The Most Important Reasons to Schedule Time for Yourself in 2018

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For many of us, 2017 was a doozy, but we here at Brit + Co are ready to hit refresh in 2018! Follow our Hit Refresh series through January for new ideas, hacks, and skills that will help you achieve (and maintain!) those New Year’s resolutions.

Staying dedicated to your professional goals is admirable, but it’s important to take time to recharge too. In fact, studies show that making time for R+R can help you stay healthy, be more mindful, and even boost your productivity when you head back to work. Curious about how successful women see and use their downtime in an age where burnout runs rampant, we surveyed eight women who have already scheduled time off in 2018. Scroll on for the six ways they plan to use their break from business — plus what they believe they’ll get out of spending time away.

Make the Most of a Life Milestone

Maggie Germano is a certified financial education instructor and financial coach for women. She spends her time helping provide support and tools to help ladies take control of their money, break the taboo of discussing debt and income, and achieve their goals and dreams. A business owner who started her company as a side hustle, Germano is busy — and now she’s planning a wedding too! Needless to say, taking time off in the upcoming year will be vital.

“I started my business in early 2016, and I have finally quit my day job,” Germano shares. “I’ll be a full-time business owner starting in January 2018. Though I plan to ramp up my business in 2018, I also think it’s incredibly important to take time off; I don’t believe that anything is sustainable if you don’t make time to rest and recharge, no matter how much you love it. I’m also getting married in November and plan to take a three-week honeymoon. I won’t do any work during that time, as I know I’ll be working very hard on my business (and wedding) all year, and a long honeymoon will be a much-needed reward.” She tells us that her time off will be a success if she can recuperate from the wedding and business planning and recharge for 2019 and everything it might bring.

Beat Burnout and Work Smarter

“In July, I announced my exit from the online copywriting scene,” Margaret Olatunbosun tells us. “I was working over 12 hours a day (in addition to being a part-time registered nurse) and was completely burnt out.” A budding entrepreneur, Olatunbosun says that taking time off comes with two objectives that’ll help her succeed over the long haul. “First, I’m planning for monthly staycations in hotels to reflect on my journey as an entrepreneur; as an introvert, this really appeals to me. Second, I want to use the time to redefine what it means for me to be a creative entrepreneur so I can work with fewer clients.”

Saloni Doshi from EcoEnclose chimes in that working smarter, not harder, is a great way to preserve energy while getting tons done: “Most days I’m at work from sunup to sundown, and I absolutely love every second of it, but I’m an all-around better human being and much better boss when I’ve had some time to do things I enjoy and take a break from the busyness of running a business.” Doshi explains that in the coming year, she’s decided to be preemptive about taking breaks, scheduling them to prevent ever becoming exhausted in the first place. “I hope these scheduled staycations will keep me feeling fresh and inspired to be the best business-owner, boss, and mom I can be,” she confides.

Find New Inspiration

Sevensmith is a cool company that sells ethically made home decor products from artisans around the world, and founder Liat Tzoubari tells us that she’s inspired during her R+R, especially when vacationing to places that surface new ideas. “I’ve been working overtime since the beginning of September to ensure that we were ready for the holiday season, which has been extremely busy! But I’ll be going to southern Mexico in January for two weeks to soak up some sun and lay by the beach. Knowing this is ahead of me has helped me get through this tough and stressful time; I’m most looking forward to spending quality time with my husband, reading a few good books, and being able to take a step back from my business.” Tzoubari shares an added benefit to getting away: “I find that clearing my head helps me think of new ideas and different angles for my business, which is hard to do when you are knee-deep in operations on a day-to-day basis.” We couldn’t agree more.

Make Planned Time for Play

It’s easy to fall into a routine of work, work, work, but business consultant and coach Miara Shaw asserts that scheduling leisure time is a key component to her success. “Being a coach (and someone who is always developing other people and their businesses), I intentionally take each Monday off, in addition to the month of December.” Shaw says that she uses her time wisely, simply catching her breath and doing the things she enjoys most. “I love reading a book, sleeping late, catching up with friends, and relaxing,” she spills. “I must refill myself, as my business requires me to pour into others frequently.”

