Talking To Kids About Puberty Is AWKWARD — Nancy Redd's 'The Real Body Manual' Helps

nancy redd the real body manual

The perks of having an older sister means I've been able to ask her all my more embarrassing questionsgrowing up. My whole life, we've chatted about everything from periods to sex to giving birth. Then one day, right before I graduated high school, she gifted me a book that changed everything: Nancy Redd's Body Drama: Real Girls, Real Bodies, Real Issues, Real Answers. It not only helped me understand my body more, but it also helped soothe some of the insecurity I had before my postpartum body developed into what it is today.

I eventually gifted Body Drama to someone else, but I never forgot about how beneficial it was, and I always thought there should be more work like it out in the world. As it turns out, Nancy Redd wasn't done normalizing bodies and questions bout sexual health — the author and Wirecutter journalist just released The Real Body Manual: Your Visual Guide to Health & Wellness! Not only is it a great resource for those who are looking for answers to more specific health questions, but it's something I continue to revisit on the days my insecurity dampens my mood!

I chatted with Redd to understand more about her work — and I came out understanding even more about myself and how I want to help raise the future generation.

The Difference Between 'Body Drama' And 'The Real Body Manual'


If you've had the pleasure of sticking your nose in Nancy Redd's Body Drama, you're familiar with how well-researched and thorough it is. In that regard, The Real Body Manual is no different — but Redd highlights it's still a "totally different book." She says, "The world has changed dramatically, and we're talking so much more about bodies, and we see a lot more bodies."

Despite seeing all those "real" bodies on TV and otherwise, women — and people in general — still don't feel great about themselves. According to a 2022 study, 32% of teens had a negative opinion about their acne, while 31% weren't comfortable with their weight. Meanwhile, another study shows that 80% of women have referred to themselves as "fat."

To combat troubling statistics like those, Redd hopesThe Real Body Manual can help. "I think we're all operating with not enough information about the world we live in, and I think the more information we can receive in a safe, educated, medically-accurate space, the better," she explains.

Centre for Ageing Better

Redd also really wanted to write a book that taught both her son and her daughter about their changing bodies — and she feels this is the perfect time for everyone to come together and learn about the way bodies not only look, but function. She likens these lessons to learning about world geography. "We don't just need to know about the small town we live in. We need to know about the state, country, the world-at-large," she stresses. And she thinks The Real Body Manual can help you "learn about your own body, your friends, and the people in society you live with."

If you look at the group of friends I have today, everyone doesn't have the same body shame. One of my friends is a little taller and curvier than I am while another is shorter and rounder. I dealt with acne-prone skin and dark spots while my best friend Cookie didn't really struggle with that. It's honestly rare that everyone will look the same — and that's okay! But learning about what's going on with all of us helps bridge our experiential gaps and creates better shared understanding.

And with that in mind, here are the 4 things I learned about my body — and all bodies — when chatting with Nancy and reading The Real Body Manual.

1. Understanding Your Body Doesn't Have To Look Like Everyone Else's


I grew up during a time where certain body types were celebrated more than others in media, and it had a negative effect on how I perceived my own body. I believed I wasn't supposed to have stretch marks because video vixens didn't, and became horrified when I discovered them in middle school as a slender girl. Not only that, but I didn't really develop curves until after I gave birth which made me feel like an outlier in my community.

Recent studies found there's a link between teens aged 16-18 years old developing body dysmorphia and social media...which doesn't sound surprising. And while there are countless body positive accounts that also exist — and I really do promise I'm not saying to completely ditch your socials — sometimes you have to take a step away from it (and other influencers) if it's having a negative impact on your self-esteem.

"Some bodies naturally look like those in music videos. I think separating that from being able to find love or have purpose in your life — they're completely separate things," Redd insists. She breaks things down even further by explaining why you not looking a certain way doesn't discount you from enjoying life. "Some people are born with the ability to be tennis stars, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't pick up a tennis racket because you're not Serena Williams."

The main point she drives home is that "every person can have a great time with their bodies" which is why The Real Body Manual reads like an encouraging, evidence-based love letter to readers.

2. Loving Yourself Is A Choice

Anna Tarazevich

Just like I had to make the decision to fully accept the body I have, it's something Nancy says everyone has the ability to do. "It's literally a choice," she says before one of her kids quickly pops into our convo. In a tender moment, she asks her child, "Hello, do you love your body?"

This brief encounter circles back to the reason why The Real Body Manual matters — it opens up these conversations with our kids, offering a tangible resource for others. I know I try to have more conversations like this with my son, and I've even encouraged him to hug himself when he needs a little dose of self love.

"The things that matter — having purpose in life, feeling love, being a good community member — don't have much to do with whether you have hyperpigmentation, freckles, cellulite, etc.," she says. "The more you know from the beginning of your journey that bodies look different, the easier it is for you to accept [yourself]. But if the only bodies you're seeing are sexualized in pornography, videos, and magazines, you don't have a real basis."

