may (or may not be) impacted by the stars.

What is the October Theory?

Vlada Karpovich

There are tons of TikTok videos that describe this theory in detail, but user @mindandbodymams describes it best. She says, "Because October is leading up to the ending of the year, people start looking at their lives and deciding what things need to be set into motion." She explains that this could look like making changes to your relationship, or starting a new job — it could even look like you starting a new hobby or letting go of a few bad habits.

Regardless, this all boils down to one thing: October is the perfect time to take a look at your goals and implement them before the end of the year.

Why is setting goals for the new year difficult for some people?

Ava Dillon

Thinking about the possibilities for the new year is so exciting, often leaving people inspired to make vision boards, write detailed resolutions, and dream big about what's to come. However, not everyone is thrilled about jumping headfirst into that energy. "Setting goals at the beginning of a new year can pose challenges for some individuals due to various psychological factors. For many, the pressure to start fresh and achieve immediate results can feel overwhelming, leading to procrastination or anxiety," explains Tse. As the clinical director and founder of Uncover Mental Health Counseling, she specializes in helping clients make empowered decisions during different seasons of their lives.

Other things like "past experiences of unmet resolutions can also create a sense of skepticism or defeatism," adds Tse. "Additionally, societal and familial expectations may cloud individual desires, causing internal conflict about what truly matters to them." According to Forbes, 62% of people feel like they have to participate in the new year's resolution trend. What's even more surprising is that over half of women "feel slightly more pressured to set a resolution" than 60% of men!

Tse surmises these very reasons ultimately makes things "feel daunting" which can hinder "goal-setting efforts." She says, "As a psychotherapist, I recognize that these barriers are deeply rooted in personal and cultural narratives, which can often dictate one's ability to set and achieve goals."

Is there a psychological reason why October feels like a fresh start?

Orione Conceição

Some people welcome fall with open arms — and subsequently the 'October Theory' — because it seems to promise a much needed reset. You're not alone if you feel this way, and Tse says there's a reason for this. "Many individuals feel that October symbolizes the beginning of their new year due to the psychological transitions associated with changing seasons. The start of autumn represents a shift from the energetic and social atmosphere of summer to a more introspective and reflective time."

Think about how excited you get to watch the leaves turn from green to rich hues of golden yellow, orange, and crimson. As they fall from their respective branches, this process can signify things that we may need to let go in order to make room for fresh things to grow. "The onset of fall can trigger an internal reset, prompting people to reassess their goals and intentions. Psychologically, this period might coincide with academic calendars or fiscal years, influencing how some structure their personal timelines," she continues.

Not only that, but Tse's seen how beneficial fall is because it can "help clients refocus and energize their commitment to personal growth and change." The more they do this, the more they start "aligning more naturally with their internal rhythms compared to the culturally enforced January start," Tse observes.

What about astrologically?

Orhan Pergel

Not only is it October right now, but it's also Libra season! So while there's plenty of psychology to support your stance on fresh starts right now, could it also be written in the stars? Intuitive tarot reader and founder of Two Wander, Talisa Zampieri thinks so. She says that Libra is a cardinal sign, and that because all cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) fall on equinoxes and solstices, they're therefore "initiators of new seasons and change."

If you're not familiar with Libras in particular, no worries! Zampieri says, "Air signs are the connectors, visionaries, and communicators of the zodiac." She says this is because Libras are ruled by Venus, a "relational planet that governs our values." So the Libras in your life — and thus Libra season in general — may be more "focused on ideals, other people, and finding alignment."

Zampieri elaborates that Libra season actually illuminates the areas in our lives — usually specific to areas of our birth chart that we have Libra placements — that need to find that balance and alignment again. She says, "The general effect of Libra season is one of trying to rebalance where the scales have been tipped too far in one direction, beautifying our life, and coming to harmony."

Starting to sound similar to October Theory? We thought so, too! Not only are we able to cosmically recognize where w we might need to shift our focus during this time, but Zampieri also highlights another shift. She says that "around October 22 we shift into Scorpio season, which is the master alchemist and transformer."

Feeling the pull towards finding change and balance? Check. Actually acting on that pull? Check. The October Theory is practically tattoed in the fabric of the stars.

How can someone embrace the 'October Theory' in real time?

Megan Ruth

Though a 'theory' can sound quite rigid and academic, this isn't something that requires you to dismantle your life and start with a completely different set of rules to live by. It's actually simpler than you think. "To embrace the 'October theory' in goal setting, start by assessing the changes you feel during this season. Use this transitional time to reflect on personal achievements, unfulfilled aspirations, and areas of growth," Tse suggests.

For example, let's say one of your goals was to stop relying on delivery services like Instacart or Uber Eats as much. We know life gets busy, causing us to backtrack on our cooking goals. But instead of kicking yourself for not being consistent with making homemade dinner recipes, you can start by asking yourself what kind of meals you want to eat. That could be all the encouragement you need to wander your grocery store aisles more successfully — and more empowered!

Tse says, "Create small, meaningful goals that resonate with your true desires, rather than what may have been imposed externally. Consider incorporating themes of autumn — like letting go and transformation — into your objectives, which can offer a symbolic motivation." She encourages you to "release habits that no longer serve you or cultivate new practices that align with the person you aim to become."

The more you shut out outside noise and check in with yourself, the more you'll be able to become clear about things you truly want.

How can different zodiac signs set goals that feel authentic during this time?

Darina Belonogova

From an astrological POV, there are things we can do to make sure our goals feel aligned to us. Zampieri says, "The ways each sign can lean into this theory in a way that feels authentic to them is by looking at which astrological house Libra (and Scorpio) fall for them in their natal chart and aligning with its themes."

For example, she points out that for Libra risings, "this this transit is occurring in their 1st house of self, which amplifies the focus on self-development." On the other hand, Sagittarius risings will be affected differently. "This is their 11th house of friendship and so they can focus on their community and aspirations, etc."

If you're a Libra, one of your goals may be to get serious about your fitness goals or setting boundaries that feel true to you. If you're a Sagittarius, you may be focused on exploring friend date ideas that allow you to bond with your best friends — or you may even be exploring the potential for friendship breakups, letting go of the relationships that no longer serve them.

The point is, regardless of your sun sign, you have Libra somewhere on your birth chart. Once you recognize this area — and what that area represents — you'll be able to facilitate change more specific to your needs.

How can people stay consistent when pursuing new goals?

cottonbro studio

Pursuing new goals sounds fun until you realize you have to stay consistent, right? We've all been there to a degree — but there are ways to work around it, according to Tse. "Implementing structured daily rituals can create a strong foundation for consistency. Setting specific times for activities integrates them into your routine naturally," she says. This can look like setting alarms on your phone so you can allot time for whatever you want to do. But, why does this help us stay on track? "Tracking progress visually, like with a calendar, reinforces commitment," Tse shares.

