I Went From Loathing Running To Loving It With This Advice — Here Are My Running Tips For Beginners

running for beginners tips and advice

Growing up, I couldn’t imagine anything more torturous than the forced mile runs in P.E. class — or even worse, the dreaded PACER Test. The sweat pouring down my face, my beat-red face that everyone claimed "wasn't that bad" (It was, by the way.), my lungs begging for mercy and a gym teacher honed in on me culminated into an absolute sh*t show that made me loathe intense cardio.

How anyone could enjoy this miserable activity was a mystery to me, especially as I entered adulthood. Pop me in a spin class or sign me up for boxing and I’ll gamely grind away, but up until recently I wholeheartedly identified as a member of the “if you see me running, I’m probably being chased” crowd.

About a year ago, for a reason still unknown to me, I felt compelled to start running — and I haven't stopped since. Once you get into it (which can definitely take some time), running can become such a freeing exercise, and an outlet from all of your stressors. This love for running didn't come to me easily though, which is why I compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you get started on your running journey and become a marathoner in no time (Or just get your mile time under 10 minutes. That took me an embarrassing amount of time.).

Go For Distance, Not Speed

Photo by Gustavo Fring / PEXELS

Running a mile is no simple feat, whether you can do it in under five minutes or over fifteen. When you start running, your body needs time to develop the stamina and energy to support you on your runs. Ignore the time it takes and get as far as you can — even if it means walking for part of it.

Find Amazing Running Shoes

Photo by Gustavo Fring / PEXELS

Comfortable running shoes are key to a successful (and comfortable) run. I absolutely adore my Lululemon Chargefeel Mid Women's Workout Shoes, but they serve walking better than running, so I traded them out for Nike's Pegasus Trail 4 GORE-TEXPegasus Trail 4 GORE-TEX for a better stride. I've heard plenty of people rave about HOKA's collection of running sneakers, so give those a look, too.

Run Somewhere That's Comfortable To You

Photo by Mikhail Nilov / PEXELS

Whether it's your neighborhood or a stretch of road in the next town over, start running in areas you know. This will ease any navigational stress and allow for a more seamless experience.

Run At Whatever Time Of Day You'd Like

Photo by Kirill Lazarev / PEXELS

You don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to get a good run in. Go for a quick job on your lunch break or hit the pavement after work — whatever time is easiest for you to maintain a consistent habit.

You Don't Need To Run Everyday To Maintain The Habit

Photo by Blue Bird / PEXELS

Spoiler alert: you need to take care of your body. If your muscles are aching or your day is too packed to pencil in some time for a run, don't sweat it. Pick up the next day and give your body the R&R it needs.

Get A GOOD Sports Bra

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / PEXELS

I truly cannot stress this enough. The last thing you want is to be halfway through your run with your chest rising and falling with each step...believe me, I've been there. Whether you're a part of the IBTC (itty bitty titty comittee) or have a larger bust like myself, a supportive sports bra is imperative to your workout wardrobe. If you have a larger chest, give Knix's Catalyst Sports Bra a try for an ultra-supported fit. For small and medium chested women, I recommend Lululemon's Enlite Front-Zip Bra High Support, which comes in A–DDD(E) cup sizes.

You Don't Have To Run Alone

Photo by Liliana Drew / PEXELS

There are plenty of beginner-friendly run clubs all over the country. Use TikTok or Instagram and search your city's name with "run club," and you're bound to find a group that will make running at least a little less painful.

Remember: running isn't supposed to be easy. (How annoying, right?!) It takes time to build up your strength to run quickly and for long distances, so listen to your body and you'll be surprised by how athletic you truly are.

Find all of the best exercise tips and tricks with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Hoka.

Raise your hand if you've felt victimized by the rush to follow through on new year's resolution ideas! Now, raise your other hand if you finally feel like you're coming alive during fall! Great, we're feeling the same — and we promise it has nothing to do with our love for Halloween. Instead, the TikTok viral 'October Theory' may be the reason why it feels like we can breathe after another unprecedented year. But, is it viable or just another trend that everyone's going to forget about before the year is over (remember the lucky girl syndrome)? Also, what is it?