It's one of the biggest reasons she intended for The Real Body Manual to be a visual guide.

3. Your Naked Body Is Beautiful

cottonbro studio

"I really like showing people what the body actually looks like for the most part," Redd says. Yeah, that's right — The Real Body Manual features real people's bodies, not just illustrations. In doing so, she says, "Everyone can see someone who resembles them." It doesn't matter if you're heavy-set, a person with different sized breasts, or anything in-between. The point is that you'll be able to find yourself somewhere in The Real Body Manual.

My mother told me how little information her own mom shared with her about bodies. Because of that, my mom always stressed that she wanted my sister and I to have access to whatever information we needed. She wanted us to be informed, and never inhibited by her own lack of comfort over a topic. But not all parents feel comfortable sharing with their kids.

Redd says, "I don't think it was done with malice. I think people are just working with whatever they have which is not a lot." She further notes people have chosen to refer to genitals as "down there" for both men and women instead of saying the proper term for them for their autonomy. I'll be honest — growing up in a religious background often means sexual shame was attached to very normal things like breasts and penises.

Not everyone was on board with me telling my toddler he has a penis instead of saying "pee pee" — or not talking about it at all, if we're being honest. But I wanted him to feel comfortable with what he was born with, and to know that his dad having the same anatomy is normal. "We just don't use the proper names for things which increases this shroud of secrecy about it. We aren't taught health literacy," Redd says.

4. 'The Real Body Manual' Is A Must-Have For Pre-Teens, Teens, And Adults

Yan Krukau

Funnily enough, Redd informs me that October is actually Health Literacy Month, making all this really round out. We should know what's going on with our bodies, whether it's the proper terminology, what changes we're going through, what we can look like. Ignorance only makes our experiences more confusing and harder — especially when we're young and probably have a million different questions.

She explains that if you ask people specifics like 'How does a period work,' then they may not know the answer. "The same goes for if you ask what's the difference between a freckle and a mole," Redd explains. "It may not seem like these things are a big deal, but when something goes wrong, you need to know 'I need to get this thing checked out.'"

Information is power, and when armed with information about our bodies we can lead safer, healthier lives. Instead of wondering why we don't talk about things enough, Redd decided to take the bull by the horns and talk about them — and she thinks you should talk about them, even (and sometimes especially) when they're uncomfortable. She says, "Any time you feel shame or discomfort discussing your body, that's a sign you don't have enough information."

If you find yourself unable to ask other people questions, but want to start feeling comfortable in your body, I highly recommend that you read both Body Drama and The Real Body Manual because they're equipped with detailed explanations — and helpful imagery — about how bodies actually look, work, and feel.

Buy 'The Real Body Manual' Here!


The Real Body Manual

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Navigating adulthood as an eldest daughter can be tough. While you’re not a child in your parents’ home anymore, the dynamics you grew up with can still follow. Think about it: how often do you find yourself trying to solve everyone else’s problems while continuously trying to shoulder your own alone? If this resonates with you at all, you may be dealing with Eldest Daughter Syndrome.

To understand what this actually looks like beyond the TikTok therapy speak of it all, I talked to a licensed therapist, Briana Paruolo, LCMHC. As the founder of On Par Therapy — a practice that specializes in “burnout, disordered eating, and self-worth” that seeks to “empower high achieving women” — she comes across a lot of clients dealing with eldest daughter syndrome. Here’s what Paruolo has to say!


  • Eldest daughter syndrome isn't in the DSM-5, but that doesn't make the experiences of eldest daughters any less real.
  • Eldest daughter syndrome can look like intense perfectionism, unrealistic high standards, an inability to delegate, and an innate need to prioritize the needs of others first.
  • Eldest daughters can heal by validating their experiences, understanding their self-worth, and setting clear boundaries with themselves and others — especially by just saying "no" sometimes.

What is eldest daughter syndrome?

cottonbro studio

While The New York Timesreports that eldest daughter syndrome "isn’t an actual mental health diagnosis" — AKA it's not an official disorder recognized in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) — the symptoms seem to have a very real effect on the people struggling with it. Paruolo explains, "Often times with my clients, we explore 'eldest daughter experiences' as a way to avoid pathologizing this now normalized response to family roles and expectations. The eldest daughter experiences behavioral patterns and emotional experiences that are unique to their birth order in comparison to other siblings."

What does this all mean in practice? Paruolo says that families tend to place a ton more expectations on firstborn children, from achievements to overall responsibilities. According to Paruolo, this can put pressure on these children to lead and set a good example for younger siblings. Over time, that pressure can grow and evolve, leading an eldest daughter to taking on more and more throughout her life — even outside of the family home she grew up in — and cause further complications in their relationships, workplace, and otherwise.

What are the symptoms of eldest daughter syndrome?

Pavel Danilyuk

Like I said before, you naturally carry a lot of these experiences from childhood into your adult interactions. And while having leadership proclivities and high standards for yourself isn't inherently a bad thing, all of these pressing expectations can morph into more frustrating symptoms later on in life.