If you're still struggling with procrastination, Tse says you can ask friends and other people you look up to for help, because "having someone to share successes and challenges with can keep motivation high." However, don't let your ambitious nature convince you that you have to tackle everything at one time. The last thing we want you to experience is burnout, so Tse has three key boundaries you can set in place:

  • Break the journey into smaller, manageable tasks to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • Connect each goal to a larger purpose or personal value to maintain passion.
  • Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities and adjust the approach, rather than viewing them as failures.

How can you remain authentic throughout yet another internet trend?

Polina Tankilevitch

Still on the fence about what goals you should be pursuing? Zampieri says to avoid what doesn't resonate with you. "If starting afresh now makes you feel good and you like to work under a deadline, set those new goals," she says excitedly. But, she's not convinced it's something you have to do if you're not 100% sure about the 'October Theory.'

"If you are naturally more drawn inward during this time of year and prefer to wind down instead, do that (particularly Scorpio risings as this is their 12th house natally which is more introspective). Don't let the internet pressure you into anything," she insists.

This is especially true if all the talk about setting new goals ahead of next year is triggering anxious thoughts. Zampieri says, "If someone feels negatively affected by the 'October Theory,' they can try to regain some perspective by looking back to last year instead," she Zampieri says. "Sometimes it is easier to see how far we've come by reflecting on where we were this time a year ago. Alternatively, someone can focus on the rhythm of the seasons instead: nature is naturally preparing to hibernate now and so can we."

Just because the 'October Theory' has gone viral doesn't mean your life will be incomplete if you're not participating in it. It's an interesting concept, but you should ultimately choose whatever feels closely aligned with where you are in life. No journey is linear, so don't worry about this timeline — but if you do need a boost, then this trend has you covered.

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There are few celebrity breakups as infamous as those of the 2000s — just looks at Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, and Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck! But when Ben and Jen (or Bennifer, as fans like to call them) got back together in 2021, it felt like a literal movie. In Jennifer Lopez' new documentary The Greatest Love Story Never Told, the couple revealed why they actually broke up in the first place: "the massive amount of scrutiny around our private life." Here's everything you need to know about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, in the 2000s and now.

Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck's Relationship Timeline

Image via Columbia Pictures

Winter 2002 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Meet On The Set Of Gigli

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck first met while filming their 2003 movie Gigli. "The first time meeting him on that film was at the read-through," Jennifer tells Variety. "I remember kind of just walking in and I think he was outside, smoking a cigarette...I don't remember a whole bunch more about it, but I remember being on the set with him every day and loving it."

Image via Vinnie Zuffante/Getty Images

November 2002 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Announce Their Engagement

During an interview with Diane Sawyer at the end of 2002, Jennifer Lopez showed off the engagement ring from Ben Affleck. The platinum band + pink diamond combo is absolutely beautiful, just like the proposal itself. "[It was] traditional, but also in a very spectacular way, as of course Ben would do it," Jennifer says, via ABC News.

"He is brilliantly smart, loving, charming, affectionate," she continues. "And I just admire him in every way. I respect him. I feel like he teaches me things."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Early 2003 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Experience The Tabloids Firsthand

Before the age of iPhones and TikTok, celebs constantly dealt with the tabloids — even more than they do now. And as one of the hottest couples in the world, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez constantly faced paparazzi and tabloids. “We didn’t try to have a public relationship,” Jennifer Lopez tells PEOPLE in 2016. “We just happened to be together at the birth of the tabloids, and it was like ‘Oh my God.’ It was just a lot of pressure.”

"People were so f*cking mean about her," Ben Affleck says on The Hollywood Reporter's Awards Chatter podcastin 2021. "Sexist, racist. Ugly, vicious sh*t was written about her in ways that if you wrote it now you would literally be fired for saying those things you said...Now it's like, she's lionized and respected for the work she did, where she came from, what she accomplished — as well she f*cking should be!"

Image via Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

September 10, 2003 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Call Off Their Wedding

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were supposed to be married on September 14, 2003, but four days before their wedding, they postponed the ceremony. "Due to the excessive media attention surrounding our wedding, we have decided to postpone the date," the couple says in their official statement, via PEOPLE. "When we found ourselves seriously contemplating hiring three separate 'decoy brides' at three different locations, we realized that something was awry."

"It was so painful after we broke up," Jennifer tells Apple Music's Zane Lowe in 2024. "Once we called off that wedding 20 years ago, it was the biggest heartbreak of my life. I honestly felt like I was going to die. It sent me on a spiral for the next 18 years where I just couldn't get it right. But now, 20 years later, it does have a happy ending. It has the most would-never-happen-in-Hollywood ending."

Image via Barbara Nitke/Courtesy of STXfilms

February 18, 2020 — Ben Affleck Supports Jennifer Lopez In Hustlers

At the beginning of 2020, in an interview with The New York Times, Ben Affleck voiced his support for Jennifer Lopez. "She should have been nominated [for Hustlers]," he says. "She's the real thing. I keep in touch periodically with her and have a lot of respect for her. How awesome is it that she had her biggest hit movie at 50? That's f*cking baller."

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

May 10, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Take A Trip Together

After Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez broke up in the spring of 2021, J.Lo was seen hanging out with Ben Affleck around Los Angeles. "[Jennifer] spent several days with Ben out of town," a source tells PEOPLE. "They have a strong connection. It's all been quick and intense, but Jennifer is happy."

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

July 24, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Make Their Relationship Instagram Official

Hidden at the end of an Instagram carousel, Jennifer Lopez posted a photo of her kissing Ben Affleck. "5 2 … what it do …" the caption reads.

Image via Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images

September 10, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Walk The Red Carpet

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck attended the premiere of his film The Last Duel at the 2021 Venice Film Festival. They both looked amazing in old school glam!

Image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

April 8, 2022 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Announce Their Second Engagement

PEOPLE confirmed that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were engaged again in the spring of 2022. Jennifer also revealed the news via email and on social media. "So I have a really exciting and special story to share," she said on Twitter.

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

July 16, 2022 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Finally Get Married!

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck finally tied the knot in July of 2022. Jennifer shared the details about the "best night ever" via On The JLo newsletter (via PEOPLE) the next day. The couple later had a larger ceremony in Georgia.

"It's a beautiful outcome that this has happened in this way at this time in our lives where we can really appreciate and celebrate each other and respect each other," she says. "We always did, but we have even more of an appreciation because we know that life can take you in different directions."

"[Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck] were attentive only to each other, didn't have eyes for anything else," a PEOPLE source said after spotting the couple on their honeymoon in Lake Como, Italy.