We chatted with psychotherapist, Kristie Tse, LMHC and traditional astrologer, Talisa Zampieri to get their hot takes about what the 'October Theory' is, whether you should pay attention to it, and how it may (or may not be) impacted by the stars.

What is the October Theory?

Vlada Karpovich

There are tons of TikTok videos that describe this theory in detail, but user @mindandbodymams describes it best. She says, "Because October is leading up to the ending of the year, people start looking at their lives and deciding what things need to be set into motion." She explains that this could look like making changes to your relationship, or starting a new job — it could even look like you starting a new hobby or letting go of a few bad habits.

Regardless, this all boils down to one thing: October is the perfect time to take a look at your goals and implement them before the end of the year.

Why is setting goals for the new year difficult for some people?

Ava Dillon

Thinking about the possibilities for the new year is so exciting, often leaving people inspired to make vision boards, write detailed resolutions, and dream big about what's to come. However, not everyone is thrilled about jumping headfirst into that energy. "Setting goals at the beginning of a new year can pose challenges for some individuals due to various psychological factors. For many, the pressure to start fresh and achieve immediate results can feel overwhelming, leading to procrastination or anxiety," explains Tse. As the clinical director and founder of Uncover Mental Health Counseling, she specializes in helping clients make empowered decisions during different seasons of their lives.

Other things like "past experiences of unmet resolutions can also create a sense of skepticism or defeatism," adds Tse. "Additionally, societal and familial expectations may cloud individual desires, causing internal conflict about what truly matters to them." According to Forbes, 62% of people feel like they have to participate in the new year's resolution trend. What's even more surprising is that over half of women "feel slightly more pressured to set a resolution" than 60% of men!

Tse surmises these very reasons ultimately makes things "feel daunting" which can hinder "goal-setting efforts." She says, "As a psychotherapist, I recognize that these barriers are deeply rooted in personal and cultural narratives, which can often dictate one's ability to set and achieve goals."

Is there a psychological reason why October feels like a fresh start?

Orione Conceição

Some people welcome fall with open arms — and subsequently the 'October Theory' — because it seems to promise a much needed reset. You're not alone if you feel this way, and Tse says there's a reason for this. "Many individuals feel that October symbolizes the beginning of their new year due to the psychological transitions associated with changing seasons. The start of autumn represents a shift from the energetic and social atmosphere of summer to a more introspective and reflective time."

Think about how excited you get to watch the leaves turn from green to rich hues of golden yellow, orange, and crimson. As they fall from their respective branches, this process can signify things that we may need to let go in order to make room for fresh things to grow. "The onset of fall can trigger an internal reset, prompting people to reassess their goals and intentions. Psychologically, this period might coincide with academic calendars or fiscal years, influencing how some structure their personal timelines," she continues.

Not only that, but Tse's seen how beneficial fall is because it can "help clients refocus and energize their commitment to personal growth and change." The more they do this, the more they start "aligning more naturally with their internal rhythms compared to the culturally enforced January start," Tse observes.

What about astrologically?

Orhan Pergel

Not only is it October right now, but it's also Libra season! So while there's plenty of psychology to support your stance on fresh starts right now, could it also be written in the stars? Intuitive tarot reader and founder of Two Wander, Talisa Zampieri thinks so. She says that Libra is a cardinal sign, and that because all cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) fall on equinoxes and solstices, they're therefore "initiators of new seasons and change."

If you're not familiar with Libras in particular, no worries! Zampieri says, "Air signs are the connectors, visionaries, and communicators of the zodiac." She says this is because Libras are ruled by Venus, a "relational planet that governs our values." So the Libras in your life — and thus Libra season in general — may be more "focused on ideals, other people, and finding alignment."

Zampieri elaborates that Libra season actually illuminates the areas in our lives — usually specific to areas of our birth chart that we have Libra placements — that need to find that balance and alignment again. She says, "The general effect of Libra season is one of trying to rebalance where the scales have been tipped too far in one direction, beautifying our life, and coming to harmony."