Since this isn't an exact diagnosis or disorder (yet), a lot of these symptoms can come from the practical findings from therapists over time. With Paruolo's clients, she's noticed that eldest daughters "might experience symptoms of perfectionism and unrealistic self-induced demands in both workplaces and relationships." She explains that this can look like a lack of delegation or asking for help. Paroulo also notes that eldest daughters may innately "prioritize others' needs before they acknowledge their own" — and if they choose to pick their own needs first, they may end up feeling guilty in the long run.

Each of these symptoms can pop up in an eldest daughter's day-to-day, but they can also have some unfortunate long term effects if they go unaddressed. "Long term effects might look like consciously or unconsciously being placed in a caregiving role, which can lead to burnout in many relationships," Paruolo says. She explains that this "immense pressure" and the climbing responsibilities can eventually cause chronic stress — and potentially even lead to resentment toward family members.


For a fictional — but still practical! — example, let's think about Daphne Bridgerton. In season 1, we immediately see the extreme weight Daphne bears to find a good, respectable marriage that will make her family proud and cement their societal standing even further. That's a ton of pressure for anyone of any age, let alone a 21-year-old woman. Meanwhile, her older brothers Anthony and Benedict are 29 and 27, respectively — and if you remember, they don't seem to nervous about their own standings on the marriage mart, let alone seem eager to marry yet at all.

But Daphne prevails! She marries The Duke of Hastings, conceives a child, and fulfills her family's dreams against all odds. If you thought that would be enough, and that Daphne officially check off her eldest daughter duty, you'd be wrong! In season 2, when Anthony finally decides to navigate his own marriage prospects, the family calls Daphne in for help to give advice and lead them through their struggles. So even though Daphne's started a family of her own (exactly what they wanted and asked of her!), her job is never done. She councils, aids, and doles out an endless supply of love and care.

What can parents do to prevent eldest daughter syndrome?

Any Lane

Parents have a lot to prioritize as they raise their families, but there are some small (but very powerful!) things they can do to help prevent eldest daughter syndrome from getting out of hand. First and foremost, Paruolo wants parents to know how important it is to be mindful of how they speak to their children, regardless of their birth order. She stresses that a parents' voice "often becomes the child's internal voice (and often the harshest critic)."

Next, Paruolo suggests creating a more open environment for the family to talk about their feelings about the family dynamic. By doing so, it seems like this could mitigate that resentment we've talked about before, where an eldest daughter may take on more and more without asking for help and eventually burning out. Paruolo notes you can have these conversations at family dinners or meetings — this offers a set time and place for each person to air their feelings.

Finally, Paruolo wants parents that they should be "mindful of the caregiving responsibilities they place on the eldest" while also "encouraging age-appropriate forms of independence for the children in the house." All these efforts can help "breed healthier dynamics," and hopefully make an eldest daughter's life a little easier, one step at a time.

How can women heal from their eldest daughter syndrome?

jasmin chew

After reading all this, it may seem overwhelming to recognize that you're dealing with eldest daughter syndrome. Luckily, your symptoms and struggles don't have to define you because Paruolo has some key advice for healing. "Women can deal with and heal from their oldest daughter syndrome by acknowledging their real and valid experiences," she says. "We don't tell someone with a broken leg to get over it, so the same nurturing and understanding of how the eldest daughter syndrome has shaped them is essential for their journey."

There are a few ways you can truly validate these eldest daughter experiences — and work to move on from them. Paruolo suggests practicing mindfulness in order to notice what your innate behaviors are. She says, "It can be a simple three second pause with the reflective question, 'Am I placing the oxygen mask on someone else before helping myself in this moment?'" In doing this, you're able to create a space where you allow yourself to choose your own needs first — or at least start acknowledging them more clearly.

One of the biggest — and I'd say hardest — practices that Paruolo suggests? Saying no. She says that acclimating to the discomfort of setting boundaries and saying that two-letter word can really help you form better, healthier habits. I know I could definitely do this more.

Finally, Paruolo wants eldest daughters to work on reframing their self-worth. She says, "Get curious about why it's an honor to be you (because it is!) and try to separate it from the caregiver or problem-solver role you have been continuously placed in."

Elina Fairytale

If there's anything to take away from my conversation and research, I'd let it be this: your experiences as an eldest daughter are valid, and you deserve to prioritize yourself! Whether 'eldest daughter syndrome' is in a diagnostic book or not, it's clear that therapists are taking these instances seriously, honoring their clients needs — so why shouldn't you honor your own?

I don't want to end this article hypocritically. I struggle with my own eldest daughter tendencies daily, but it's helpful to know that there are very real steps I can take to make my life easier, to exhale. And maybe one day, these lived experiences we all share will be codified in the DSM-5, allowing future eldest daughters to have a clearer playbook to live by — because you know we love achievable, clear goals. 😉

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Norman Mailer, I'm pregnant! This might be a memorable line from an equally memorable Gilmore Girls episode, but it's now also a reality for one of the show's stars because Milo Ventimiglia is expecting his first child! The actor married model and entrepreneur Jarah Mariano in the fall of 2023 at a tiny, private ceremony (a move that was very Jess Mariano of him), and on September 29, Jarah announced she's pregnant!