Image via Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

February 14, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Reveals Her Tattoo With Ben Affleck

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck showed off their coordinating tattoos on J.Lo's Instagram. The tattoos (hers of an arrow through an infinity sign on her ribcage and his of two arrows tied to one another) are super cute together!

"Commitment," Jennifer says in her Instagram post. "Happy Valentine’s Day my love."

Image via Monica Schipper/Getty Images

May 3, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Calls Ben Affleck A "Wonderful Father"

When she was on the Today Show (via Twitter) at the beginning of May 2023, Jennifer Lopez had high praise for Ben Affleck's relationship with all their kids. Jennifer has twins, Max and Emme, with Marc Anthony, while Ben Affleck shares three kids, Samuel, Seraphina, and Violet, with Jennifer Garner.

"He's a wonderful, wonderful father," J.Lo says in the interview. "And a father figure to [Max and Emme] as well, because he has his own three beautiful children, and then there's us...They love him. And they appreciate him, and so do I."

Image via Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

August 21, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Celebrates Her One Year Anniversary With Ben Affleck

In honor of their first wedding anniversary, Jennifer Lopez shared some photos, and some lyrics from "Dear Ben, Pt II", to Instagram. "One year ago today," she says in the caption. "Dear Ben, Sitting here alone / Looking at my ring ring / Feeling overwhelmed / It makes me wanna sing sing / How did we end up here / Without a rewind / Oh my / This is my life...Jennifer"

Image via Dunkin'

February 11, 2024 — Ben Affleck And Jennifer Lopez Star In A Super Bowl Commercial

Following Ben Affleck's iconic, viral photos with his Dunkin' coffee, the couple starred in Dunkin' Donuts' 2024 Super Bowl ad — in addition to Matt Damon, Jack Harlow, and Tom Brady. The commercial features Ben and his friends coming into the studio while Jennifer records her newest album This Is Me Now... — a move that is not well received.

Image via Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for 20th Century Studios

February 26, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Reveal Why They Originally Split Up

"Ben and I, we broke up three days before our wedding," J.Lo recalled in her new documentary The Greatest Love Story Never Told. "We had a big wedding planned—14 ushers and bridesmaids—and three days before, we just crumbled under the pressure."

"For all those years, it was really hard because I didn't just feel like I lost the love of my life, I felt like I lost the best friend that I ever had," Jennifer continues. "I've made it through. I've made something good of my life. I'm proud of that."

Image via Momodu Mansaray/Getty Images

May 15, 2024 — Rumors Swirl About Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's Alleged Divorce

Though Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have reconnected, there have rumors that their marriage may be in trouble. A source alerted InTouch Weekly that there have been obvious signs that something is wrong for a while.

"The writing is on the wall – it’s over," the source claims before saying, "They’re headed for a divorce – and for once, [Ben’s] not to blame!" The source believes the two have a lot of love for each other, but that they're jus too different to be together.

TMZ has also reported that Ben seems like he hasn't been living at home — yikes! He was photographed leaving going to and coming from a L.A. home without Jennifer. It's also being reported that he's been allegedly spending the night there.

But, TMZ also pointed out that the pair are still wearing their wedding rings so it's hard to say if there's any merit to the breakup rumors. Until Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck actually give a statement, I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best! And we're not the only ones — 13 Going on 30's Jennifer Garner (who was married to Ben Affleck from 2005-2015) “is encouraging Ben to work on his marriage to Jen,” according to an Us Weeklysource. “She fully supports their relationship and wants nothing more than for him to be happy.”

Also, Jennifer Lopez wants us to really mind our business. People reported than an actress was not feeling a pushy reporter's question about her marriage and didn't have a problem letting them know. She was promoting Atlas with her co-stars when said reporter asked, "Is your divorce with Ben Affleck real? These rumors?"

Though her co-star Simu Liu expressed his disdain for the questions first, Jennifer quickly said," You know better than that." This lets us know that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are well aware that people are talking about their marriage.

Image via Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for 20th Century Studios

Still, this hasn't stopped insiders from talking about what's going on behind closed doors. One even reached out to People to say, "They’re still living separately," and "She’s back in L.A. for tour rehearsals. She seems okay. She’s very focused on work." The outlet even reported that the couple are in fact living apart and have been seen on several occasions without each other.

While I know some people could care less, I remember when Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck first started dating so to see them struggling again feels a little painful. I'm trying to keep hope alive, but they ultimately know what's going on in their relationship. If they do choose to separate, that's a choice we'll all have to respect.

Image via Will Heath/NBC

May 31, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Cancels Her "This Is Me" Tour

At the end of May, Jennifer Lopez revealed she was cancelling her summer tour to spend time with family. Her newsletter (via Variety) reveals that “Jennifer is taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends." (Refunds will be distributed through Ticketmaster automatically; third party purchase sites need to be contacted).

“I am completely heartsick and devastated about letting you down," Jennifer continues in the newsletter. “Please know that I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t feel that it was absolutely necessary. I promise I will make it up to you and we will all be together again. I love you all so much. Until next time…”

Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

June 21, 2024 — Ben Affleck Discusses Family Life With Jennifer Lopez

In a newly released interview with Kevin Hart, Ben Affleck showed a rare vulnerability that we don't often see. The two chatted about several things during the Season 4 premiere of Hart to Heart, but it was Ben's admission that he has "resting hard face" (via Entertainment Tonight) that caught our attention.

Though there have been theories about why Ben often looks like he'd rather be somewhere else than dealing with paparazzi, he made it clear why he's not always smiling when the cameras are on him. "I also don't like a lot of attention...people see me [and] they're like, ‘Well, this dude always mad…’ Because somebody has their camera and sticking to my face.”

Ben even mentioned a time when he, Jennifer, and their kids were trying to make it to a play while walking through Times Square. Though he knows fans are going to be excited to see them, it's obvious he's not thrilled when their kids are subject to that kind of pandemonium.

"We get out with her, all the kids, through Times Square, and the s--- was like f---in’ bananas...it feels like hundreds of people and now screaming," Ben explained (via People).

Andrew Toth/Getty Images for Netflix

July 20, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Throws A Bridgerton-Themed Birthday Party

Jennifer Lopez celebrated an upcoming birthday milestone this weekend by hosting a party the Ton would've loved to attend. She spared no expense as it's reported she had "horse-drawn carriages" on-site (via Glamour).

She also posted a few selfies on Instagram to share her excitement about the special day. "Today is gonna be a great day 🤍🙏🏼 Happy Saturday everybody ☀️," she wrote as her caption.

Though other guests — including Jennifer's mom — attended the Bridgerton-themed soirée, a source made special note of Ben Affleck's absence (via People).