Starting to sound similar to October Theory? We thought so, too! Not only are we able to cosmically recognize where w we might need to shift our focus during this time, but Zampieri also highlights another shift. She says that "around October 22 we shift into Scorpio season, which is the master alchemist and transformer."

Feeling the pull towards finding change and balance? Check. Actually acting on that pull? Check. The October Theory is practically tattoed in the fabric of the stars.

How can someone embrace the 'October Theory' in real time?

Megan Ruth

Though a 'theory' can sound quite rigid and academic, this isn't something that requires you to dismantle your life and start with a completely different set of rules to live by. It's actually simpler than you think. "To embrace the 'October theory' in goal setting, start by assessing the changes you feel during this season. Use this transitional time to reflect on personal achievements, unfulfilled aspirations, and areas of growth," Tse suggests.

For example, let's say one of your goals was to stop relying on delivery services like Instacart or Uber Eats as much. We know life gets busy, causing us to backtrack on our cooking goals. But instead of kicking yourself for not being consistent with making homemade dinner recipes, you can start by asking yourself what kind of meals you want to eat. That could be all the encouragement you need to wander your grocery store aisles more successfully — and more empowered!

Tse says, "Create small, meaningful goals that resonate with your true desires, rather than what may have been imposed externally. Consider incorporating themes of autumn — like letting go and transformation — into your objectives, which can offer a symbolic motivation." She encourages you to "release habits that no longer serve you or cultivate new practices that align with the person you aim to become."

The more you shut out outside noise and check in with yourself, the more you'll be able to become clear about things you truly want.

How can different zodiac signs set goals that feel authentic during this time?

Darina Belonogova

From an astrological POV, there are things we can do to make sure our goals feel aligned to us. Zampieri says, "The ways each sign can lean into this theory in a way that feels authentic to them is by looking at which astrological house Libra (and Scorpio) fall for them in their natal chart and aligning with its themes."

For example, she points out that for Libra risings, "this this transit is occurring in their 1st house of self, which amplifies the focus on self-development." On the other hand, Sagittarius risings will be affected differently. "This is their 11th house of friendship and so they can focus on their community and aspirations, etc."

If you're a Libra, one of your goals may be to get serious about your fitness goals or setting boundaries that feel true to you. If you're a Sagittarius, you may be focused on exploring friend date ideas that allow you to bond with your best friends — or you may even be exploring the potential for friendship breakups, letting go of the relationships that no longer serve them.

The point is, regardless of your sun sign, you have Libra somewhere on your birth chart. Once you recognize this area — and what that area represents — you'll be able to facilitate change more specific to your needs.

How can people stay consistent when pursuing new goals?

cottonbro studio

Pursuing new goals sounds fun until you realize you have to stay consistent, right? We've all been there to a degree — but there are ways to work around it, according to Tse. "Implementing structured daily rituals can create a strong foundation for consistency. Setting specific times for activities integrates them into your routine naturally," she says. This can look like setting alarms on your phone so you can allot time for whatever you want to do. But, why does this help us stay on track? "Tracking progress visually, like with a calendar, reinforces commitment," Tse shares.

If you're still struggling with procrastination, Tse says you can ask friends and other people you look up to for help, because "having someone to share successes and challenges with can keep motivation high." However, don't let your ambitious nature convince you that you have to tackle everything at one time. The last thing we want you to experience is burnout, so Tse has three key boundaries you can set in place:

  • Break the journey into smaller, manageable tasks to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • Connect each goal to a larger purpose or personal value to maintain passion.
  • Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities and adjust the approach, rather than viewing them as failures.

How can you remain authentic throughout yet another internet trend?

Polina Tankilevitch

Still on the fence about what goals you should be pursuing? Zampieri says to avoid what doesn't resonate with you. "If starting afresh now makes you feel good and you like to work under a deadline, set those new goals," she says excitedly. But, she's not convinced it's something you have to do if you're not 100% sure about the 'October Theory.'

"If you are naturally more drawn inward during this time of year and prefer to wind down instead, do that (particularly Scorpio risings as this is their 12th house natally which is more introspective). Don't let the internet pressure you into anything," she insists.