Milo Ventimiglia and Jarah Mariano just showed up at Brian Bowen Smith's ‘Joyride’ exhibit at Studio CT in California, and one source tells People Milo was “sweet and attentive to his wife throughout the whole event.” Duh!!

He “seemed very proud to be with her" while Jarah looked "radiant and glowing," as she always does. “Milo was kissing her and whispering into her ear," the source continues. "They were just genuinely lovely together.”

Is Jarah Mariano pregnant?

Jarah Mariano/Instagram

Yes, Jarah Mariano announced her pregnancy with an Instagram post featuring a surf session with Milo Ventimiglia. In the photos, Jarah is sitting on a surfboard wearing a brown bikini top, polka dot bikini bottoms, and a pink lei. "Baby on board!" she says in the caption.

After his time on Gilmore Girls, Milo played patriarch Jack Pearson on NBC's This Is Us, and told US Weekly in 2017 that "I think I’m built to want a strong family unit. “It will happen when it happens. I’m not out seeking it. It’s just kind of, I’m present in the space in my life that when it presents itself and it’s right, I’m sure it will work out.”

And it looks like it worked out at the exact right time.

Does Milo Ventimiglia have a wife?

Yes, Milo Ventimiglia & wife Jarah Mariano got married in the fall of 2023, and Jarah recently posted some new photos from the special day. "Last year I married my best friend," she says. "There aren’t enough words that exist to describe all the special qualities that make him who he is. AlI can say is that I am grateful for the life that we have together and the happiness that we have created🤍 Aloha wau iā 'oe my husband Milo."

"Things are good," Milo told Extra in February 2024. "We've had relationships that have come and have gone and then you get to a point where you kind of meet your match and meet someone that inspires you in a way different than anybody else...I'm grateful for her and I’m happy to have arrived in this moment, so married life is nice."

If you're loving the celeb baby news as much as we are, check out the latest news on Hilary Duff's Baby #4!

First thing's first — body insecurities are real no matter if you're tall, petite, curvy, thin, or somewhere in-between. Anyone who has them tends to think something is wrong with the way they look, and can become fixated on trying to correct perceived 'flaws.' Pop culture and beauty standards can play a role in that, but sometimes our own communities can contribute to us feeling unsure of the bodies we have.

I've struggled with body image issues for a greater part of my life, but the hardships I experienced in my postpartum body have helped me start looking at myself differently. From internalizing snarky comments made by others to welcoming the changes made after giving birth, here's how I learned how to truly embrace self-love.

The Moments That Sparked My Body Insecurity

Jasmine Williams

An annoyed younger me posing for a police convention at my local mall

I can't remember how old I was, but the first time I heard variations of, "She's so little. Are you sure you're feeding her," was from church and family members. Meant as harmless jokes, they caused me to become hyper aware of my body in a way I'd never been before.

I knew people looked different, but my innocence made me believe it didn't matter. Adults were the ones who taught me it did, and if you didn't look 'just right'? Well, you'd eventually hear hushed whispers about it. From that point on, I stopped being picky with my food and tried to eat more than I usually did. But, guess whose body remained the same?

The more I ate and the more my body didn't change, the more I started to resent it for not looking the way I thought a well-fed child's body should look.

Jasmine Williams

Introduction To Puberty

By the time I'd reached 3rd grade, I started hearing whispers about girls who were going through puberty. There was a ton of excitement about getting your period, but mostly everyone talked about how bodies started to 'fill out.' I was disappointed when 'the change' didn't happen for me that year, but I kept hope alive. Needless to say, I didn't gain weight in elementary school even though my friends' bodies were changing.The only signs of puberty I had were the first signs of underarm and pubic hair.

I didn't get my period until after the first day of sixth grade. It was relatively uneventful because I wasn't in pain and didn't see the second one until months later. As the months passed, my periods came and went. But, my body still looked unappealing to me. It didn't help that the guys in school were looking at girls who were more curvaceous either. I had major side character energy in school (or so I thought) and it was awful IMO. It's not that I wasn't liked, but the guys I thought were worth going after had their sights set on girls who didn't look like me.

By the time I made it to my junior year in high school, I stopped worrying about my appearance as much. I'd stopped really focusing on boys and started having fun with new friends. That was the best year in high school because my elective was a journalism class where I became the entertainment editor for the school newspaper. As far as my body insecurity? I barely thought twice about it because I felt I had more to offer than looks.

The Slow Journey To Accepting My Body

Jasmine Williams

By the time I was in my early twenties, it was beyond clear that the body I had was the one given to me. I was tired of wishing I wasn't so slender and decided to start accepting my body for how it looked. I wish I could say I was 100% okay with my body after writing down a ton of affirmations to look at daily, but I wasn't.