Break Free from a Regular Routine

“Ever since I was a child, I’ve associated ‘vacation’ with ‘travel,’” explains Monica Eaton-Cardone, the co-founder and COO of Chargebacks911. “Operating a global company with corporate offices in both the US and the UK, however, I already travel more than I’d like. To be honest, the idea of a vacation wasn’t all that appealing.” On the other hand, Eaton-Cardone admits that she needs a breather from time to time and that the magic in taking one comes simply from breaking up her routine. “I need to be exposed to new ideas and gain a fresh perspective,” she admits. “I live within a short drive of some amazing history and scenery, so I’ve started planning a few long-weekend getaways over the next few months. I look forward to being able to ‘shut down’ in small doses.”

Spend QT With Loved Ones

Tiffany Dyba, a career coach, says planning a 2018 trip with her husband is an awesome reward for the hard work she’s put in as a new business owner. “This trip could not come at a better time, as I am feeling the ‘new entrepreneur lonely syndrome’ and he’s been busy working in retail. We haven’t had a real vacation or chance to connect like we normally do in a long time,” she confesses. “My goal for this trip to Iceland is to live in the moment and be present.”

Kristin Groos Richmond, the CEO and co-founder of Revolution Foods, agrees. “I’ve always thought that taking a vacation is critical, given the intense nature of building a company. Vacation offers a chance to focus on family, personal time, and passions in a dedicated way that lets me come back to work feeling more effective and fulfilled in my career journey. My personal family trip this year will be for two weeks to Kenya, where I lived and worked in 2001/2002. I’m very much looking forward to sharing a magical place and incredible people and culture with my husband Steve and sons Watts and Caleb.”

Are you planning some R+R for 2018? Tell us what you hope it’ll do for your energy, creativity and health on Twitter @BritandCo.

(Photos via Getty)

It might seem like more and more companies are prioritizing work-life balance nowadays, but that doesn't mean employees aren't still consumed by their responsibilities. For some, climbing the corporate ladder and furthering their career is proving to be increasingly demanding amidst the competitive job market; meanwhile, others are worried about the tumultuous economy, and working longer hours helps them feel more financially stable.

While these concerns are all understandable, it's unhealthy to let work creep into every corner of your existence. Here are eight telltale signs that your job is taking over your life.

Scroll to find out the obvious signs your job is taking over your life.

1. You Obsessively Check Your Work Email

Sora Shimazaki

Certain people struggle with social media addiction, scrolling for hours on apps like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Yet, you may find yourself glued to Gmail or Outlook.

Do you constantly refresh your work email to make sure you haven't missed anything? Do you check your email as soon as you wake up in the morning and right before your head hits the pillow at night?

If so, your job is dominating your thoughts, and these obsessive tendencies can lead you to suffer stress and anxiety. Now, you don't have to entirely "unplug," but make sure you're giving yourself space to relax, decompress, and worry about other things that aren't work-related.

2. You Work During Weekends Or Vacations

Yan Krukau

Weekends (and vacation time) are common practice for a reason. It's unrealistic to expect anyone to continuously work without a break, and working when you're supposed to be resting can seriously erode your motivation and mental health over time.

Sure, catching up on emails or completing a project with an impending deadline can be fine on weekends from time to time. However, most Saturdays and Sundays should be reserved for "you time," and working when you're supposed to be on vacation is flat-out unacceptable.

3. Your Relationship With Your Significant Other Is Struggling

Alex Green

When a job starts to take over your life, relationships can really take a hit, especially the one you share with your significant other.

Your partner may grow frustrated if literally all you do is talk about your workday or stress about the outstanding items on your to-do list. Plus, if you're frequently working long hours or are just mentally consumed by your responsibilities, you and your partner won't get to spend enough uninterrupted quality time together.

Sacrificing personal free time is one thing, but if you realize that your romantic relationship is suffering due to the demands of your job, it may be time to reassess your situation. After all, your partner (and you) deserve more.

4. Every Goal You Have Is Career-Related

The Drink

Being career-driven is often viewed as a very valuable and commendable personality trait, yet being too goal-oriented can spiral out of control. This is particularly true if all of your aspirations center solely around your career. This tunnel vision may help you climb the corporate ladder faster, but you're doing your inner self a disservice.