This is especially true if all the talk about setting new goals ahead of next year is triggering anxious thoughts. Zampieri says, "If someone feels negatively affected by the 'October Theory,' they can try to regain some perspective by looking back to last year instead," she Zampieri says. "Sometimes it is easier to see how far we've come by reflecting on where we were this time a year ago. Alternatively, someone can focus on the rhythm of the seasons instead: nature is naturally preparing to hibernate now and so can we."

Just because the 'October Theory' has gone viral doesn't mean your life will be incomplete if you're not participating in it. It's an interesting concept, but you should ultimately choose whatever feels closely aligned with where you are in life. No journey is linear, so don't worry about this timeline — but if you do need a boost, then this trend has you covered.

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Celebrities really aren't that different from us. They experiment with their fashion, they have their tried-and-true party recipes, and they get serious celebrity crushes. And we can actually thank Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter Apple (and her celeb crush on Timothée Chalamet) for the GOOP founder's return to the big screen. Marty Supreme marks the first time Gwyneth Paltrow has been in a movie since 2019's Avengers: Endgame, and as soon as Apple heard about the Dune star's involvement in the new movie, "she pleaded with her mom to accept," according to a Daily Mail source.

We don't actually have an official synopsis for the movie yet, but Variety reports that the fictional movie could be inspired by the life and career of professional ping pong player Marty Reisman, who passed away in 2012. Here's everything you need to know about the film, including the beloved rapper making his film debut.

Gwyneth Paltrow And Timothée Chalamet Get, Um, Cozy For 'Marty Supreme'

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd see Timothée Chalamet and Gwyneth Paltrow making out — especially not on a random Thursday morning. But TBH, I'm equally as focused on Gwyneth's outfit as I am on the actual kiss. It's totally giving The Royal Tenenbaums.

See The First Set Photos From 'Marty Supreme'

The first leaks from Marty Supreme show Timothée Chalamet with a brand new haircut and a mustache. (I was wondering why he cut all his hair off!). He is barely recognizable and my first thought when I saw these photos was "Oh!" His trousers + button down + tie combo is vintage, but I definitely want a pair of red leather gloves for fall 2024.

And can we get Timothée in a sweater vest for the rest of time?

What is the new ping pong movie?

Marty Supreme Plot

Timothée Chalamet's new movie Marty Supreme is a ping pong movie, and word on the street is it's inspired by the late Marty Reisman. On July 15, A24 confirmed Timothée's casting on X (formerly Twitter) with a photo of a ping pong ball with "Marty Supreme" written on it above three stars and "Made in America."

The style of A24's ping pong ball looks similar to real-life ping pong balls used in the 1960s, which definitely supports the idea Marty Supreme could take place in the 60s or 70s. And this isn't the first time we'll see Timothée Chalamet in a vintage biopic! The actor is starring as Bob Dylan in A Complete Unknown, which hits theaters this Christmas.

Who's in the Marty Supreme cast?

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Coachella/Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for Warner Bros. Pictures/Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Marty Supreme Cast

In addition to Timothée Chalamet and Gwyneth Paltrow, Tyler the Creator just joined the cast of Marty Supreme. Josh Safdie and Ronald Bronstein are writers, as well as producers alongside Timothée Chalamet, Eli Bush, and Anthony Katagas.

When is Marty Supreme coming out?

Marty Supreme Release Date

We don't have an official release date for the movie yet. Stay tuned to see when Marty Supreme will hit theaters!

Can't wait to see Timothée Chalamet onscreen again? Read up on why the A Complete Unknown Trailer Cements Timothée Chalamet As An Oscar Contender.

This post has been updated.

I thought my days of having painful period cramps were over after giving birth and getting an IUD, but last month proved me wrong. There was a time I could pinpoint the source of my bloating and other PMS symptoms, but I've stopped paying as much attention to what I eat lately...and things have gotten way off track.

Since I'm tired of suffering, I decided to reach out to Urologist Dr. Eric Margolis to how the food you eat can impact your period cramps. If you're wondering how Urologists can help with this issue, it's because they're trained to treat urinary and reproductive conditions (via Cleveland Clinic). Take it from someone whose had to see one before!