I didn't start making peace with being slender until after I turned 28 (right after this photo was taken), and it started to feel good to stop worrying about why I wasn't a certain size. I'd wake up and be more concerned about wearing things that made me feel good instead of fixating on why my body was so small. Honestly, I didn't even flinch the day I found out I was pregnant because I figured I wouldn't gain much weight.

Jasmine Williams

Pregnancy + Postpartum Body Changes

I should've prefaced that last sentence by saying I was convinced I'd still be small during pregnancy because my mom was small — like me — until her second pregnancy. Along with other people, I thought I'd have a round basketball in my stomach and that would be it. But, the day my stepdad rushed my fiancé and I to the hospital so I could give birth is the day I realized I'd gone from 117 pounds to 157.

I was blissfully unaware that my body had changed that much, and it was shocking because I couldn't fit into my carefully curated pre-pregnancy wardrobe. Not only was my postpartum body sore, but it also felt like I'd sprouted extra inches around my waist, hips, and thighs. I went from wanting those things to hating them when they started showing up.

I was devastated because I felt like I'd just learned how to accept my body, only to find new changes waiting for me to welcome into the picture. Also, everything was so soft and squishy — unlike the days where my slender frame felt like it had just enough to cover my bones.

Jasmine Williams

Sadly, I lashed out at my fiancé a ton because I felt uncomfortable in my body — even though he couldn't see anything wrong with it. I was convinced he was trying to do damage control every time he tried to reassure me because I was dealing with major body insecurity.

I didn't start to truly see myself until I started going back to therapy and chose to accept my body as it is. This didn't happen overnight either. I wrote a ton of affirmations on sticky notes to place on my bathroom mirror, and recounted all the miraculous changes my body's gone through over the years. I also started giving myself grace for all the times I wasn't so kind to my body and made myself live in that space until it didn't feel like I had imposter syndrome anymore.

At the time of writing this, my son is three and I'm finally able to look in the mirror without criticizing myself — and I have the fourth trimester to thank for that. My postpartum body expanded in ways I never thought was possible, and it's shown me that change is only bad when I try to hold tight to other people's expectations.

How I Maintain Love For My Postpartum Body

Jasmine Williams

Technically I haven't been postpartum in a while, but I always refer to my body this way because it serves as a reminder that it's been a long journey towards acceptance. The ways I continue to pour into myself vary from day to day, but here's the gist of what helps:

  1. Daily Affirmations
  2. Words Of Encouragement From My Partner
  3. Reminders That My Body Knew What To Do To Carry A Child For 9 Months
  4. Wearing Clothes I Genuinely Feel Good In
  5. Replacing Negative Thoughts With Positive Ones
  6. Giving Myself Grace For All The Moments I Hated My Body
  7. Daily Gratitude Practice
  8. Accepting That My Body Will Ebb & Flow Over The Years
  9. Solo Dance Parties In My Bra & Underwear (I'm so serious, ha!)
  10. Touching The Expanded Parts Of My Body & Saying "Hi")

I'm sure I'll change again over the years, but the love and acceptance my postpartum body has given me is here to stay.

We have more encouraging health and self improvement stories for you to read whenever you need inspiration to be kinder to yourself via words, health, or diet.

We're always ready to go back to Hogwarts, whether we're making a Harry Potter cocktail for our September 1st celebration or hosting a movie night in our coziest PJs. And thanks to HBO, we'll be able to visit for the first time all over again. On April 12, 2023 Warner Bros. Discovery confirmed that an original Harry Potter series was coming to their Max streaming service.

The series will be released over the course of ten years (!!) and WBD promises that it'll feature a book authenticity and attention to detail that even the most knowledgable Potterhead will appreciate. Grab your Harry Potter house scarf and your pumpkin juice, and keep reading for everything you need to know about the new Harry Potter TV show!

Will there be a Harry Potter TV show?

Warner Bros.

Yes, we're getting a new Harry Potter TV show! The official video announcement features the Hogwarts candles we see in the first film coming together to create that classic golden, lit-from-within logo. It's totally magical and nostalgic, but has a new contemporary edge I can't wait to see in its full form.

Will the Harry Potter TV show follow the books?


Yes, book fans will be happy to know the new series will definitely follow the plot of the books. And Channing Dungey, chairman and CEO of Warner Bros. Television Group, finally gave us a tease during MIPCOM‘s C-Suite Conversations. "It’s an unbelievable dream, honestly, and as somebody who is a huge fan of books, the opportunity to get to explore them in maybe a little bit more in-depth than you can in just a two-hour film," she said (via THR). "That’s the whole reason we’re on this journey.”

Has HBO begun casting for the new Harry Potter series?

Warner Bros.

