I Meditated For 11 Minutes A Day For A Month And Here's What Happened

meditation tips

I'd always been curious about meditation, but skeptical that I'd ever be able to really achieve the mindfulness needed to really sit and do nothing for longer than a few minutes – I mean, who actually has the time?! But this past May, I committed to an 11-minute session every morning to see what benefits I'd gain after a month or so.

I chose a spot away from my computer and devices, but close enough that I could hear my online meditation guide. My daybed in my home office – AKA my giant dog bed where my schnoodle sleeps while I work – was the perfect cozy spot by a window where I could hear birds chirping and the wind and just focus on the sound of nature. Lucy, my anxiety-prone pooch, would curl up next to me, and I'm pretty sure she benefitted from the daily morning practice too.

Want all the peaceful benefits my and my puppy soaked in during our meditations? Here's how you can better incorporate this mindfulness practice into your own life.

Types of Meditation

The first thing to know is what type of meditation works best for you. I had tried silent meditation at the San Francisco Zen Center and really struggled with resting my mind. My mind would wander more easily and I'd get impatient. What I learned is that it's ok to let your mind wander. Just accept the thought and let it go. But what I learned later is that I really responded to guided vs. silent meditation.

I started following Sarah Vie's free 11-Minute Morning Meditation after attending a workshop with her, but there are also ones on Headspace (love the breathing feature), Calm, Ope n, and many more on YouTube. There are also others like a mantra-based style called Vedic, Visualization, Reflection, Transcendental and many more. Learn more in our meditation for beginners guide to learn what might work for you.

Now here's what I experienced after a month of meditating every day for 11 minutes.

I Learned To Use My Breath To Feel Calm

Photo by Anete Lusina

I always say I have a healthy amount of anxiety, where it isn't debilitating but it motivates me to get things done. But I can sometimes take on too much – from creative projects at home to work projects to making sure I am always present with my kiddo.

My meditation practice helped me learn how to pause and take deep, slow breaths when I started to feel overwhelmed. I would naturally start to breathe in deeply, hold my breath for a couple seconds, and then breathe out any thoughts that got in my way. This started to become a habit for sure and has helped me navigate any feelings that rattle me.

I Set Better Boundaries

Photo by Anna Shvets

Not wanting to lose my feeling of zen, I was more aware of the boundaries I needed to set in order to keep stress at bay. I started to say no to what felt like obligations or inconvenient vs. things I really wanted to do. Normally, I would say yes if it seemed even remotely like a good time. I decided I didn't need to say yes to every invite -- I could just stay home and chill.

I Looked Forward To That 11 Minutes

Photo by Vlada Karpovich

I started to look forward to my meditation mornings – allowing myself those 11 minutes of the day to breathe, quiet my mind, and start the day feeling ready it vs. exhausted by it. If I missed a morning, I would make sure to meditate when I could, whether it was after my morning meetings or before bed.

I Thought More Creativity

Photo by Vlada Karpovich

I started to think more creatively, on projects outside of work too. My mind a bit clearer, it opened up room thinking about future creative goals, home projects, and even creating more playful games with my daughter (making up characters and stories in the car together or writing graphic novels called "Weed Monster" and "Plant Girl" after gardening.)

I Practiced Mindfulness

Photo by Greta Hoffman

I started to eat more mindfully, slowing down and paying attention to what I was eating, especially when eating out. I'd choose healthy, delicious spring salads over burgers and fries (or sometimes salad and fries, because that feels good too!) In the shower I found myself catching myself from ruminating over things and just started to be more present in my actions throughout the day.

I Was More Productive

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Giving up 11 minutes of your day to practice meditation actually saves you time later on, I found. I was feeling more clear-headed and balanced, and focused better on my works tasks and juggling my day to day. I made a real effort not to jump from one thing to the next without pausing. Even my desk was cleaner!

I Faced Difficult Days With Grace

Photo by Elle Hughes

The best part of meditation is that it allows you to visualize how you want your day to go. By starting the day with that idea, it helps you sort of manifest a more rewarding day. That said, it also prepares you for when things don't go your way. I started the day more calm and rested and when something unexpected did come up I was a bit more easy breezy about it.

I Was More At Peace

Photo by Samson Katt

At the end of my meditation month, I feel more at peace with my life in general. I've learned to communicate better, put myself and my needs first (as much as a single mom can!), and balance all the things that come my way with grace. I'll continue my morning practice for sure and maybe try to go beyond the 11 minutes. But for now, I know that's what I am able to commit to and that's ok.

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Chances are you're packing for your long holiday weekend, with a swimsuit or two stowed away in your travel tote bag. While you're trying to remember if you packed your new TSA-approved bottle of sunscreen and the cream blush you can't live without, it's a good idea to make sure your attitude is in check, too.