So let's get into all the top tips Dr. Margolis has to offer!

What causes cramps when someone is PMSing or on their period?

Polina Zimmerman

Consider yourself lucky if you don't struggle with PMS — I'd honestly love to trade places with you for a day. According to the Office on Women's Health, almost three in four women say they experience PMS, and the National Institutes of Healthnotes that one in ten women deal with painful period cramps every month. In other words, some of us are genuinely struggling to function without really understanding why we're in so much pain. What gives?

"Cramps, or dysmenorrhea, occur due to the release of chemicals called prostaglandins during menstruation. These chemicals cause the uterus to contract in order to shed its lining," Dr. Margolis says. What people tend to feel is the result of contractions" becoming "too intense," thus causing them to "cut off blood flow and oxygen to the surrounding muscle tissue, leading to pain." Dr. Margolis also wants you to know, "The higher the level of prostaglandins, the more severe the cramps are likely to be."

If that sounds painful, just know it is! I never thought about the actual process our bodies go through during menstruation, so understanding that better makes me want to be kinder to be my body. Still, does this mean cramps are normal?

Are period cramps normal?


Dr. Margolis says that period cramps are "a normal part of the menstrual cycle for many people." He explains that "mild to moderate cramps" typically occur towards the beginning of your period, as your uterus is contracting. IDK about you, but it's definitely nice to know that cramps are a part of the process and they don't necessarily mean anything's wrong. However, this doesn't mean you should ignore severe pain.

"If the pain is severe and disrupts daily life, it might indicate an underlying condition that requires medical attention," Dr. Margolis says. Only you know the level of pain you're able to handle monthly, but there are definitely some key factors that can help you identify what is considered "abnormal" when it comes to your period cramps.

When are severe period cramps considered abnormal?


"Severe cramps that are unmanageable with over-the-counter medications or last for an extended period may indicate underlying health issues," Dr. Margolis continues. Based on his experience, these conditions can be "fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)" which "often cause more intense pain."

Prior to my painful period cramps returning, I underwent Laparoscopy surgery in 2019 to rule out endometriosis as the culprit for unbearable cycles. My OBGYN didn't find that, but she discovered a large fibroid nestled in the side of one of my uterine walls which needed to be removed.

Some of the signs Dr. Margolis says you need to pay attention to are:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Irregular periods
  • Pain during sex
  • Bleeding between periods

If you notice these symptoms, Dr. Margolis implores you to consult with your doctor about them. Truthfully, it took years for someone to take my pain seriously, so I also recommend you keep advocating for yourself if you're dealing with cramps that feel abnormal.

What's the worst thing to eat before your period?

Pavel Danilyuk

Here comes my favorite topic — food! I love eating all kinds of food, but I'm having to relearn how to balance hormones all over again. Between that and my digestive system, I know my undisciplined eating is the root cause of painful period cramps, but I've forgotten what I should be avoiding.

Dr. Margolis says, "Highly processed foods, sugar, and salty snacks should be avoided. They can increase inflammation, contribute to bloating, and worsen cramps. Caffeine and alcohol can also dehydrate the body and lead to more discomfort during menstruation."

I feel like your jaw just dropped in disbelief because most of the things that make periods so painful taste so good. I mean, who doesn't love snacks, coffee, and yummy cocktails? Sigh...as much as we may love or crave them, they're not always the best things to indulge in when we're already going through so many bodily changes.

What foods should someone eat to lessen painful period cramps?

olia danilevich

But, there's things we can do to lessen our chances of suffering every month. Dr. Margolis says, "Anti-inflammatory foods are particularly helpful for reducing period cramps." He says these include the following:

  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale, which are high in magnesium and calcium
  • Fatty fish such as salmon or sardines, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation
  • Nuts and seeds that contain magnesium, which can relax muscles and reduce pain
  • Fruits like bananas and berries, which provide antioxidants and potassium, aiding in muscle relaxation and inflammation reduction
  • Whole grains that are a good source of fiber and help regulate blood sugar, preventing spikes that may worsen cramps
We have a ton of healthy dinner recipes and a clean eating grocery list here! Hopefully if you start incorporating these into your diet, you can part ways with painful period cramps for good.