They've yet to confirm the status of their relationship, but it seems they're giving each other space.

Matt Winkelmeyer / Staff

August 20, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Files For Divorce With No Prenup

After months of rumored separation between the two, it seems that Jennifer Lopez has finally filed for divorce from her husband, Ben Affleck, after 2 years of marriage. Many speculated their separation this year, but since Lopez was spotted multiple times with Affleck’s kids, it seemingly put those rumors to rest. But after this filing citing their separation date as April 26, 2024, it seems like any outing was due to those close relationship over the years, and because of Lopez and Affleck’s kids being friends.

TMZ reported about Lopez’s filing, stating that there is “indeed no prenuptial agreement.” This means that they split everything 50/50 from their 2 years of marriage. While TMZ says that the two are not on speaking terms, hopefully the two can seek some peace in this situation in the future!

August 31, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Is Moving On

She may be heartbroken, but Jennifer Lopez knows the key to getting over an ex is moving on. She cryptically acknowledged her eventful summer with the largest picture carousel I've seen on Instagram in years and looked great in most of her candid shots.

She kept her caption lighthearted by writing, "Oh, it was a summer" and was essentially met with rounds of applause from fans. One person even called her, "AN UNBOTHERED Queen!"

Even if that only scratches the surface of her emotions, it's clear Jennifer believes "Everything is unfolding in divine order" per the second picture in her carousel.

September 16, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Seen Together After Time Apart

We were sure that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were in the 'no contact' zone, but it appears they briefly changed their mind long enough for their kids to spend time together. A source said, "They are still moving forward with the divorce" but went out just "so the kids could hang out," (via People).

They almost had us fooled as they seen enjoying a nice meal at the Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills, but it really seems like it's over for these two. As long as things are amicable between them, that's all that matters.

Hector Vivas/Getty Images

October 9, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Isn't Worried About Falling In Love Again

The thing about being a hopeless romantic is you often keep hope alive even when you probably shouldn't give your ex a second chance. However, it seems like Jennifer Lopez has learned her lesson after filing for divorce from Ben Affleck. She recently sat down and chatted with her friend Nikki Glaser to talk about how life seemed to course correct for her, plus she detailed how she feels about dating.

"I understand that now in a much deeper way, which doesn’t mean that I won’t make mistakes in the future, but again, when your whole house blows up, you’re standing there in the rubble going, 'How do I not ever let that happen again,'" she said (via Interview Magazine). She went on to say she's "not looking for anybody" after experiencing a very public second breakup from Ben Affleck.

When Nikki Glaser asked her if she regretted the hardship she just went through, Jennifer Lopez said this: "Not one second." It was quite painful for the entertainer, but she feels it was another lesson she was finally able to learn.

October 17, 2024 — Ben Affleck Appears To Be Unbothered

Almost a week after Jennifer Lopez's bombshell Interview Magazine feature, a source is sharing an update about how Ben Affleck is doing. Apparently he doesn't want to seem hot and bothered by Jennifer's declaration because It's being revealed Ben "never looked back" once they separated (via PEOPLE). It seems all that matters to him is spending time with his kids and working as much as possible. If you ask us, that's one way to get over a breakup!

What's your favorite Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck moment? Check out The Latest On Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce's Relationship and The Latest News On Blake Lively And Ryan Reynold's Kids for more of your favorite celebrity couples!

This post has been updated.

We live in a "post your relationship so we know it's real" landscape, and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't made me wonder if there's a larger conversation to be had about it. Some people don't feel the need to post their romantic partner while others share their relationships in a way that rivals the best celebrity couples.

Everyone's different, but it's not not unheard of to question your partner's devotion if they're not posting you on Instagram. You may feel justified in your anger because "so and so" are always in cute pictures and videos together on social media — but are your feelings valid? The best person to answer this is licensed therapist Suzette Bray, LMFT. She has over 25 years of specializing in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and she's seen this topic come up plenty of times during sessions with clients, so grab a pen and paper to take notes!

Why do people want to share their relationship status with others?

Afif Ramdhasuma

My sister used to ask me this question when I was in my 20's, and I always looked at her like she had two heads growing. I couldn't fathom the idea that people wouldn't want to talk about their relationship online because it felt like everyone was doing it. I mean, a study from Pew Research Center shows 8 in 10 people on social media see relationship posts, so it clearly wasn't outrageous to think it was normal.

But, that still doesn't answer why people are drawn to sharing cute little updates about their partner or relationship. Luckily, Bray has a good indication of what drives people to give others a sneak peek into their lives. "People share their relationship status for all kinds of reasons. Some want to mark their territory — nothing says 'back off' quite like a cute couple selfie! Others are just excited and proud of their partner and want to share the joy," she says. That stems from people's "need for a sense of belonging or to receive positive reinforcement from others," she adds.

But, this doesn't necessarily make people weird. It's just human nature that makes us act the way we do. "We as humans are just hard wired to seek connection, and broadcasting our connections, makes us feel more accepted and secure in our social lives."

Should couples have conversations about their social media expectations?

Katrin Bolovtsova

I don't care how hot you think someone is, you're going to have to learn how to communicate with them. It's true even if your chemistry is off-the-charts because healthy relationships don't fall out of the sky. They're built via honesty, respect, forgiveness, and other important factors.

Before assuming your partner is or isn't okay with you posting about your relationship, Bray is 100% convinced you should talk things through. "Social media is still in the wild west of relationship etiquette, and without discussions, assumptions about 'correct' behavior can run wild," she hints. For example, you could be happily posting about your partner only for someone to point out that they're not following you on social media.

"Some people are super private, while others practically live their lives online. Misunderstandings happen when expectations aren't laid out so talking about it can prevent messiness in the long run," Bray observes.

If two people have gone on a couple of dates, should one of them be upset if the other isn't publicly talking about them?

RDNE Stock project

So, you swiped right on Tinder or Bumble, and you had a few amazing dates with one of your matches. Before you start publicly declaring your love for them, Bray wants you to reconsider. "Hold on! It's just a few dates! Let’s pump the brakes. The early stages of dating is not the time to make grand social declarations," she declares. As someone who tried to 'date' people from Tinder, those first few dates aren't a guarantee that you've found the love of your life.

"Posting someone on social media can feel like a big step to some people so expecting that level of public commitment too soon might be too much pressure. If you’re already thinking, 'Why haven’t they posted about me yet?' after two dates, it might be a good time to check in with yourself about where those expectations are coming from," advises Bray.

I've recovered from my former, "Is he the one" obsession so also take it from me — see where things go first and then refer back to question #2!

Is it a red flag if someone doesn't post their partner on social media?