Aside from promotions and salary increases, what other life goals do you have? You might've once dreamed of owning a home, starting a family, traveling more, or delving into a hobby. If these goals have been entirely pushed to the wayside in favor of focusing on just your career, your job is consuming your life.

5. You've Lost Your "Spark"

Andrea Piacquadio

Remember when you were in high school or even college, with wide eyes and big plans for your future? Unfortunately, adulthood has a way of grounding our expectations. Even so, no one turns into a corporate zombie overnight. After landing your job, you might've been over the moon and actually excited about your new position.

Nowadays, do you see that same person in the mirror? Or do you find yourself feeling agitated, unenthused, and trudging through your day-to-day? This is a red flag that you've lost your "spark," the personality that makes you, well, you.

6. Your Home Is A Mess

Vlada Karpovich

Some people out there are simply messy by nature. Regardless, that doesn't mean their homes are always complete disasters. With dozens of meetings and an endless amount of tasks on your to-do list each week, it can be hard to keep up with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and mopping.

It's obviously okay for houses to be "lived in" and not spotless all the time. Still, neglecting maintenance and cleaning of your home is a major sign that your job is taking up way too much of your time. You deserve to dwell in a space that feels clean and cozy, especially if that's what you desire.

7. You Frequently Have To Cancel Plans

Ivan Samkov

Think back to the last time you actually got to grab drinks with your best friend or enjoy dinner with your parents. Have you become known as "flakey?" Having to cancel plans all the time due to your job isn't just unfair to your loved ones; it's not good for your mental health.

While it's great to have solid or even family-like relationships with your coworkers, they shouldn't be who you see every waking hour of the day. Everyone needs relationships outside of work, and by constantly canceling on your loved ones, you're just isolating yourself and letting your job take over your personal life.

8. You Suffer From The "Sunday Scaries"

Antoni Shkraba

Finally, no one really likes Mondays. But that doesn't mean your Sundays should be filled with anxiety over them. Think about it: you only get two days off each week. If you constantly get the "Sunday Scaries," half of your weekend has been wasted on work stress.

Getting out of the house, disconnecting from your devices, and even meditation can be helpful in curbing this common problem. Nevertheless, if none of that works, it's usually a red flag that your job is impeding your life and negatively impacting your mental health.

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Do you love dogs yet dread the constant cleaning that comes with shedding? Countless people can relate.

But while every dog owner knows a little fur is inevitable, certain breeds are known for being lower-shedding.

Whether you suffer from allergies or just want to reduce the time you spend cleaning up hair around your living space, here are 12 low-shedding dog breeds that'll make great additions to your household (without the mess).

Scroll to find out the best low-shedding dog breeds!

1. Poodles

Goochie Poochie Grooming

Poodles are known for their hypoallergenic coats, so they shed very little and are ideal for anyone seeking a low-shedding pet.

This breed also comes in three sizes, the Standard, Miniature, and Toy, and is easy to train due to its high intelligence. Just keep in mind that, regardless of their size, all Poodles require regular grooming to keep their curly coats free from mats and tangles.

2. Bichon Frise

RDNE Stock project

Just like the Poodle, the Bichon Frise is another breed that features a hypoallergenic coat. These dogs are tiny, cheerful, and popular due to their friendly nature.

Plus, they're known for being very smart and trainable, making them great family pets that keep clean up around the house to a minimum.

3. Labradoodle

ten Brinke photography

Originally bred as a hypoallergenic service dog, the Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle.

These dogs inherited low-shedding coats, thanks to Poodle parents, and are favored for their friendly and affectionate nature. They thrive when given plenty of exercise and early socialization.

4. Maltese

Katya Wolf

Malteses are adorably tiny and cuddly hypoallergenic dogs prized for their silky white coats. They make playful and loving companions, but owners have to stay on top of their grooming routine.

If you prefer that your Maltese has a longer coat, regular maintenance is important to prevent any mats. Otherwise, keeping a shorter "puppy" cut can make grooming much easier.

5. Yorkshire Terrier


Affectionately referred to as "Yorkies," Yorkshire Terriers are little hypoallergenic dogs with big personalities. They crave attention and are very loyal to their owners.