Is it actually possible to avoid sugar before and during your period?

Tim Samuel

Sugar is in a lot of things we eat and drink so I asked Dr. Margolis if there's a way to avoid it altogether. He says, "It’s challenging, but not impossible to avoid sugar entirely. Cravings for sugary foods often increase due to hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle." I don't know about you, but I always crave specific things like sugary juice, muffins, or cupcakes right before and during my period. It's like my brain knows they're going to cause more harm than good, but my hormones demand them.

As a replacement, Dr. Margolis believes "reducing sugar intake by opting for natural sweeteners like fruits or healthier alternatives like dark chocolate can help curb cravings." Also, there's more benefits to putting down the artificial stuff. "Cutting back on sugar may also help in managing inflammation and stabilizing mood and energy levels during your period," says Dr. Margolis.

In short, painful period cramps don't have to rule my life or yours, but it does require us to make a few diet changes. I've done it before and it starts with being consistent on a daily basis. I've talked about it before, but the food diary I used to keep truly helped me stay on track and pinpoint my triggers. It's worth trying if you're tired of being doubled over in pain each month!

We have even more wellness tips to help you live your healthiest life, so make sure to bookmark them when you need a little extra help!

Haley James Scott and Peyton Sawyer might be best friends on One Tree Hill, but when fans realized actresses Bethany Joy Lenz and Hilarie Burton don't follow each other on social media, they speculated things weren't so friendly in the real world. And on the October 16 episode of Alex Cooper's Call Her Daddy podcast, while promoting her new book Dinner for Vampires Life on a Cult TV Show (While also in an Actual Cult!), Lenz seemingly confirmed that something had happened between the costars.


"I love Hilarie,” she says. “I have always and will always and I don’t have any problem with her...There have been some bizarre misunderstandings that I really hope we can figure out one day, but I love that girl."

The "bizarre misunderstandings" in question could be related to political views and artistic differences. On February 29, the same day Lenz announced Dinner for Vampires, Hilarie Burton posted a graphic claiming "Imitation isn't the highest form of flattery," which some fans considered a reference to the similarities between their two book covers. Deuxmoi also claims the Tree Hill alums clash over LGBTQ+ views.

Warner Bros. Television

Rumors of a feud intensified when Burton announced she was stepping back from the One Tree Hill rewatch podcast Drama Queens (which she co-hosted with Lenz and Sophia Bush). “We have reached the end of my behind-the-scenes experience on the show, and so I really started to question what I brought to this, but also how we keep that storytelling alive and important,” Burton said on the July 8 episode.

This decision to leave the show, and be replaced by Robert Buckley, confused fans even further. "We already had to experience the heartbreak of Hilarie leaving/getting kicked off the show as a regular. And now the podcast?" one Instagram comment reads. "Hilarie adds WAY too much entertainment to the show, we need her."

"Hilarie was very much looking forward to watching season 7 through 9 way back at the start of the podcast," another adds. "Disappointing 😞"

Warner Bros. Television

While Bethany Joy Lenz' appearance on Call Her Daddy provides OTH fans with plenty of behind-the-scenes details (like the how the "most iconic" Nathan & Haley moment was that kiss in the rain), she also talks about being part of the Big House Family Cult — and how she basically "disappeared for 10 years."

While there was "nothing to be suspicious about" at first, her experience in the group morphed into something that left her isolated and dealing with the effects of PTSD.

"The stakes were so high," she tells People. "They were my only friends. I was married into this group. I had built my entire life around it. If I admitted that I was wrong...everything else would come crumbling down."

Warner Bros. Television

Despite the fact the group convinced her she couldn't trust her One Tree Hill costars, Bethany Joy Lenz has had plenty of opportunities to bond with them since the show wrapped in 2012. In addition to Drama Queens, the One Tree Hill cast recently reunited for OTH Day in Wilmington, North Carolina, where they shot the show.

"Dangit, I love spending time with my Tree Hill family!" Lenz said in an Instagram post. "THANK YOU to everyone who came out! It never gets old visiting Tree Hill and seeing the love you guys continue showing all of us."