Dungey also revealed they've started looking for a new golden trio. “There’s not a lot to talk about at this moment," she says. "We’ve got our fantastic writing staff in place and they are doing what they need to do. And casting calls have opened up in the U.K. and Ireland, so the process is moving along. It’s going quite well.”

What else do I need to know?

Warner Bros./IMDb

“We are delighted to give audiences the opportunity to discover Hogwarts in a whole new way,” Casey Bloys, HBO & Max Content's Chairman and CEO, said in the press release. “Harry Potter is a cultural phenomenon and it is clear there is such an enduring love and thirst for the Wizarding World.”

The series comes from Brontë Film and TV and Warner Bros. Television, with J.K. Rowling, Neil Blair, and Ruth Kenley-Letts serving as executive producers. Over the last few years, Rowling has made headlines for her conservative views and commentary on transgender identities, but at the time, Bloys didn't comment when asked whether her involvement could affect their ability to move forward.

On June 26, 2024 it was announced that Francesca Gardiner would write and serve as showrunner and Mark Mylod would executive produce and direct several episodes. Both worked on Succession.

"I'm truly thrilled to announce our director and writer, both of whom I interviewed as part of the production team," J.K. Rowling tweeted. "Both have a genuine passion for #HarryPotter, and having read Francesca's pilot script and heard Mark's vision, I'm certain the TV show will more than live up to expectations."

When is the HBO Harry Potter TV show release date?

Max/HBO/Warner Bros.

The new Harry Potter series is expected to hit Max in 2026, according to Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav (via Deadline). That means we could start seeing cast lists and getting more specific plot details in 2025!

Who plays Harry Potter in the new series?

Warner Bros.

In an interview with, Daniel Radcliffe makes it clear that even though he's very excited about the new show, he probably won't be included in the new cast of Harry Potter.

“I’m sure whoever is making [the series] will want to make their own mark on it and probably not want to have to figure out how to get old Harry to cameo in this somewhere,” he says. “So I’m definitely not seeking it out in any way. But I do wish them, obviously, all the luck in the world and I’m very excited to have that torch passed. But I don’t think it needs me to physically pass it.”

There's no word on whether any of the original cast will actually be returning, but after we cried while watching the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts, we can only hope that Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Bonnie Wright, and Tom Felton will at least make cameo appearances. I'd love to see Daniel Radcliffe in the Ministry of Magic, or see Tom Felton walking around Diagon Alley. (However, I'm really hoping they're cast as some of the professors. Just imagine Emma as Professor McGonagall!)

Is Harry Potter on Netflix or Amazon Prime?

Warner Bros.

The Harry Potter series is currently available to stream on Max and Peacock. However, you can also rent the movies on Amazon Prime!

Are you excited for the new Harry Potter TV show? Let us know in the comments and check out our Harry Potter page for the latest updates on the film stars + this new Harry Potter TV show.

This post has been updated.

In between planning what to even do for Halloween this year, perfecting your signature witches' brew and transforming your Netflix queue into a Halloween movie must-watch list, Halloween is a fun and potentially time-consuming holiday. We get it. Sometimes life just gets in the way and those elaborately awesome costume plans fall by the wayside. But have no fear! These last-minute Halloween costumes are perfect for all you procrastinators out there.

Eleven from "Stranger Things"

Brit + Co

All you need for this easy costume is a pink dress and denim jacket. And you definitely don't have to shave your head ;). (via Brit + Co)


Brit + Co

Whether you're going for a Sabrina Carpenter x Olivia Rodrigo mashup, or you're living your early 2000s rockstar dreams, dark eyeshadow and a choker will take you a long way. (via Brit + Co)

Rory Gilmore

Brit + Co

All you really need for this epic costume is a plaid skirt, button down, and ballet flats, but if you want to add a coffee mug, we wouldn't stop you. (via Brit + Co)

Princess Leia Costume

Brit + Co

All you need is an all-white outfit and the best. Buns. EVER. (via Brit + Co)

Fanta Girls Costume

Brit + Co

Totally fashionable on-the-fly. Get your pod in on the white go-go boots trend. (via Brit + Co)

Kim Possible

Image via B+C

With cowboy copper at the forefront of this year's hair trends, theres no doubt they'll be plenty of redheads running around this Halloween. So, take the opportunity to be your fave animated 2000s spy/ high school cheerleader! (via Brit + Co)

The Bear


All you need is a blue apron and a white button down to cook up this TV inspired Halloween look for The Bear! You'll be screaming "behind!" and "yes, chef!" all night long.

Pink Jumpsuit Barbie

Warner Bros. Pictures

Want to channel Barbie this year, but out of time to piece together the signature looks? All you need for the easiest last-minute Halloween costume ever is a pink jumpsuit and a pair of colorful glasses to complete this easy peasy, yet trendy look.


DIY Pirate Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Brit + Co

This simple pirate ensemble is arr-guably easy to recreate and fun for Halloween-themed Zoom calls. Throw it on and shake that pirate booty! (via Brit + Co)

Drea From "Do Revenge"

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

Drea rocks all kind of 90s-inspired ice tones and silhouettes that bring old school and modern style together. Pair ice blue pieces or go with a faux fur pink sweater for a super easy Do Revenge costume.