These pups also shed minimally and can adapt well to a range of households, from cozy apartments to spacious homes.

6. Schnauzers

Sebastian Coman Travel

You may not know that there are three Schnauzer breeds, including the Miniature Schnauzer, the Standard Schnauzer, and the Giant Schnauzer. Despite their size differences, all three are low-shedding.

Miniature Schnauzers are revered for their intelligence and typically weigh between 10 and 20 pounds. Standard Schnauzers, on the other hand, are also known for their smarts and enjoy long walks and mental stimulation. They just can weigh as much as 45 pounds.

Giant Schnauzers can reach up to 85 pounds and are some of the largest hypoallergenic dogs. To keep these pups happy, give them a lot of playtime and exercise.

7. Havanese

Paul Groom Photography Bristol

The Havanese is a little, playful breed that's popular for its charming personality and silky coat that doesn't shed much.

These furry friends adore human interaction, making them devoted companions, and are considered low-shedding. All they need is some regular grooming to keep their coat smooth and tangle-free.

8. Italian Greyhound

Alina Skazka

Italian Greyhounds are sleek and elegant, featuring short, smooth coats that barely shed. Contrary to what their graceful appearance might suggest, these dogs are also very playful, affectionate, and sensitive.

If you're searching for a sophisticated yet loving dog that doesn't require a lot of cleanup, this breed may be your perfect match.

9. Portuguese Water Dog

Julissa Helmuth

Portuguese Water Dogs were first bred to work alongside fishermen. Today, they're regaled for their energy and athleticism, making them a great option for active families.

These dogs also have hypoallergenic fur and don't shed much. If you're an outdoor enthusiast who wants to maintain a fur-free home, the Portuguese Water Dog might be the pet for you.

10. Basenji

Elina Volkova

This unique, cat-like breed is famous for its barkless nature. It actually makes a distinctive "yodel" sound!

Basenjis are very intelligent, playful, and sometimes mischievous, with a high prey drive. Additionally, they don't shed a lot, have minimal grooming requirements, and are often free from usual canine odors.

11. Shih Tzu

Edyttka Stawiarska

The Shih Tzu was initially bred as a companion pet in China and has remained a famous lap dog to this day. They love human company and usually stick to their owners' sides.

But while they're low-shedding, these dogs will still grow a long, luxurious coat that requires regular grooming. Otherwise, you can keep it trimmed shorter for easier maintenance.

12. Brussels Griffon

Mladen Šćekić

Lastly, the Brussels Griffon is a small breed with a rough coat that's non-shedding and simple to groom. That's why these dogs are stellar choices for anyone seeking a low-maintenance pet.

In terms of temperament, Brussels Griffons are smart, affectionate, sensitive, and quite cuddly.

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The world today is more fast-paced than ever, so it can be easy to push ourselves to the limit and neglect our well-being in favor of completing responsibilities and remaining productive. Nonetheless, there comes a point when our minds and bodies start to send us clear signals that we need a break. But contrary to what some may believe, taking a mental health day is not a sign of weakness.

It's understandable why people might feel guilty about taking personal time off from work to focus on self-care or simply relax and relieve stress. Even so, this growing practice is vital for preserving balance and preventing burnout in both our personal and professional lives. So, in case you need a reminder, it's okay to put yourself first and take a mental health day — these are 10 signs that you may need to ask for one.

Scroll to find the 10 clear signs you need to take a mental health day!

1. You're Anxious About Going To The Office

Tima Miroshnichenko

If you find yourself waking up in the morning with a pit in your stomach and wishing you could avoid the day ahead, it's a sign that your mind is overwhelmed. Feeling anxious or dreading going to work can be normal from time to time, but if it's a consistent pattern, these emotions may be a result of burnout or mounting stress. It's essential to listen to your body, as pushing through and going to work anyway could lead to further exhaustion and even more anxiety.

2. You Feel Burnt Out

Burnout has the ability to creep up on us gradually. When stress is unmanaged, or breaks are neglected, these feelings can build up over time and cause us to feel deeply exhausted. People suffering from burnout can experience a multitude of symptoms, from lower energy levels and mental fogginess to physical and emotional depletion.