And while news of a sequel series was leaked in September, both Hilarie Burton and Bethany Joy Lenz say it's "too early" to confirm who will be returning. Stay tuned for the latest news!

Warner Bros. Television

Can't get enough of One Tree Hill? Check out why This One Moment Proves Brooke Davis Is The Best Character.

As a chronic binge-watcher and hopeless romantic, I've fallen in love with numerous TV show couples over the years. And while every couple I come across may not be end game, some of them have the all-time best kisses to grace our televisions. From a classic couple like Luke and Lorelai to my controversial take on Dan and Blair, there are just some kisses that are earth-shatteringly good. You know — the hand-in-the-hair, passionate kisses that you've waited for season after season? Yeah, those.

So, without further ado, this is my definitive ranking of the best TV show kisses of all time!

20th Century Fox Television

Nick and Jess from New Girl

My #1 favorite TV kiss of all time is Jess and Nick's first kiss. It's truly unbeatable! This will-they-won't-they situation left us all begging for them to finally get together — and boy, did they come through! The tension and chemistry between this pair had me truly convince they must be a couple in real life. This kiss had so much passion, and it made fans everywhere so happy that it FINALLY happened. Honorable mention for Cece and Schmidt, because they're also a fave TV couple!


Joanne and Noah from Nobody Wants This

Joanne and the Hot Rabbi — I mean Noah — come in at #2 here. I haven't fallen in love with a show this hard in such a long time, and their first kiss made me feel the same way I did when I watched New Girl. It had all the same passion, pent-up chemistry, and even the whole going-in-for-seconds thing going for it. Let's hope we get even more of their amazing chemistry in season 2!

Getty Images

Rachel and Ross from Friends

Rachel and Ross are a classic TV couple — and for good reason. We fell in love with their on-again-off-again relationship over so many seasons, but most of all we admired their ability to put the past behind them (ie: the "we were on a break" situation of it all). But I'm still not over their season 2 kiss in the coffee shop...itt was everything! Truly one of the best TV kisses ever.

20th Century Fox Television

Luke and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls

Hello, the friends-to-lovers arc has officially entered the chat! Being a romantic doesn't just mean you want the whole "love at first sight" thing. It can also be romantic to have the foundation of a friendship over years and years, because that creates the ultimate compatibility, IMO! These two are the perfect example of that, and their first kiss was well worth the wait.

ABC Entertainment

Fitz and Olivia from Scandal

These two quite literally invented the word chemistry, and since it's about time for my annual re-watch of the show, of course I had to add Fitz and Olivia to the list. While their first kiss occurred before the first episode technically, their first on-screen kiss was one of the most memorable ever! I rewatch this literally every single year — and their fiery relationship has everything to do with it. If you haven't watched it yet... consider it time.


Charlotte and George from Queen Charlotte

Often dubbed as the best story in the Bridgerton world, Queen Charlotte has one of the best kisses, too! In this show, you truly see how compassion, respect, loyalty, and kindness come together to create a fierce passion for one another that translates so beautifully into Charlotte and George's first kiss. You want to root for them, episode after episode. Can we get another season of this please?!

Warner Bros. Television

Dan and Blair from Gossip Girl

Okay hear me out on this...while I love Chuck and Blair (and I really, really do), I happen to think Blair and Dan's relationship is one of the most romantic of the series. Like I said before, I love a good friends-to-lovers arc, and these two are the epitome of that. Well...maybe enemies-to-friends-to-lovers... but still! Their kiss was so unexpectedly romantic.

BTW, you can't even try to convince me that Dan loves Serena as much as he loved Blair — it's not even close.


Fran and Mr. Sheffield from The Nanny

An oldie, but definitely a goodie. With so many seasons of their banter, jealousy, and back-and-forth, Fran and Mr. Sheffield finally get together with a phenomenal first kiss. This was honestly a defining memory for my younger self — these two really showed so much passion, admiration, and love. I just love these two!