Budgeron Bach

It would be so much fun if we personally had Dustin Poynter, the flag guy, from TikTok helping point us in the right direction — but this is one of those things that errs on the subjective side. Though Bray doesn't feel it's necessarily healthier to keep your relationship private, she thinks "context matters." "Some people are just more private or feel weird about social media in general," she says.

But, that doesn't mean certain behaviors don't warrant a few eyebrow raises. She notes," If someone is super active on social—like posting about their dog’s morning routine and every cupcake they’ve ever had—but doesn't ever mention their partner, it could create a need for a deeper conversation." Before you feel justified about grilling your partner — as satisfactory as that may feel — take a second to breathe.

Bray would prefer you work to understand "why they don't post, rather than assuming your partner is keep you a secret." If you discover the latter to be true, follow your instincts and let that person go because you don't deserve that!

Do you think it's healthier for couples to keep certain aspects of their relationship private?

Fábio Carvalho

Everyone has a different view of what makes a romantic relationship healthy, so this is one of those things Bray says, "absolutely depends on the couple" because some "genuinely enjoy sharing their lives online." You've probably seen your share of couples who make cute content together whether they're married or not. I'd be lying if I said I don't specifically keep up with a few whose content makes me smile.

But, other couples may not be interested in sharing their relationship online because they "want to be private and keep the relationship free from the judgements or opinions of others," according to Bray. That's not to say they have something to hide, though. Instead, think of it as a personal preference.

"As long as both partners are on the same page and it’s not a source of tension, it’s all about finding the balance that works for them. If it starts to feel like a performance for likes rather than genuine connection, though, that’s where it can become problematic," Bray reminds.

How can someone bring up their partner's posting habits without sounding accusatory?

Timur Weber

You may feel eager about posting about your partner while they're less enthusiastic and this could make you feel upset. It's easy to jump to conclusions when you're already upset, but Bray feels "tone is everything." Ironically, she suggests something I've heard in therapy sessions and that's "to be curious, not confrontational." Hopefully this stopped you in your tracks if you were ready to give your partner a piece of your mind.

"You can say something like, 'Hey, I’ve noticed we haven’t shared much about each other on social media? What’s your take on sharing stuff about us online?' It’s important to frame it as a mutual exploration of rather than a demand for a public declaration," Bray points out.

What would you tell someone who wants to emulate couples who consistently post content together?

Vlada Karpovich

We've all seen couples who we think have the cutest relationship, even though we've never met them before. As much as you may admire a couple, Bray thinks it's a "slipper slope" if you want to try to recreate their online moments. "I’d encourage someone to focus more on what makes their own relationship feel fulfilling, rather than chasing #couplesgoals," she encourages.

However, this isn't a sign that you're not supposed to ever share anything about your partner or relationship! "If posting together feels fun and real, go for it! But if it starts feeling like a performance or that you are in competition with other couples, it's probably good to take a step back," she warns.

Also, keep in mind that social media doesn't show you every single moment of couples' lives so don't worry about trying to look picture perfect based on a 30 second to 30 minute video.

If you feel that your partner doesn't post you enough on social media, talk to them before launching into an angsty rant because your assumptions might not always be right. I wish someone would've shared this advice 10 years ago, but all that matters is knowing you don't have to let being upset about your partner's lack of relationship posts be the reason your day is ruined.

The problem arises when your partner doesn't seem receptive to talking about your concerns because dismissive or evasive attitudes are a no-no!

We have more relationship advice if you're looking for more romantic tips and tricks!

When Sonja and Alex Overhiser got hitched, they wanted to start hosting friends and family for dinner. But there was a problem: neither one of them really knew how to cook. “We started the A Couple Cooks blog to document our learning to cook together, and it gradually grew into both of our full-time jobs,” says Sonja. What they found in the process was that cooking together was actually fun. Also: cooking together can bring you closer and inspire new recipes that you love, and it encourages you to build community.

“For us, food has always been about people," adds Alex. "So we thought it would be especially meaningful to write a book about the joy of togetherness in the kitchen, and inspire other people to grab a partner (significant other, family member, or friend) and whip up something delicious together.”

Their new book A Couple Cooks: 100 Recipes to Cook Together releases this week and makes a great holiday, wedding, or anniversary gift for couples, new and seasoned. Here, Sonja shares a few tips for cooking with your partner, plus four comforting and delicious recipes excerpted from the book!

Tips For Cooking With Your Partner

Shelly Westerhausen Worcel

Share in the planning and prep

The holidays can be kind of stressful (and sometimes we look forward with both excitement and dread!). Having another person share in the planning and prepping can de-stress the activity and even make it fun! Plus, you can create fun memories around new dishes you try (like, remember Alex, when we made that amazing apple galette with bourbon salted caramel for Thanksgiving?).

Focus on individual tasks (over a glass of wine?)

We each have our own skills and preferences. Alex is really good at things like making bread or searing meat, so he takes the lead in those sort of recipes. I tend toward prepping soups, salads, quick breads, desserts, and overall meal planning / strategizing. But often we'll change things up depending on the recipe! It's really a kitchen dance.

Put the relationship first

We often argue over the final seasoning and how much salt to add at the end of a recipe! I generally add too much to trying to get the flavor "pop" so Alex has to hold me back. Or we spar over how to style things on a plate (that's more of a food photography argument, but it translates to meals too!).

We've learned to really listen to each other and back down if we find the other person is very passionate about something. Of course, that could end in an "I told you so" moment later, but we've found that we try to remember that relationship and the experience is more important than one person being "right".

Don’t forget the herbs!

Our favorite cooking hack: Using fresh herbs! Every recipe is a little better with a few chopped herbs. We have an herb garden and some favorites are dill, basil, thyme, mint, and tarragon, and our rosemary and sage even hang through late fall to winter. If you don't have a garden, buying fresh herbs is absolutely worth the few extra dollars for the difference in flavor.

Recipes Excerpted From A Couple Cooks

Shelly Westerhausen Worcel

Harvest Caesar Bowl

Here’s a bowl that’s endlessly customizable—a riff on a dinner we started eating on repeat around the birth of our daughter and still do today! What began as a pregnancy craving for Caesar salad turned into a weeknight main dish with a rotating topping of veggies, chicken, or shrimp. (We’ll always remember devouring a takeout version in the hospital room while awaiting the baby’s arrival!) This satisfying combination of roasted sweet potatoes, seasoned chickpeas, and shaved Parmesan cheese is topped with an irresistibly creamy, Greek yogurt–based spin on Caesar (though feel free to use store-bought dressing if you’re pressed for time). Customize the bowl by adding cooked chicken or a grain like rice or quinoa, making it a filling meal that never gets old.