3. You're Having Trouble Focusing

When we're stressed, our minds can become clouded, and concentrating at work becomes an impossible task. Even the simplest responsibilities may take more mental effort than ever before, and in the wake of this overwhelming feeling, the likelihood that we'll make mistakes increases.

Not to mention, the effects of stress extend beyond just focus and can also interfere with memory and the ability to retain new information. You may suddenly realize you're struggling to learn new skills or recall important details.

4. You're Constantly Getting Sick

Liza Summer

Chronic stress can seriously affect your physical health as well, and if you're frequently getting sick, you may need to take a day off. Research has shown that stress triggers an increase in suppressor T cells and catecholamine levels, both of which suppress the immune system. So, you're left more vulnerable to illnesses.

A mental health break from work can help you lower stress and, in turn, boost your immune system's ability to fight off things like colds or viruses.

5. You're Getting Agitated Easily

After exhaustion and stress take over, it can be tough to keep our emotions in check. So, even tiny annoyances might trigger agitation or anger.

If you've begun snapping at coworkers or losing your temper over things that wouldn't normally bother you, it's a sign that your mental health is suffering. Taking a personal day will be good for both your well-being and the maintenance of your professional relationships.

6. It's Difficult To Sleep

Andrea Piacquadio

Whether you're frustrated, anxious, or stressed, all of these emotions can make it tough to sleep at night. And if you're tossing and turning, not getting enough rest to sustain you throughout the workday, stress levels will continue to rise.

This pattern can spiral into a vicious cycle: the more sleep you lose, the harder it becomes to think clearly, leading to more stress and even more lost shut-eye. Sometimes, taking a mental health day to catch up on some much-needed sleep can break the cycle.

7. Your Eating Habits Have Changed

Much like sleep, stress can also have a significant impact on our eating habits as well. Some people may lose their appetite and skip meals due to anxiety, while others turn to food for comfort.

Both of these coping mechanisms are unhealthy and signal that your mental health is struggling. If you realize that you've been binging or avoiding food in response to work-related pressure, it's time to take a break.

8. Your Work Performance Has Dipped

Mikhail Nilov

Next, a decline in your work quality, from missed deadlines to challenges staying organized, may suggest your stress levels have reached a point where they're affecting your job performance.

If we're overwhelmed and our mental capacity becomes overloaded, it's tougher to prioritize tasks effectively and operate with a clear head.

9. You Feel Disconnected From Those Around You

Ketut Subiyanto

Another telltale indicator is feeling disconnected from coworkers, friends, and family. You might feel misunderstood or as if you're on a different page than everyone else. Plus, as stress continues mounting, you may feel isolated and alone, even when surrounded by people. Taking a break from your routine and reconnecting with loved ones in your personal life can help you reset and ground your mental health.

10. You're Bringing Your Work Home

Last but not least, does it seem like work is constantly following you home? Perhaps you're always thinking about tasks, worrying about emails, or mentally replaying conversations from the office in your head.

Being unable to disconnect from work after hours is dangerous, as it impedes your work-life balance and doesn't give you a chance to properly rest and recharge. Additionally, blurring the line between work and home life can strain your personal relationships since you're less present with loved ones. A mental health day will allow you to step away, clear your mind, and restore a necessary boundary.

Looking for more mental health advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!

As much as we'd love to hear that BridgertonSeason 4 is releasing earlier than next year, we'll have to settle for as many teasers and first looks as we can get for now! Fans already know Yerin Ha will be stepping into Sophie Baek's shoes alongside Luke Thompson as Benedict, but Netflix finally released something that'll keep us satiated for a while. We can't promise much else — except these two are clearly going to make our hearts race when they're finally on-screen.

Here's the official Bridgerton Season 4 first look with Sophie & Benedict!

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Benedict's always been one of the lighthearted Bridgerton siblings, but Season 3 showed up just how, uh, free he can be. While he and Eloise did discuss their mutual feelings of wanting to explore life, it seems our loving bachelor is set on finding love in unexpected places.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Benedict may not have fallen in love with Tilley, but it appears he's head over heels for Sophie and we think it's adorable. But, there's one glaring problem: Sophie's a maid who has plenty of secrets.