Leslie and Ben from Parks and Recreation

I love a grumpy/sunshine trope, and Leslie and Ben deliver all that and then some. I rooted so hard for these two when Ben first entered the scene, but I was totally unsure if they would end up together, because of Leslie's, well...insanely positive attitude and outlook on life. But when they finally kissed and got together? It just made sense! Tiny park forever! (Also fully obsessed with April and Andy in this show too — talk about a slow burn!)


Colin and Penelope from Bridgerton

I couldn't forget yet another classic Bridgertoncouple — especially given that season 3 was one of the most popular yet! While I had mixed feelings on the season as a whole (season 1 really is so hard to beat!), I truly loved Polin's dynamic and how pure the love confessions were. While the first kiss wasn't truly love-filled, it was indeed filled with chemistry — and lots of it!


Pam and Jim from The Office

Oh Jim and Pam. They're a couple that will always be in the history books as one of the best and most romantic TV couples. You can tell from day one how obsessed they are with each other, not just as romantic interests but as besties too. Which is what everyone hopes for in a relationship! As a gal who married her best friend, myself, their first kiss has always been one of my favorites!


Damon and Elena from The Vampire Diaries

One of the most passionate first kisses? It has to be Damon and Elena. Their chemistry was all about passion and lust and love, all at once. Their chemistry was truly undeniable — so much so, that the actors even dated in real life for quite some time! This show definitely did such a good job with this couple, making sure they exuded passion, mystery, and romance at every kiss. Plus, the soundtracks were always 10/10 during those moments, too!

Getty Images

Chandler and Monica from Friends

Gimme all the friends-to-lovers moments, and I'll eat them up every single time! These two were seemingly inevitable — the epitome of end game. We were all convicted it was going to happen at some time, which is why it's so funny to see how shocked all of their friends were when they finally got together. As you can see, this kiss was truly...everything. You can just sense the longing and anticipation between them — so romantic! Needless to say, we miss Matthew Perry big time.


Kurt and Blaine from Glee

I think we all remember exactly where we were when we witnessed the oh-so-romantic first kiss between Blaine and Kurt. From the love confession to the romance, it was all so sweet — a total 10/10 kiss. BRB...going to rewatch every season of Glee immediately just so I can relive this touching moment!

The CW

Summer and Seth from The O.C.

Adam Brody making this list twice...ICONIC of him. I shouldn't be surprised though — that man has always oozed charisma and romance since his Gilmore Girlsdays. Seriously though, of course I had to add him to the list for Seth and Summer's first kiss! They'll always be our faves.

Amazon Studios

Fleabag and Hot Priest from Fleabag

Hot Priest walked so Hot Rabbi could fly... I don't think there is a hotter TV kiss than this one right here! I truly devoured this show, loving every minute of the Hot Priest Fleabag graced us with. When these two kissed, it was so forbidden, so truly insane — and I freaking loved it. I can't even talk about it for too long, because the ending just rips my heart out every time.

Warner Bros. Television

Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl

Since we talked about Dan and Blair, I have to redeem myself and also mention Chuck and Blair — because I really do love them, I swear! Every kiss they shared was so good, and I stand by the fact that no one loved each other as much as these two did. And although I feel bad for Dan, ultimately Chuck and Blair were the best match and they exude pure romance every episode. A 10/10 for me, all around.

Amazon Studios

Ruby and James from Maxton Hall

I just binged Maxton Hall in one sitting with my husband and OMG...it's so good. Ruby and James' first kiss was one of my favorites I've seen in a while, and it has me dying for a season 2 already! They're already filming, so fingers crossed we get more of their enemies-to-lovers romance soon!

Amazon Studios

Jane and Guildford from My Lady Jane

This show quickly became an obsession of mine, bringing back true yearning on TV! It's giving "Mr. Darcy hand touch" — and that kiss?! I'll never forgive Amazon Prime for canceling this show. Their romance was widely loved by the masses, so fingers crossed another network will pick up this wildly romantic show ASAP!

20th Century Fox Television

Scully and Mulder from The X Files

There's not many shows that you have to wait 7 whole seasons for the main characters to finally get together, but this one really tests your patience in that regard. I mean, talk about a slow burn! This was the longest burn to have ever burned! But when these two finally kissed, it was well worth it to say the least.

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