I like to believe that most people aren't intentionally inconsiderate while on vacation, but it doesn't mean none of us are immune to doing things that annoy other people. Whether it's accidentally kicking sand in someone's face because you're running to catch a flying volleyball, or screaming loudly next to someone who's reading their latest book club find, here are 8 rude behaviors to avoid at the beach.

Rude Behaviors To Avoid At The Beach

Ron Lach

Beach Blanket Battles

Sigh. I'm not sure what it is, but we're all guilty of claiming 'our' space in public. Sometimes it's harmless, but there are those who take things to the extreme by making sure no one gets remotely close to a space they're interested in. We've definitely seen this in parking lots, but it can at the beach too.

If you feel like you don't want someone close to you on the beach, don't be petty by positioning your beach blanket in a way that doesn't leave room for them. You can either verbally express that you'd like space, or you can try to find a spot that's not crowded.

You and other visiting beach goers don't actually own the beach, so try not to act like it.

Ron Lach

The Loud Music Hog

I don't know too many people who dislike music. It's something that unites people from all walks of life (hello, have you been to a Taylor Swift or Beyoncé concert), having an almost transcendent effect.

However, this doesn't mean that people on the beach want to hear your summer playlist when they might be trying to relax. Also, you don't want to be that person who has no regards for kids if you're listening to something that's on the more explicit side. We know that kids will be introduced to a number of things, but don't be an a-hole just for the sake of "living your life."

Unless there's an actual approved beach party going on, it's best to pop in your Airpods to avoid disturbing others.

Pavel Danilyuk

The Inconsiderate Splashers

Splashing in the water brings out everyone's inner kid, but everyone might not appreciate being splashed if they're trying to sunbathe, read a book, or just...in general. Some people might be forgiving, but it could irritate others.

As a courtesy, move your splash war away from large crowds so that you're not disturbing others.


Heavy Smokers

You're an adult who can do whatever they want, I know. The thing is that people don't always want to smell the residue of someone smoking while they're trying to relax.

Never mind the fact the people may want to smell fresh air, but you also don't know who could have asthma. I'm sure you don't want to be the person who accidentally triggers someone's asthma attack from your second-hand smoke.

Kampus Production

Parents Who Let Their Kids Do Destructive Things

I'm a parent who has a busy body for a toddler, so I get that kids need to burn excess energy. However, it doesn't hurt to teach them how to be considerate of others. There's nothing cute or funny about letting your kids disrupt a volleyball game that's not theirs, or smash someone's sandcastle just for fun.

If it helps, try to come up with fun activities the entire family can do together. You can build your own sandcastles, fly kites, or even go on a beach scavenger hunt!

Cassiano Psomas

People Who Ignore Their Dog's Poop

Every living thing has to use the restroom at some point, so no one's gonna be mad that your dog has to do their business. The issue is that some people refuse to pick up their dog's poop in public for whatever reason.

If you willingly let your dog go to the bathroom on the beach and pretend like you don't see it, that's pretty annoying. I'm sure whoever's going for a stroll on the sand won't appreciate stepping in a fresh (or old) pile of poop. Just pick it up and toss it out, okay?

Yan Krukau

Parents Who Leave Their Kids Dirty Diapers On The Beach Or In The Ocean

I don't have much to say about this except please spare everyone. I don't know why people continue to do this, but it's unsanitary and extremely uncool. Find a trash can to dispose of their diapers or see if you can change them in a nearby restroom, but please don't subject others to your child's waste.

Gantas Vaičiulėnas

Excessive PDA

Freedom of speech is one of those things that people can really try to take too far — especially when it comes to PDA. If you're headed to the beach to have a handsy makeout session with your S.O., don't. No one wants to see (or hear) the two of you getting hot and heavy while they're trying to relax. Leave that for a hotel room or the beach house you're staying at.

Don't forget to check out these bad work habits before you head back to the office after your beach trip!

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TV can be the ultimate escape — especially when it features an insane plotline you'd likely never find yourself in IRL. That's the case for Netflix's new dark comedy Sirens, a limited series that dives into the world of socialites, scandal, and power struggles. And the best part is that it all takes place on a HUGE beach property. It's basically Gossip Girl meets The O.C. meets The White Lotus, which totally promises to give us the unhinged drama TV has been missing. Here's everything you need to know about the new TV show— andWhere To Stream The Best New TV Shows Of 2024 (So Far).

What is Sirens on Netflix?