Roaring ’20s Costume

Brit + Co

The ’20s are back, and so is our favorite hair hack: the faux bob! A headband and some fringed and fabulous wardrobe items are all you need for this party-ready, stylish look. (via Brit + Co)

Kimmy Schmidt

Brit + Co

Cardigan? Check. Neons? Check. Spunky attitude? Check. This is one easy last-minute Halloween costume! (via Brit + Co)

Step Brothers Costume

Brit + Co

When you REALLY get into character, costumes actually kinda come second. Bust out your best Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly impressions with your bestie bro or sis. (via Brit + Co)

Olivia Rodrigo

Brit + Co

All you need for this costume is a soft tank, a plaid skirt, and stickers. Halloween just got angsty. (via Brit + Co)

Dancing Girls Emoji Costume

Apple/Brit + Co

It’s never a bad time to rep your bestie status, right? Of course, you and your fellow blonde BFF could just be those foxy dancing girls. (via Brit + Co)

Princess Emoji Time Costume

Apple/Brit + Co

Who wouldn't mind wearing a crown all night? The hardest part of the costume is keeping a straight face. (via Brit + Co)


The Emoji Ghost Costume

Apple/Brit + Co

Ahh, the pirate ghost emoji — one of our all-time favorites. The tongue is just too absurd. (via Brit + Co)

Nancy Wheeler from "Stranger Things"

Brit + Co

Nancy has a ton of super cute outfits from throughout the four seasons of the show, but this 'fit inspired by the first few episodes is undeniably simple. (via Brit + Co)

Rosie the Riveter Costume

Brit + Co

All you need is that chambray shirt, a red bandana, and our easy 10-minute hair tutorialto rock Rosie right. (via Brit + Co)


Brit + Co

This is just one of many of our maternity costume ideas for dressing up your bump this Halloween. It can even work if you aren't expecting. (via Brit + Co)

Robber Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Brit + Co

Grab a few of your fall wardrobe staples, throw on a masquerade mask, and voila! Instant badass robber status is achieved thanks to this last-minute Halloween costume. (via Brit + Co)

Halloween Mask DIY Costume

Brit + Co

Do you have an awesome new outfit that you'd rather wear instead of a costume? Keep it memorable and minimal with any of these Halloween mask DIYs. (via Brit + Co)

The Mystery Dress Costume

Brit + Co

This dress debate definitely caused a stir. Grab your bestie and keep the confusion alive all night long. (via Brit + Co)

Eleanor from "Do Revenge"

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

Eleanor wears lots of 70s bold colors and prints, which makes for an easy last-minute Halloween costume if you already have that vibe in your closet.

Cactus Costume

Brit + Co

Believe it or not, this costume only calls for four materials. It’s a great choice for the procrastinator that wants to look just as fun as everyone else. (via Brit + Co)

Carmen Sandiego Costume

Brit + Co

Don’t put your summer maxis away just yet — you’re going to need one to channel your favorite mystery gal from the ’90s. (via Brit + Co)

Takeout Night Costume

Brit + Co

A T-shirt that doubles as a costume? This is every lazy girl’s dream! (via Brit + Co)

Holly Golightly (Night) Costume

Brit + Co

Chances are, you already have a couple of LBDs hanging in your closet. Add a few accessories and you’re all set. (via Brit + Co)


Flapper Costume

Brit + Co

Put your slinky date night dress to some good use and whip up this quick DIY. A party at Gatsby’s awaits! (via Brit + Co)

Barb Holland from "Stranger Things"

Brit + Co

Grab a button down and jeans for this last-minute Halloween costume and you're ready to take on the demogorgon. (via Brit + Co)

A Halloween Hangover Costume

Brit + Co

Beat your actual hangover with this T-shirt/costume. Sunglasses and a large bottle of Gatorade are also musts. (via Brit + Co)

Taylor Swift

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

A faux fur coat is always a good idea to have in your closet (it's our winter wedding staple) and pair with a blue dress to get this iconic Taylor Swift look from her Midnights era.

Taylor Swift and Her Squad Pod

Brit + Co

Speaking of Taylor, try your hand at this friend group costume! Add Blake Lively and Taylor's mom Andrea to bring it into 2024. (via Brit + Co)

Wednesday Addams Costume

Brit + Co

Everyone should dress as Wednesday Addams for Halloween at least once. And the little black dress that you already own is begging you to go for it this year. (via Brit + Co)

Wet Hot American Summer Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Brit + Co

You were psyched to see the reboot on Netflix, and now it’s time to pay tribute with a costume. The only problem is deciding which character to dress up as. (via Brit + Co)

French Girl Costume

Brit + Co

You probably have most of these pieces in your closet, so why not put them to work? (via Brit + Co)

Chuckie Costume

Brit + Co

The Rugrats gang were always #squadgoals, and come Halloween, Chuckie has the chillest outfit. The best part of this idea is that everyone can do this one. (via Brit + Co)

Ninja Costume

Brit + Co

Everyone owns at least one black, form-fitting outfit with lace-up details and ribbon. Worst case, a trip to the department store ought to fill any gaps in your wardrobe. (via Brit + Co)

Miss Frizzle Costume

Brit + Co

Do you have a busted red wig? A dress? Some time to draw science lab items? Good, you have a last-minute Halloween costume. (via Brit + Co)

The Princess Diaries

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

With Mia, Lily, and the rest of the crew, this costume will win Halloween! Go as Mia in her uniform or go all out with a ballgown.