  • 2 lb [910 g] sweet potatoes (about 2 medium), skin on, scrubbed and cut into ¾ in [2 cm] dice
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • ½ tsp Old Bay seasoning (see Tips)
  • ¾ tsp kosher salt
  • 15 oz [430 g] can chickpeas, drained and rinsed, or 1½ cups [240 g] cooked chickpeas
  • ⅛ tsp cumin
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 bunch (about 8 oz [230 g]) Tuscan kale, washed, torn into bite-size pieces, and massaged
  • 2 romaine hearts (about 8 oz [230 g]), chopped
  • 2 cups [120 g] chopped red cabbage
  • ¼ cup [18 g] Parmesan cheese shavings
  • ¼ cup [35 g] roasted pepitas (see Tips)
  • 1 recipe Creamy Parmesan Dressing (see page 189) or 1 cup [240 g] store-bought Caesar dressing
  1. Preheat the oven to 450°F [230°C].
  2. In a large bowl, mix the sweet potatoes with 2 tablespoons of the olive oil, the garlic powder, chili powder, Old Bay, and ¼ teaspoon of the kosher salt. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the sweet potatoes on it in an even layer. Bake, without flipping, until the cubes are tender and browned, 25 to 27 minutes.
  3. In a medium bowl, mix the chickpeas with the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the cumin, the remaining ½ teaspoon of kosher salt, and several grinds of black pepper.
  4. To serve, divide the kale and romaine among four shallow bowls or plates. Top with the sweet potatoes, chickpeas, cabbage, Parmesan cheese, and pepitas. Drizzle generously with the dressing and serve.

Creamy Parmesan Dressing

  • ¼ cup [60 g] mayonnaise
  • ½ cup [120 g] Greek yogurt
  • ¼ cup [8 g] finely grated
  • Parmesan cheese
  • 1 Tbsp red or white wine vinegar
  • ½ Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • ¼ tsp garlic powder
  • ¼ tsp dry mustard powder (optional)
  • ½ tsp kosher salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper

To make the dressing, in a medium bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, Greek yogurt, Parmesan cheese, red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, garlic powder, mustard powder, kosher salt, and black pepper until a creamy dressing forms. If necessary, stir in 1 tablespoon of water to bring the dressing to a pourable consistency (this varies based on the yogurt brand).


Don’t have Old Bay? Substitute ½ teaspoon smoked paprika plus an additional ⅛ teaspoon kosher salt. If all you can find is raw pepitas, you can toast them yourself in a skillet over medium heat until they start to pop and become golden brown, 3 to 5 minutes.

Cooking Together

While one of you gets the sweet potatoes in the oven and chops the fresh vegetables for the bowl, the other can mix up the chickpeas and the dressing.

For Vegan

Use Lemon Tahini Sauce and omit the Parmesan shavings.


Leftovers will keep, refrigerated, for up to 3 days.

Diet Vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan option

Excerpted from A Couple Cooks: 100 Recipes to Cook Together by Sonja Overhiser and Alex Overhiser, © 2024. Published by Chronicle Books. Photographs © Shelly Westerhausen Worcel.

Shelly Westerhausen Worcel

Spiced Latte Loaf

The moist slices of this fun and funky quick bread are reminiscent of a chai latte, with notes of milky vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger. The best part is when you cut the first slice to show the beautiful spiced swirl decoration inside. There are a few components to assemble, so it’s nice to have a partner to help with this baking project. One day we had the crazy idea of slicing up leftovers into strips and baking it to make biscotti, and it’s surprisingly effective. The crunchy strips pair well with morning coffee or an afternoon snack.

MAKES ONE 9 X 5 IN [23 X 13 CM] LOAF

  • 1½ Tbsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp ground cardamom
  • ¼ tsp ground cloves
  • ¼ cup [52 g] packed light brown sugar
  • 2 ¼ cups [315 g] all-purpose flour
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup [200 g] granulated sugar
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp kosher salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup [240 ml] milk of choice
  • ¼ cup [60 ml] neutral oil
  • ¼ cup [60 ml] unsweetened applesauce
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F [180°C]. Butter a 9 x 5 in [23 x 13 cm] metal loaf pan.
  2. In a small bowl, stir together the spice mix: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and cloves.
  3. In a medium bowl, make the streusel topping: Add the brown sugar, ¼ cup [35 g] of the flour, and 1 teaspoon of the spice mix to the bowl and mix lightly with a fork. Continue mixing while pouring in the melted butter until a crumbly mixture forms. Set aside.
  4. In a separate medium bowl, whisk together the remaining 2 cups [280 g] of flour and the granulated sugar, baking powder, and kosher salt.
  5. In a large bowl, whisk together the egg, milk, oil, applesauce, and vanilla extract until completely smooth. Gradually add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients, stirring with a spatula until a smooth batter forms. Pour ¾ cup [180 g] of the batter into a liquid measuring cup and stir the remaining spice mix into the measuring cup to create a darker spiced batter.
  6. Pour about half the vanilla batter into the prepared loaf pan and smooth it into an even layer with a spatula. Pour the spiced batter on top and smooth it, then pour on the remaining vanilla batter and smooth it. To swirl the batters together, insert a butter knife in the top corner of the pan so it just touches the bottom. Draw about 3 large S shapes through the entire pan, then repeat in a slightly different position. Rotate the pan 90 degrees and make 2 large S shapes in the other direction. Sprinkle the top of the batter with the streusel.
  7. Bake the loaf for 50 to 55 minutes, until the top springs back when touched and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool the bread in the pan for 30 minutes. Run a knife around the edge and invert the loaf onto a cooling rack. Let cool fully to room temperature (30 minutes to 1 hour) before cutting into slices.


Turn leftovers into biscotti! Cut ¾ in [2 cm] thick slices into 1 in [2.5 cm] wide strips, then bake at 300°F [149°C] for 45 to 55 minutes, until golden brown and mostly crisp (they will firm up as they cool). Let cool for 30 minutes. Store in a sealed container with a paper towel. Serve with coffee or tea.

Cooking Together

Have one person start with the streusel topping while the other makes the batter. Then assemble the loaf together.


The loaf will keep, wrapped in aluminum foil, at room temperature for 4 days, or refrigerated for 10 days (bring to room temperature before enjoying). To store frozen for up to 3 months, slice the loaf, wrap it in plastic wrap, and place in a freezer-safe container.

Diet Vegetarian

Excerpted from A Couple Cooks: 100 Recipes to Cook Together by Sonja Overhiser and Alex Overhiser, © 2024. Published by Chronicle Books. Photographs © Shelly Westerhausen Worcel.