Roberto Nickson/Unsplash

Sirens is a limited series coming to Netflix soon. The new TV show follows Devon, who is more than concerned with the relationship between her little sister Simone and Simone's boss, socialite Michaela Kell. But when Devon finds herself at the Kells' beach estate one weekend (with the intention of getting Simone out of there), she realizes Michaela might be more powerful than she expected.

The series is based on Maid showrunner Molly Smith Metzler’s play Elemeno Pea.

When is Sirens coming out?

Mollie Sivaram/Unsplash

Sirens is currently in pre-production, so we don't have an official release date quite yet. Check back here to find out when it'll hit Netflix!

Who's in the Sirens cast?

Fabio Lovino/HBO

The cast of Sirens is out of this world. So far, we know we'll see Julianne Moore, Meghann Fahy, Milly Alcock, Kevin Bacon, and Glenn Howerton. We'll keep you updated on any additions to the cast, but one thing's for sure: they're going to knock it out of the park.

Stay tuned here, and our Facebook, for the latest news on Sirens, and read up on The Most-Anticipated Summer TV Shows Of 2024.

Lead image via Fabio Lovino/HBO

The beautiful thing about love is that it comes in many forms, so it's time for you to start thinking about a few friend date ideas to spend with your besties this summer. You know, the ones who've seen you cry after a bad breakup or cheered you on as you took a leap of faith to pursue your career goals.

Chances are that you've done the same for them and more — because friendships are layered — so why not celebrate each other? I mean romantic love is great, but it's okay to nurture your besties too!

Need a few friend date ideas to go on this summer? We've got your back with 8 things you'll love bringing up in your friend group chat!

Cayla Evans

Visit A Local Fair

When's the last time you and your friends visited a local fair? If you have to think about it, that means it's been a while and that's expected when your schedules are super busy. But, we think it's time to go back to the basics and let your inner kids play.

Whether you throw your hands in the hair as the ferris wheel goes around or decide to stuff your face with fair foods like funnel cake or smoked turkey legs, you're guaranteed to have a great time.

cottonbro studio/Pexels

Go Thrift Shopping

Instead of going to a crowded mall this summer, plan a friend date at one of your local thrift stores. There's always hidden gems if you're willing to look for them and all the eclectic pieces you find can make for fun stories.

Also, you may be able to find cute decor that ranges from kitschy to boho without having to spend over $100 (IYKYK).

Anna Shvets/Pexels

Take A Dance Class Together

Have you and your friends been looking for a fun way to work out after your Pilates class mishap? Tray taking a dance class together!

It's one of the best ways to stretch your muscles and move your body. Plus, there's music involved! We're a little biased, but we think dance classes tend to have the best tunes. If you're lucky, your dance class instructor may share some inspo for your at-home workout playlist!

Alexandra Zihlmann

Try A New Brunch Spot

If you and your friends are mad because your favorite brunch spot has started watering down its bottomless mimosas, it's time to search for a new one! Honestly, this is one of the best friend date ideas you can do this summer because food and tasty drinks always opens the door for amazing conversations.

We don't make the rules, but we sure live by them!

Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

Have A Fun Photoshoot For Your Friend's Birthday

There's always that one friend in the group who swears they don't care about doing anything big for their birthday. You can respect their wishes by keeping things low key with a planned photoshoot that includes your closest friends!

You can go to a studio if you choose, but you can also set up a backdrop in your living room or backyard!

As for the friend who's celebrating their birthday, they'll cherish the fun photos you take.

Jordan Hunter

Enjoy A Concert In The Park

We just had to include an outdoor concert on our list of friend date ideas because they're the key to making core memories. Watching over people literally bond over music — from non-stop singing or dancing — is something we'll never get over TBH.

Casey Lawler

Explore A New Part Of Town

This is one of those friend date ideas where you don't have to spend money if you don't want to. It's more about finding new places to explore if you've grown tired of sticking to one side of town.

There's always new vintage spots, food trucks, shopping plazas, and bookstores to be found if you're willing to do a little hunting.

cottonbro studio/Pexels

Host Sip And Paint Party At Home

Not in the mood to be around people you don't know? Grab some art supplies and wine, call your friends up, and host your very own sip and paint party at your apartment.

It doesn't have to be a competition, just you and your friends laughing uncontrollably as you try to recreate an image.

Don't forget to romanticize your summer in between trying these friend date ideas!

Lead image via Madison Milliken

Scandinavian style is essential for summer, and it's exactly what you're looking for to get the easiest and comfiest look this season. This all-consuming Pinterest and Instagram trend is so effortless, yet still cool and chic at the same time. The outfits are almost always comprised of easy-to-get pieces that are, mots likely, in your wardrobe already. And if not, here's a list of the 10 essential pieces you need in order to nail this #ScandiGirlSummer look.