Witch Costume

Brit + Co

With a simple makeup product you can look like an authentic witch — warts and all — and you can't beat the convenience of a pharmacy-bought costume. (via Brit + Co)


More Amazing Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas You'll Love!

Florence Pugh

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

Grab a super cute purple lounge set that you'll want to wear even after Halloween is over. This is one iconic pop culture Halloween costume that is both comfortable and recognizable — especially if you have an aperol spritz.

Broad City Costume

Brit + Co

Pulling looks from your fave TV shows will never go out of style, especially when they’re iconic and hilarious. (via Brit + Co)

Manicured Lawn Last-Minute Halloween Costume

[pinterest_embed expand=1 site_id=19876466]

We're always here for a good pun, and you should be too. Quick! Grab the turf and faux flowers on your way to get your nails done.

“Girl With the Pearl Earring” Costume

The House That Lars Built/Vermeer

Infuse a bit of culture into your Halloween this year by channeling one of Vermeer's most famous paintings. This is an impressive look-alike costume, and it can be done with just a few simple items. (via The House That Lars Built)

Life & Lemons Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costume

Club Crafted

Just make sure there are enough lemons left for your gin & tonic. (via Club Crafted)

Mama and Baby Bird Costume

Lovely Indeed

Need a cute mommy + me last-minute costume idea? These birds of a feather are definitely looking adorable together. (via Lovely Indeed)

Bunny Ears Costume

Say Yes

Don’t want to mess with all of the Halloween makeup this year? Wear these bunny ears instead. It’s a perfect costume for work and is a cinch to remove at the end of the day/night. (via Say Yes)

Googly Eyes Costume

Studio DIY

If you are looking for something big and dramatic for Halloween photo time, these googly eye balloons would make for some great home decor and a costume photo prop! (via Studio DIY)

Lacey Mouse Costume

Honestly WTF

This edgy spin on a childhood favorite is totally work-safe and a great choice for dressing up on the go. (via Honestly WTF)

Cuckoo Clock Costume

The Merrythought

Get a little creepy and kooky with this fabulous DIY. And don’t forget the bird up top. (via The Merrythought)

Sally Sells Seashells by the Seashore Costume

The House That Lars Built

This tongue-tying costume is guaranteed to have friends giggling all night. Good luck telling everyone your costume name 10 times fast. (via The House Lars Built)

Georgia O’Keeffe Last-Minute Halloween Costume

The House That Lars Built

Learn how to recreate the oversized poppy, gray hair, and everything else in this gorgeous step-by-step tutorial. (via The House Lars Built)

Lars & the Real Girl Costume

Sugar & Cloth

This hilarious costume calls for items that you probably already own. To really get into character, make sure you act super stiff all night. (via Sugar & Cloth)

Pop Tart Last-Minute Halloween Costume Idea

Paper & Stitch

Pay tribute to your favorite breakfast pastry with this easy-to-create Pop Tart ensemble. (via Paper & Stitch)

#Basic Coffee Mug Costume

A Kailo Chic Life

Next to the PSL Starbucks cups, the pink lid travel mug is as trendy as it comes. (via A Kailo Chic Life)

Lisa Frank Puppy Costume

Studio DIY

When you have the day to get your costume together, some paint is all you need to give a romper a colorful update. (via Studio DIY)

Holly Golightly (Day) Costume

PMQ for two

Handing out candy with your cat, while sitting by the door in a large white shirt, is kind of the definition of #goals. Don’t forget the sleep mask! (via PMQ for two)

Raining Men Costume

Studio DIY

Finally, your giant stack of Tiger Beat, tabloid, and Cosmo magazines will come in handy. Remember, everyone owns an umbrella and rain boots. (via Studio DIY)

Mr. and Mrs. Fox Costume

A Beautiful Mess

Wes Anderson made us fall in love with this Roald Dahl classic all over again. If you don't have time to fashion an entire foxy ensemble, a simple mask or two should do the trick for an easy last-minute Halloween costume. (via A Beautiful Mess)

Frosé Slushie Cute Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Club Crafted

Do you have a pink dress and access to a clear trash bag? Perfection. (via Club Crafted)

For more Halloween inspo and last minute Halloween costumes, follow us on Pinterest or join our newsletter for weekly updates.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated from a previous post.