Shelly Westerhausen Worcel

Apple Galette with Bourbon Caramel

This rustic French tart lets you skip fiddling with pie dough to make free-form folded layers of golden pastry. Piling the crust full of cinnamon-spiced apples is a fun fall treat, but of course you can indulge any time of the year. There are endless variations on this type of fruit tart. Serve with melty vanilla ice cream, or even better, drizzle with gooey Bourbon Salted Caramel. The mad scientist in you will love how easy it is to make a caramel sauce out of a few basic ingredients.


Galette Dough

  • 1½ cups [210 g] all-purpose flour
  • 1 Tbsp granulated sugar
  • ¾ tsp kosher salt
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • 10 Tbsp [150 g] cold unsalted butter or vegan butter
  • 5 to 6 Tbsp [80 to 90 ml] cold water
  • 1 egg, for the egg wash
  • 1 Tbsp Demerara or turbinado sugar, for sprinkling


  • 1 lb [455 g] crisp, tart apples like Granny Smith, Pink Lady, or Honeycrisp (about 2 large), unpeeled, thinly cut into ⅛ in [3 mm] slices (3½ cups sliced)
  • 2 Tbsp light brown sugar
  • 2 Tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp allspice
  • ⅛ tsp nutmeg
  • ½ tsp cornstarch
  • 1 Tbsp unsalted butter, cut into very small pieces Bourbon Salted Caramel (recipe follows)
  1. To make the galette dough, in a medium bowl, mix the flour, granulated sugar, kosher salt, and baking powder. Cut the butter into small pieces, then use a pastry blender or fork to cut it into the flour mixture until mostly incorporated and a pebbly texture forms, with pea-size or smaller pieces.
  2. Sprinkle 5 tablespoons [80 ml] of the cold water over the flour, mixing gradually with a fork until the flour is mostly incorporated. Knead with your fingers until the dough comes together, adding the additional 1 tablespoon water. (If the mixture is still too floury, add ½ tablespoon more water.) Form the dough into a ball, then flatten it into a thick disk. Chill the crust in a covered container in the refrigerator for 1 hour (see Tips).
  3. Preheat the oven to 375°F [190°C] and line a rimmed baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper. Flour a work surface.
  4. To make the filling, in a medium bowl, stir the apple slices with the brown sugar, granulated sugar, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cornstarch until fully coated.
  5. On the floured surface, roll out the dough into an even 12 in [30 cm] circle (if necessary, move the dough around and add a bit more flour underneath to keep it from sticking). Carefully transfer the dough to the parchment paper.
  6. Fan out small handfuls of apple slices and layer them on the crust, reserving the juices at the bottom of the bowl. Leave at least 2 inches of dough uncovered around the outside edge. Fold the outside edges of the dough over the filling, overlapping the folds to form a partial top crust. Pour the reserved juice over the exposed apple slices in the center.
  7. Dot the apple slices evenly with the small pieces of butter. Whisk the egg and use a pastry brush to brush it over the crust. Sprinkle the crust and filling with Demerara or turbinado sugar (or more granulated sugar).
  8. Bake until the crust is golden brown, 38 to 40 minutes. Transfer the galette on the parchment paper to a baking rack and let cool to room temperature (about 30 minutes) before cutting into pieces and serving. Drizzle with Bourbon Salted Caramel (recipe follows) before serving, or top with ice cream.

Bourbon Salted Caramel

MAKES ⅔ CUP [160 ML]

  • ½ cup [100 g] granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup [60 ml] water
  • ½ tsp kosher salt
  • ⅓ cup [80 ml] heavy cream
  • ½ Tbsp bourbon (see Tips)
  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract
  1. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, stir together the sugar, water, and kosher salt. Cook, stirring constantly with a spatula, until the sugar and salt are dissolved and it starts to boil, about 2 minutes.
  2. Reduce the heat slightly to a simmer and cook, constantly bubbling, until the sugar turns deep amber, 8 to 11 minutes. Occasionally give a gentle stir with a spatula to ensure even cooking. Watch closely toward the end of the cooking time, as the color darkens quickly.
  3. Once the sugar turns deep amber, immediately reduce the heat to low. Add the cream, which will cause the mixture to bubble vigorously; stir constantly with a spatula, until it is a rich caramel color, about 90 seconds. Stir in the bourbon and vanilla extract and cook for 20 seconds more.
  4. Transfer the caramel to a small bowl to cool, leaving any hardened bits of sugar in the pan. Let cool and thicken for 10 minutes before serving. It will keep thickening the longer it sits; if it becomes too thick, reheat gently before serving (see Tips).


Galettes are endlessly customizable! For the filling, use 3 cups of any seasonal fruit, ⅓ to ½ cup [65 to 100 g] of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon. Taste and adjust the filling as desired based on the sweetness of the fruit. Try peaches, pears, plums, blueberries, and more.

Make the crust in advance for easy prep. The dough will keep, refrigerated, for up to 3 days. Before rolling, allow the dough to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. Or wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and freeze for up to 3 months, then defrost overnight in the refrigerator and let stand for 30 minutes at room temperature before rolling.

You can also make the caramel sauce in advance. Refrigerate the sauce, then reheat it on the stovetop or in the microwave before serving.

Omit the bourbon in the caramel sauce if desired. It’s just as tasty!

Liqueur Pairing

After the galette, enjoy a small glass of Amaro Nonino Quintessentia or Amaro Averna. These caramel-colored liqueurs have a bittersweet, smooth finish and an herbal complexity that complements the apples’ natural tartness.

Cooking Together

After the dough is chilled, have one person roll out the dough while the other person makes the filling. Then whip up the caramel sauce together while the galette bakes.

For Vegan

Use vegan butter and, instead of using the egg wash, brush the crust with nondairy milk. Omit the salted caramel.


Leftovers will keep, refrigerated, for up to 4 days; bring to room temperature before serving.


Vegetarian, vegan option

Excerpted from A Couple Cooks: 100 Recipes to Cook Together by Sonja Overhiser and Alex Overhiser, © 2024. Published by Chronicle Books. Photographs © Shelly Westerhausen Worcel.

Shelly Westerhausen Worcel

Mini Cardamon Cinnamon Rolls

What’s a better weekend baking project than ooey, gooey cinnamon rolls? The star here is the cardamom-orange filling, inspired by a cardamom bun we had on a Sunday morning bakery run in Chicago. (We couldn’t pass up a visit to Lost Larson bakery, since it’s the name of our son, which he found wildly amusing.)

This makes a 9 x 9 pan of mini rolls, so you can eat more than one and have enough to go around! Baking is a two-day process (since who wants to wake up 3 hours beforehand?). Start the rolls the night before and refrigerate overnight, then bake them in the a.m. and enjoy the cinnamon-spiced scent wafting through your kitchen.