Djerf Avenue

Djerf Avenue Summer Field Top

How could we talk about Scandi summer style and not mention the Scandinavian style icon herself, Matilda Djerf? She's the queen of the effortlessly cool style that we're talking about. This top is one of their new pieces, and it's just perfect to throw on with a pair of shorts and ballet flats for the summer. I've purchased so many items from this brand, and every single piece is so high quality! It'll definitely make you feel like a Scandi cool girl in no time. 100/10 for me!

Djerf Avenue

Djerf Avenue Airy Midi Dress

Another amazing Djerf Avenue find! It's currently number 1 on my wishlist for Scandinavian girl summer given how versatile it is! I love the flowy, effortlessness of the dress, especially styled with dainty flats like above! This will make for the easiest outfit combo to throw on when you're in a hurry, but still want to look chic.


Pink Stripe Linen Shorts

Striped linen shorts are the #1 essential of mastering Scandinavian style! They're in practically every Scandinavian cool-girl's closet, and can be worn in a multitude of ways. With flats and a sweater, a matching set with Birkenstocks, the list goes on and on. A versatile essential for the summertime!


Havaiana Flip Flops

These flip flops are not only one of the most popular Scandi-girl shoes, but they're also insanely affordable! You may think, "But these are just basic flip flops?" And while yes that is true, they're also just the perfect casual statement to add to a fancier look. Scandi girl aesthetic is all about comfort and looking effortlessly cool, so if you're wearing something traditionally more fancy like a maxi dress, then throw these on to add the signature Scandinavian style to it!


Topshop Linen Button Down

Another incredibly versatile piece is a linen button down. You can throw it over so many outfit options like a dress or linen pants or even as a cover-up like above! This is a staple to take an outfit to the next level, adding an additional layer or dimension to an otherwise simple look.


Birkenstock Boston Clogs

You may think that these are more of a fall and winter shoe, but scandi girls love these for the summer! I have to say that I agree as well. I wear these everywhere in the summer. I wear them with matching shorts and button down sets, or to the beach, or even sometimes with denim skirts! They're also insanely comfortable so definitely add this to your "minimalist wishlist."


Abercrombie Linen Pant

Pajama style is seriously taking off right alongside the rise of Scandi style — and that's because they were the ones to revolutionize it! Really though, pajama sets in public are so in, and I'm here for it! I love these exactly styled how they are above with a white tank (another Scandi basic), flip flops, and a straw bag!


Canvas Tote Bag

Scandi girls are always on the go, so they're always carrying a classic, tote bag to carry everything they need! I love this stylish option from Amazon for under $20. You can use it as an everyday accessory, or as a beach bag, in typical Scandi fashion.


Oval Sunglasses

The perfect accessory to every Scandinavian outfit? You guessed it, oval sunglasses. These ones from Amazon are so affordable so you can get the Scandi girl look on a budget. They come in black and — my favorite — brown leopard!


Petal & Pup Linen Set

Scandi girl summer is all about linen. It's breezy, easy, and so comfortable. Bonus points if it comes in a matching set like this one does! You can pair this cute set with your oval sunglasses, tote, and Birkenstock clogs!

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Header image via Abercrombie

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds totally feel like the internet's mom and dad. They take cute red carpet photos, go on vacations together, and incessantly joke on each other. Basically, they prove that you can be both hot and hilarious. The two actors also have major summer movies on the way (It Ends With Us and Deadpool 3, in case you were wondering), and when Ryan's Deadpool co-star Hugh Jackman posted a photo of the actor, Blake had the PERFECT response.

In the Instagram photo, which Hugh Jackman posted on July 2, Ryan Reynolds and the X-Men star appear to be relaxing in a hotel room. In the photo, Ryan, wearing a white tank top, blue pants, and a gold chain necklace, points at the camera with one arm, while showing off his bicep with the other.

"'You want me to put this away?' — Ryan Reynolds, co-star, mouth breather, a—hole," Hugh captioned the post.

If you ask me, this kind of sassy Instagram caption is perfect for two Deadpool co-stars, considering that's exactly the kind of humor you see in the movies. (And exactly the kind of humor I'd expect Ryan to have IRL). While Blake Lively hasn't made a cameo in the franchise (yet), she was more than happy to play along, commenting, "My thirst has been trapped."

"This photo is from my private collection. How dare you?" Ryan added. The idea that Ryan and Hugh take random photos to send each other (or to send Blake) is enough to make me laugh out loud. Best friend goals! Here's hoping the Deadpool 3 press junket gives us plenty of hilarious Ryan and Hugh moments!

Drop your favorite Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds moment in the comments, and read up on Little Known Facts About Blake Lively That Make Us Love Her Even More!

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