Never before have any of the Bridgerton children gotten romantically involved with someone who's in another social class, so this already sounds scandalous.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Ah, but what will the watchful Queen Charlotte think? Remember, she was certain she was going to expose and punish Lady Whistledown before Penelope's moving speech got her to change her mind. We can only guess how she'll feel about the Bridgertons once she learns of Benedict and Sophie's forbidden romance.

In the meantime, we're already dreaming up as much as we can about this exciting season with these pictures! Oh, and did we mention there's a video too?!

Watch The 'Bridgerton' Season 4 Sneak Peak Here!

- YouTube

Seriously...season 4 can't come fast enough!!!

We can't wait to see how Benedict and Sophie's love shakes up the Ton in Season 4. We're sure Queen Charlotte and Lady Danbury will have much to discuss!

Lately, we don't have to look far for doomsday news or potential policies that make us feel like a dystopian future will soon be our reality. Although we like to joke about it, we've seen pop culture seemingly predict our current societal and political landscape via everything from episodes of the The Simpsons to the books we've read over the years, wondering how these fictitious communities could experience horrible environments at the hands of others' decisions.

Since art is often bred from very real feelings about history's patterns, we think it's time to open a few relatable books. In our eyes, unprecedented times call for reading thought-provoking work that may seem bleak, but offers hope set in motion by one person's courage in the face of oppression and fear. These are the best dystopian books you should read in 2025.

Here are 15 dystopian books to read if you're tired of doom scrolling on social media.


Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Guy Montag's job as a fireman isn't like what you or I are used to. Instead of saving the lives of those affected by fires, he and his co-workers set them because it's a crime to have books in one's home. He does his job well and comes home to the passionless marriage he has with his wife Mildred, running on a mindless loop. It isn't until he meets a teenager named Clarisse that he begins seeing the world through her eyes and it makes him uncomfortable.

Underneath that discomfort is the knowledge that he's been keeping a secret all along and will have to decide which side of history he wants to be on.


The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Even if you've never read the book or watched the hit TV series, chances are you've heard about The Handmaid's Tale. It's ruffled feathers to the point it's made it to the banned books list, but author Margaret Atwood's message is loud and clear: women's reproductive rights could become weaponized.
She begins her tale in the aftermath of a second Civil War that's dismantled "normal" America. As such, the Republic of Gilead has been set in place that's meant to remind men and women how things used to be. With men holding positions of power and fertile women being enslaved to help regrow the population comes a sordid tale of oppression and abuse.
However, one maid's memories and desire to break free from her horrible role encourages her to stage one of the biggest coups.


The Power by Naomi Alderman

The Power places decisions in the hands of young girls who aren't typically afforded it. Readers will meet several characters like a wealthy Nigerian boy and a tough-as-nails girl, but what's shocking is what happens when something ignites teenaged girls with something powerful. If they choose, these girls can cause great harm to others or even end their lives.
It's a far cry from the idea that young girls are weak and powerless in a world that seeks to tame them.


Chain-Gain All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

Loretta Thurwar and Hamara "Hurricane Staxxx" are a part of Criminal Actional Penal Entertainment, aka CAPE, as prisoners. They've worked their way up the hierarchy of the Chain-Gain All-Stars and are the reigning champs as they fight until the death to earn freedom.

However, there's a catch: one of them will be heavily discouraged from leaving with every hardship they face. It seems greed has no bounds and will make sure to keep viewers invested.


American War by Omar El Akkad

Sarat Chestnut was a little girl when the another Civil War occurred in the year 2074, but she was aware enough to understand the criminalization of oil. Also, she's watched half of Louisiana succumb to being under sea level. Once her father loses his life and her family's driven to Camp Patience, she surrenders to a new normal. However, there's a false underbelly of the Camp and it works its magic on Sarat.
Before long, she's become a weapon for a war that'll change the lives of everyone.


Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

What happens when to a world without animal meat? In Tender Is the Flesh, readers will face the horror of this staunch reality.
For main character Marcos, life has dealt him a set of terrible cards. He's separated from his wife and watching his father's health deplete quicker than he can blink his eyes. There's also the sickening fact that he's a part of the "Transition" that helps process specialized human meat.
Then one day it happens: he meets a woman who's supposed to be packaged for consumption and it shatters his usual resolve. The more he interacts with her, the more he wants to find a way to turn away from this horrific government project.


Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

15-year-old Tally has been waiting to turn 16 for a long time because she's finally going to become gorgeous. Thanks to life-altering surgery, she gets to stop being looked over and will join a society where she doesn't have to work hard. But her friend Shay isn't so sure about this idyllic world and decides to escape it.
However, those in charge aren't a fan of this runaway situation and put Tally in a complicated position that'll alter her future.


The Last Murder at the End of the Worldby Stuart Turton

The former world? Utterly destroyed.The island? A perfect paradise that's home to 125 people who have learned to peacefully coexist. They don't question their right to live off the land nor the curfew that's been set in place. The crack in their perfect situation doesn't come until they find out a popular scientist's been murdered.
This death triggers a breakdown in the security that was keeping them safe from the atmosphere that killed others once before and they don't have long to fix it. However, their memories have been erased and they're not sure who caused these scary chain of events.


The Ferryman by Justin Cronin

The Ferryman describes what happens when another "perfect" paradise seems like it's everything but that.
On Prospera, only the privileged are allowed to enjoy glorious living. Though they enjoy the finer things in life, the staff who makes sure they're comfortable aren't granted the same opportunities. Truthfully, they're waiting for the right time to rebel against their conditions because they know the spoiled citizens of Prospera will be granted multiple chances at life.
For Proctor Bennett, his job as a ferryman is to make sure people are able to "retire" when it's time. It's a job he does without fail until a lone message makes him question the validity of the islands.


Divergent by Veronica Roth

Beatrice Prior lives in a society that's divided into the Candon (honest), Abnegation (selfless), Dauntless (brave), Amity (peaceful), and Erudite (intelligent) factions. This helps keep society running according to the government's plans, but Beatrice is torn between remaining with the Abnegation or joining a new faction.
When she makes her choice, it sends ripples among those who know her and then there's Tris. He's harboring something that's sure to make him a target so she'll try to protect his secret while keeping her own interests at heart.


The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

North America's now known as Panem, and it's comprised of twelve districts that once rebelled again the Capitol. However, their defeat was costly and caused them to allow two kids per district to participate in "The Hunger Games." It's a known fact that they may die as a result, but nothing's happened to change this unimaginable law.

When Katniss Everdeen volunteers as tribute so her young sister doesn't have to compete, this sets forth a chain of events that prove her an unlikely winner and hero.


Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter

Cassie's secured a job in her ideal role in Silicon Valley, but it turns into something nightmarish. She doesn't have a work-life balance and is tasked with doing borderline illegal things. She also can see the stark difference in economic classes because her job has a front row view of many displaced members of society.
Accompanying Cassie is something dark that responds to the state of her mental health. As she grapples with pregnancy and the things her job demands of her, she'll have to ask herself if the cost of success is worth it.


The Garden by Nick Newman (February 18, 2025)

Evelyn and Lily are two sisters who've been living in a beautiful garden that no one can see behind. They don't remember what life was like prior to being near it as they've become preoccupied with making sure it flourishes. All of this changes with an unknown boy shows up in their curated world. They're not sure who he is, but his presence makes them question how they've chosen to live their lives.


Fable for the End of the World (March 4, 2025)

Caerus is fueling the nation's debt problem among those who aren't wealthy, and it affects Inesa as well as her family. She and her brother are in charge of a taxidermy shop, but their mother's selfishness puts their lives in danger when her debt reaches an astronomical level. The only solution for this is for Inesa or her brother to be entered into the Lamb's Gauntlet where they'll be killed. The merciless killer? Melinoë.
She has no remorse as she's been trained to be heartless towards her victims. But Inesa proves to be the first "Lamb" that makes her question what she's doing. Together, they'll go on a journey that changes how they see their lives and love.


Outlawed by Anna North

Ada and her husband were happy, but she failed to conceive a child in a town that views infertile women as evil. Though she wishes things could be different, she runs away before she can be hanged and joins the Hole in the Wall Gang. It's leader is known as the Kid who wants the world to stop harming women. But the Gang's got a plan that's not safe because creating a viable future is scary.

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