  • 3 cups [420 g] bread flour
  • ¼ cup [50 g] granulated sugar
  • 2 ¼ tsp (1 packet) [21 g] instant yeast (see Tips)
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 4 Tbsp [55 g] unsalted butter
  • 1 cup [240 ml] milk
  • 1 egg, beaten


  • ½ cup [100 g] packed light brown sugar
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ground cardamom
  • 1 tsp lightly packed orange zest
  • 1½ Tbsp unsalted butter, melted


  • ½ cup [60 g] powdered sugar
  • 1 Tbsp milk
  • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract
  1. To make the dough, in the bowl of a stand mixer, stir together the flour, granulated sugar, yeast, and kosher salt. In a small saucepan, melt the butter over low heat. Add the milk and heat until lukewarm (warm to the touch, but not hot, or between 105° and 115°F [40° and 45°C]).
  2. Pour the butter and milk mixture into the flour mixture. Add the egg and stir with a fork until a rough dough forms. Attach a dough hook to the mixer and mix on medium-low speed for 6 minutes, until the dough is smooth and stretchy. The dough should be very sticky and will not form a ball in the mixer. (You can also knead the dough by hand; keep in mind it will be very sticky at first.)
  3. Flour a work surface, scrape the dough onto it, and knead it a few times, then shape it into a rough ball. Place the dough ball in a large clean bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp towel and let it rise in a warm location until doubled in size, 1 to 1½ hours.
  4. To make the filling, stir together the brown sugar, cinnamon, cardamom, and orange zest. Grease a metal 9 x 9 in [23 x 23 cm] baking dish.
  5. Lightly flour a work surface and scoop the dough onto it. Gently roll out the dough into a 12 x 12 in [30 x 30 cm] square. Tug the corners a bit to make them as square as possible. Brush the dough with the melted butter, leaving a ½ in [13 mm] border unbrushed at the left and right edges.


Instant yeast (rather than active dry yeast) is required for this recipe, which allows quick rise times. If using active dry yeast, the rise times will be about double.

To bake the cinnamon rolls the day of, proceed immediately to baking. Bake 20 minutes covered with foil, then uncovered about 10 minutes, checking whether they are cooked through using a food thermometer.

Cooking Together

This is a baking project that’s much easier with a partner! It’s often helpful to have one person read the recipe out loud while the other gets their hands into the dough. Trade off on tasks and enjoy the process.


The cinnamon rolls will keep at room temperature, covered with aluminum foil, for up to 2 days. Reheat, covered, at 350°F [180°C] until warmed through,10 to 12 minutes.



Excerpted from A Couple Cooks: 100 Recipes to Cook Together by Sonja Overhiser and Alex Overhiser, © 2024. Published by Chronicle Books. Photographs © Shelly Westerhausen Worcel.

Thanks Sonja and Alex! Check out A Couple Cooks: 100 Recipes to Cook Together for more delicious recipes you can cook together.

Check out our Pinterest for more recipes too!

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Outer Banks fans have been shipping JJ and Kiara since season 1 (AKA, before they were even a couple). Thanks to the immaculate chemistry between actors Rudy Pankow and Madison Bailey, their performance as best friends-turned-more is totally believable — but while their characters are perfect for each other, Pankow and Bailey have seemingly distanced themselves from one another following some uncool fan behavior, including, but not limited to: shipping them IRL, analyzing every one of their interactions, and even going so far as to harass their partners online.

Rudy Pankow's girlfriend, Elaine Siemek, has experienced a lot of online bullying, but despite some rumors claiming the couple had called it quits, Pankow proved just how dedicated they are to each other. And listen, if they're happy, we're happy.

Who is Rudy Pankow's girlfriend?

Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

Rudy Pankow's girlfriend is named Elaine Siemek. She's a film photographer who worked as a crew member on the Netflix show until the end of Outer Banks season 3. While rumors had circulated during the spring of 2024 that the couple had broken up, Siemek showed up to the Outer Banks season 4 premiere.

"Celebrating the whole cast & crew’s hard work last night," Siemek said in an Instagram post. "But especially celebrating my mans 😌"

"5 years of grinding in Charleston, a home field premier is the least we can do to say THANK YOU!" Pankow says in his own post. "Thank you to my fam and my lady for always supporting me, and all those who play a huge part in making me look good on this show!"

How did Elaine Siemek and Rudy Pankow meet?


Elaine Siemek and Rudy Pankow met on the set of Outer Banks during the summer of 2019. The two confirmed their relationship in 2021 when Siemek posted a photo of them kissing with the caption “it doesn’t get better than this.”

What's with all the drama?

Elaine Siemek/Instagram

After OBX took off, and Rudy Pankow and Elaine Siemek confirmed their relationship, online hate towards Siemek quickly spiraled into accusations of manipulation and abuse.

"Lies are being spread and accusations are being said that go beyond the normal 'hate,'" Rudy Pankow said in an August 6, 2021 post. "I might not actively show it on social platforms just how happy we are together, but this is my personal decision to keep most of those moments for myself. To those who are creating such displeasure and opinions about the one I love and my relationship, it’s time to stop. In this era of social engagement and enlightenment I want to express the importance to spread positivity and needing to know when it is unfair to express your own distaste for something or someone, especially when you can do it behind an anonymous identity. I was always told the best version of yourself is your most humbled self… I make this statement as my most humbled self and would be so grateful if we all would move forward in positivity and respect."

The rumor mill started up again in the fall of 2022, when Siemek was accused of kissing someone besides Pankow. And this time, she took to Instagram herself. "Y'all stupid as hell for thinking that's me," she said in an Instagram story. "Please stop posting bulls—t narratives that you make up because you're bored. It's exhausting and embarrassing. & also I pick my nails from anxiety so my hand for sure doesn't look like that."

Is Rudy Pankow leaving OBX?

Rudy Pankow/Instagram

The second half of Outer Banks season 4 premieres on November 7, and fans are seriously worried it'll be the last time we see JJ — especially after Pankow talked about when "a job ends" in a recent Backstage interview. (And after learning more than one of JJ's family members has died because of a curse? I'm a little worried too).

"I’m so thankful to be in this position…to be working on this craft with these characters," Pankow said. "But I know that’s not going to last forever...When one door closes, what then opens? That next door should always, always be what fascinates you with your craft. Ask yourself: What kind of person am I now? What stories do I want to tell? I think [figuring that out] is the duty of any artist. That’s the stuff that you should be focusing on, whenever you get a job and whenever a job ends. What is the thing to communicate to an audience that is important to tell?”

"This show has given me such an amazing oppurunity to express my craft in so many different ways and it has been an honor playing JJ," he later said in an Instagram story. Hopefully season 4 won't be the end for our favorite Pogue!

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Check out Every Shocking Detail You Missed In Outer Banks Season 4 Part 1 before part 2 drops on Netflix November 7!